3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

ACT寫作改革之後,明確規定評分標準從四個維度進行:Ideas and Analysis(想法與分析),Development and Support(想法與支持),Organization(文章組織)Language Use(語言應用),兩位專業的考官會從以上4個方向分別打分,最終摺合成平均分數。今天我們重點來討論一下Language Use。同學們在寫作時遇到的大問題就是句型表達過於簡單。但其實一些很容易掌握的句式,可以讓你的行文瞬間up up up! 這篇文章給大家介紹一種ACT高分寫作句式里屢試不爽的利器:強調句。在以後的寫作中可以多多嘗試哦。1. 用助動詞「do(does/did)+動詞原形」來表示強調這是最為簡單的一種方式,但童鞋們在運用的時候是不是往往都忽略了?我們看看例子。例1: Artificial intelligence does allow many avenues in research and exploration.人工智慧確實能允許對許多場景的研究和探索。例2:Intelligent machines did contribute a lot to the economy booming in the last two decades, yet we have to reconsider it now.智能機器在過去二十年裡對經濟做出了相當的貢獻,但現在我們得重新考慮。2. 用what引導的主語從句表示強調例3:What is certain is that we are moving into this change too fast to anticipate and prevent damage to the human species. 可以肯定的是,我們現在正在快速地進行改變,以至於無暇預測或預防對人類產生的任何破壞。3. 用形容詞 very,only,single,such, last 等修飾名詞或形容詞來加強語氣例4:That's the very reason why we should slow down the reckless development to reconsider the economic implications. 這正是為什麼我們需要減慢不計後果的發展,來重新考慮對經濟的影響。例5:Reserving tradition is not the only the only way to maintain our culture.保持傳統並不是我們我們保持文化的唯一方式。例6:A single mistake by President Nixon made him resign for his presidency, which shows such mistake is intolerable.僅僅一個錯誤就使尼克松總統退位,這表明這種錯誤是不能容忍的。4. It is強調句It is/was+被強調的成分+that/who,所強調的可以是單詞、短語,也可以是從句,但必須保證其結構完整。被強調部分可以是主語、表語、賓語、同位語、狀語。例7:(對主語強調)It is the unscrupulous hackers who should be responsible for the misused identities and the spread of celebrities 『privacy which humiliate them.不道德的黑客們應該為盜用的賬戶和名人隱私的泄露負責,這使得名人受到羞辱。例8:(對狀語強調)It is through connecting some products with human merits such as confidence, elegance, and success that advertisements manipulate people』s subconscious.廣告正是通過把一些產品與人的價值如自信、優雅和成功等結合起來,來操縱人的潛意識。例9:(對賓語強調)It is intelligent machines that we use to free human labor. 我們正是使用智能機器來解放人類勞動力。註:強調句中的時態要根據原句的時態而定。即原句為過去某種時態,則強調句中的be就用過去時。原句為現在某種時態,強調句中的be就用現在時態。有時還可以用It might be/must have been/can』t be…that等句式。5. not ... until ... 句型的強調句句型為:It is/ was not until + 被強調部分 + that + 其它部分,表示「直到......才......」例10:It was not until the racial segregation was eradicated that people realized the importance of a multiethnic government.直到種族隔離制度被推翻,人們才意識到一個多種族的政府的重要性。例11:It is not until recently that people get aware of the importance of disclosure of government information.直到最近人們才意識到公開政府信息的重要性。以上就是5個典型的強調句句式。接下來我們來看看強調句是如何在段落中發揮作用的。 例12:Before 18th Century, women in the world have no political right. People』s very notion was that women were naturally kinder and more concerned about children and the elderly. National and international organizations formed to coordinate efforts to gain voting rights, especially in Germany, the International Woman Suffrage Alliance (founded in 1904, Berlin,). They held many protests including demonstrations, parades. In USA, they gathered pickets in front of the White House. It was not until 1869 that State Wyoming approved the first law in United States history explicitly granting women the right to vote. Women turned out to be an indispensible part of modern political world 例13:Children these days are inundated by media that is saturated with messages of wealth and materialism, from celebrity magazines that feature mansions and expensive cars to start-up millionaires (and even billionaires) in their 20』s to reality TV shows in which ordinary people get rich with little talent or effort. It is the message that Children get early makes them to believe that the way to distinguish themselves is with money. A recent survey shows that 81 percent of young people rate 「getting rich」 as their most important goal.這就是強調句的主要用法,大家要熟記強調句的幾種句型,並且在寫作的時候有意識的應用,來增強意思的表達和語言的多樣性。當然,倒裝句也是另外一種重要的強調句型,我們有機會再做討論。(from ACT謎)原文地址:http://www.onebest.cn/content-94-4754-1.html

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