3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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18300:0005:19大家應該看到了今天的消息有兩條圖文;第二條圖文裡面是經典真題的講解。我確定大家在市面上看不到比這個更好的解析了。(這裡面是1999到2003有價值的真題!)大家可以點開做一做,看一看我相信你會有大收穫!今天上了9個多小時的課,又和集訓營過生日的同學一起過生日!累並充實著!很開心!加油!阿黛爾6月底向冬粉致公開通道歉取消兩場已經售盡的演唱會,她寫道:「我不知道怎麼開口。前兩晚我已經力不從心了。我的聲帶已經不能再堅持。」音樂產業最有力的年輕之聲陷入沉默。年僅29歲的阿黛爾已經是第二次聲帶受傷,第一次她通過高風險的聲帶微手術找回了聲音。然而聲樂老師Lisa Paglin和Marianna Brilla在那次手術時就已經把聲譽賭上,準確地預料到阿黛爾會因傷再次離開舞台,原因是手術治標並未治本。他們認為當前越來越多的藝術家面臨嚴重的聲帶損傷,是因為自從瓦格納以來人們就開始崇尚一種不自然的演唱方式,張得不能再大的嘴巴,大口大口的呼吸,面部表情極其駭人。這種發聲方式已經導致大量歌唱家失去聲音。也許我們太習慣現在的表演方式,太習慣了尖叫出來的高音和宣洩,忘記了在貝尼亞米諾·吉里的時代,壓根就沒有聽說過聲帶受損這回事,那時所有的表演者唱歌都帶著自然輕鬆的愉快表情。每一種嗓音都有特殊的處理方法,力圖服從本能,掌握令自已舒適的發聲方式,才是長久之道。今天的句子:They aim to stimulate the cords precisely where they aren』t coming together properly, and to break students out of the bad habits that cause problems in the first place: taking big gulps of air,tensing the throat and jaw muscles, forcing the mouth to open to exaggerated proportions, and the urge to scream out the high notes. 辭彙突破:notes音節音符確定主幹:They aim to stimulate the cords precisely and to break students out of the bad habits(grow out of the bad habit :改掉壞習慣)切分成分:1.where they aren』t coming together properly地點狀語從句2.that cause problems in the first place定語從句列舉:3.taking big gulps of air habits4.tensing the throat and jaw muscles habits5.forcing the mouth to open to exaggerated proportions habits6.and the urge to scream out the high notes habits參考譯文:他們的目標是準確刺激聲帶中未正常聚攏的地方,並讓學生打破首先導致問題的壞習慣:大口吸氣,緊繃喉嚨和顎肌,強迫嘴巴張到誇張的程度,以及尖叫出高音的衝動。明天的句子:The pools have heat to catalyze reactions, dry spells in which complex molecules called polymers can be formed from simpler units, wet spells that float these polymers around, and further drying periods that maroon them in tiny cavities where they can interact and even become concentrated in compartments of fatty acids—the prototypes of cell membranes.

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