3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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「霉霉」泰勒·斯威夫特控告前DJ 戴維·繆勒 (David Mueller)騷擾一案近日終於有了結果,陪審團裁定泰勒勝訴,獲象徵性賠償1美元。 Pop superstar Taylor Swift was celebrating Monday after winning a sexual assault lawsuit against a former radio DJ she accused of groping her. A jury in Denver federal court deliberated for four hours before allowing her complaint that David Mueller had fondled her buttocks during a photo opportunity in 2013. Swift was awarded the nominal $1 in damages she had asked for, capping an emotional day for the "Bad Blood" singer, who had broken down in tears during the closing arguments. 4年前,在Taylor Swift 「Red」全球巡演期間, 戴維·繆勒進入了後台冬粉見面會與Taylor合影留念,並藉機揩油。 事情當下Taylor選擇了沉默,並立刻告訴了母親,還有自己的團隊,當時David Mueller直接被請出了演唱會現場。隨後David Mueller被停職處理。 2015年,繆勒起訴霉霉誹謗,並要求霉霉賠償其失業損失,共計三百萬美金。此後霉霉提出反訴,指控繆勒性騷擾和人身攻擊。而就在前不久,法庭駁回了繆勒的起訴。 David Mueller launched a $3 million lawsuit against Swift in 2015 for loss of earnings, arguing it was her allegations that had got him sacked, while the popstar counter-sued for sexual assault. US District Judge William Martinez scaled back the case Friday, ruling that there was no evidence for Mueller to be entitled to damages from Swift personally. 庭審過程中,繆勒一方表示不存在性騷擾,但是霉霉堅持表態:「當時我不論怎麼挪開,他的手依然抓著我。」 During an hour of testimony, Swift blasted a low-key characterization by Mueller's attorney, Gabriel McFarland, of what happened. While Mueller testified he never grabbed Swift, she insisted she was groped. "He stayed attached to my bare ass-cheek as I lurched away from him," Swift testified. 霉霉也發布聲明,感謝法庭做出的判決,也感謝其法律團隊的「為我抗爭,也為所有面對性騷擾而沉默的人抗爭。」 The 27-year-old diva issued a statement thanking the court and acknowledging her legal team for "fighting for me and anyone who feels silenced by a sexual assault." 霉霉還在聲明中表示,她將為性騷擾案件的受害者提供捐助:「我希望幫助那些需要被傾聽的人們。」 "My hope is to help those whose voices should also be heard," Swift said in a prepared statement, promising to make unspecified donations to groups that help victims of sexual assault. 霉霉律師也做了回應,表示「今天是全新的一天,雖然這樣做不為什麼好處,但泰勒還是勇敢地站了出來,她告訴了所有人『就是這樣,這就是底線。」 Swift』s lawyer Baldridge told press afterward, 「I think it』s a new day, because someone with the guts and the courage to stand up with absolutely no upside in doing so—that being Taylor Swift—has told everyone, 『This is it, the line』s drawn.』」熱門文章:這幾天全英國都炸了! 就是因為這部黛安娜王妃的私密錄像 (附完整紀錄片)吳京終於火了!就是敬佩你這樣的真漢子……《我的前半生》成話題爆款,原著黨們卻表示……共享腳踏車到了英國,也一樣逃脫不了被砸、被偷、被扔河裡的噩運……凱特終於和另一個王室圈最會穿的女人相遇了,這故事就很精彩了……【福利】各年級報紙最新合訂本上架啦!戳這裡進入商城開搶啦~「悅」讀暑假,開學秒變小學霸!爆款隨時可能斷貨,戳這裡購買~ 還有「21世紀杯」演講比賽精英選手高清演講光碟最新上架,戳這裡get英語演講最佳範本啦~

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