3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

【距離四六級考試僅剩4天】今天咱們繼續分享翻譯技巧下半部分各位看官請看~一、翻譯真題分析[2015年6月]是世界上最古老的文明之一。構成現代世界基礎的許多元素都起源於。現在擁有世界上發展最快的經濟,並正在經歷一次新的工業革命。還啟動了雄心勃勃的太空探索計劃,其中包括到2020年建成一個太空站。目前,是世界上最大的出口國之一,並正在吸引大量外國投資。同時,它也在海外投資數十億美元。2011年,超越日本成為世界第二大經濟體。[難點註釋]1、翻譯第一句時需要注意「…之一」的表述,「最古老的文明之一」可譯為one of the most ancient civilizations或one of the oldest civilizations。2、翻譯第二句時,需注意句子主幹為「元素起源於」,謂語動詞「起源於」可譯為be derived from或originate from;定語「構成現代世界基礎的」較長,可處理為定語從句修飾先行詞「元素」;「構成……基礎」可譯為construct the foundation of 或 from the basis of。3、翻譯第三句時, 需注意該句主語為「」,句中有兩個並列謂語「擁有」和「經歷」,「擁有」表示的是客觀事實們可以用一般現在時,「正經歷著」強調當時的情況,可採用現在進行時。4、第四句中,「太空探索計劃」可直譯為space exploration plan,也可譯為plan for exploring the outer space;「啟動」可譯為 launch或start。5、第五句和第三句結構相似,可以譯為兩個並列簡單句,也可以將「()正在吸引大量外國投資」譯為主句,時態為現在進行時。6、第六句為簡單句。其中「在海外投資」譯為 invest overseas。7、翻譯最後一句時注意時態,該句表述的是過去的事實,應使用一般過去時。[參考譯文]China is one of the most ancient civilizations across the world, from which many elements that construct the foundation of modern world are derived. Now China has the world』s fastest growing economy and is experiencing a new industrial revolution. It has also launched an ambitious space exploration plan, including the building of a space station by 2020. Currently, being one of largest exporters in the world, China is attracting massive foreign investment. Meanwhile, it has invested billions of dollars overseas as well. In 2011, China surpassed Japan, becoming the second largest economic entity in the world.二、經濟類翻譯短語宏觀經濟: macro economy微觀經濟: micro economy社會主義市場經濟: socialist market economy知識經濟: knowledge economy網路經濟: Internet-based economy經濟規律: law of economy大規模生產: mass production生產力: productive forces生產關係: relations of production公有制: public ownership私有制 :private ownership國有企業: state-owned enterprises (SOEs)私營企業: private business民營企業: privately-run business中小企業 :small and medium enterprises (SMEs)連鎖企業: franchise / chain business國民生產總值: Gross National Product (GNP)國內生產總值: Gross Domestic Product (GDP)實際增長率: growth rate in real terms年均增長率: average growth rate per annum可持續增長: sustainable growth經濟效益: economic returns投資回報率: rate of return on investment衰退: recession宏觀調控: macro control提高經濟效益: enhance economic performance扭虧為盈: turn a loss-making business into a profitable one優化經濟結構: optimize economic structure擴大內需: expand domestic demand經濟轉軌: the economic transition經濟繁榮: an economic boom經濟特區: a special economic zone經濟改革: economic reform「十二五規劃」:the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development經濟繁榮: economic boom發達國家: developed countries不發達國家: underdeveloped countries發展家: developing countries版權: copyright專利: patent商標: trademark互通有無: mutual exchange of needed products法治: rule of law平等互利: equality and mutual benefit信息時代: information age研究開發: research and development創新: innovation尖端科技: state-of-the-art technology社會治安情況: public security situation改革開放(政策): the reform and opening-up policy附贈:一帶一路熱點翻譯剛剛看了一下後台本想著和酷星人嘮嘮嗑結果你們猜怎麼著整整一頁的留言都是要求小酷快點發作文套路噠還說再不發作文就要取關啦~小酷頓感冤枉並非小酷不推送作文而是把作文板塊放到最後想著距離考試越近大家能夠記得更清楚不會因為時間長了就忘記小酷的小小心思誰能懂?嚶嚶嚶~~~為了酷星人考得好成績,冤枉就冤枉吧!

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