3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

有關vegetable或者plant這道雅思口語題目,愁死了一大票娃,小時候好像貌似背過各種蔬菜的名字,但老師並沒有教過描寫這些蔬菜的素材…… 於是啊,推薦大家繞道走,多說說這個plant的特色或者功能,就不用糾結大大的葉子長長的根怎麼說了。 換個思路之後,我們就來想想一般plant的功能都有啥:首先,既然是plant,應該就能夠作為木材,可以做成chopsticks啦,toothpick啦,chopping board/cutting board啦,或者flooring之類的。而且有些musical instrument也是需要木頭的啊,例如drum啦,guitar啦啥的。當然,木質的furniture別忘了說。之後plant的葉子和果實也很有用啊,可以說是哪種動物的主食什麼的。 如果你特文藝,可以說說有某種寓意的植物,例如梅啦,松啦,柳啦,但是語文都沒學好的孩子不太推薦這個打法。 下面用竹子舉個例子: When I saw this topic, the first thing that popped into my head is bamboo, which is a plant that has hard hollow stems and grows mainly in the south of China. In ancient Chinese poetry, those poets always compared righteous people to bamboo, 『cause they are tough and stand straight all the time, no matter how windy or stormy it is. And it』s not uncommon for them to appear in Chinese artworks, 『cause they are well liked by artists because of their appearance and spirit. Besides, bamboo also plays a vital part in various aspects of our lives. For starters, bamboo raft is a major transport facility in the south of China where there are tons of lakes and rivers. Plus, it can be made into furniture. I have a chair made of bamboo, which is super durable and cool in hot summer. The best part is, it gives off a fragrant smell. My mom told me, those handmade bamboo furniture is really expensive compared to mass-produced ones, 『cause there』s no poisonous chemicals, so you see, it』s quite beneficial to our health. And also, some traditional Chinese musical instruments are made of bamboo, like flute, which really has a strong Chinese flavor. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, it』s pandas』 staple diet, and bamboo groves are a perfect playground for pandas. And um… on top of that, bamboo shoots are quite palatable and nutritious. So, it』s fair to say, bamboo is really an important plant in China. 語言點解析:pop = to suddenly appear, especially when not expected 例如: The window opened and a dog's head popped out. An idea suddenly popped into his head. The menu pops up when you click twice on the mouse. not uncommon = existing in large numbers or in many places 例如: It is not uncommon for college students to live at home. give off something = to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc. 例如: The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. The fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat. mass-produced = produced in large quantities, using machinery 例如: mass-produced goods staple diet = the food that a person or an animal normally eats 例如: a staple diet of meat and potatoes shoot = the part that grows up from the ground when a plant starts to grow; a new part that grows on plants or trees 例如: new green shoots 作者簡介:朱博,新東方吉林學校雅思口語美女講師,畢業於985院校大連理工大學,碩士保送一等獎學金。在校期間曾遊學美國,任出版社英語出版中心校對四年,工作嚴謹,活潑開朗,讓大家快樂的學習英語。

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