3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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聽說,最近不少人被一個初二學生一句「願你走出半生,歸來仍是少年」戳中,直呼「扎心了,老鐵」!近日,國外網友在Boredpanda網站上也分享了一些「如今時時懷念,小時候最愛做的事」,看看哪條最能戳中你的心。1Eat without worrying about the calories.隨便吃,根本不用考慮卡路里。2Honestly, the first thing that comes to my mind, is playing with all of my neighbourhood friends. The rushing back home right after the school day was over and then out again, knocking on all of your friends』 doors with a ball under your arm to see if they』re home yet. Those were good times.講真,我想到的第一件事就是和鄰居小夥伴們玩耍。每天一放學急匆匆地沖回家,夾著球去敲小夥伴們的家門,看看他們回來沒有。那些美好的日子啊。3Pretending to be asleep in the car when we pulled into the driveway so that my Dad would carry me inside and put me to bed.車子停的時候,就裝睡,因為爸爸會抱我進屋,把我放在床上。4Genuinely believing that there is magic in the world...真的相信這世界上有魔法……5Climbing the trees! I was a master back then! I've stopped for a while when I encountered a beehive in one of them. It was so scary that I just jumped without looking, and I wasn't sitting on the lowest branch, also, I had a lollypop in my hand so I was afraid that bees will love it. I guess I could do it now too... But I'm not that brave anymore.爬樹!小時候,我絕對是爬樹小能手!有段時間我不爬了,因為不巧遇到了蜂窩。那真是太嚇人了,我就看都沒看跳下了樹,我當時可不是坐在最低的樹枝上。而且,手上還拿了棒棒糖,我害怕招來蜜蜂。我想現在我還是能做到吧……只是,我已經沒那麼勇敢了。6Social media didn't exist when I was a kid. So I missed having friends actually call if they want to get to know me or come knock on my home door to ask my parents if I'm home to play. I just missed the simple activities of not being afraid to run and scream outside and not care who saw.在我小的時候,還沒有社交媒體。所以,我懷念的是那些因為想打給我而打給我的朋友們,那些會來敲我家門,問爸爸媽媽我是不是在家,要不要出去玩的朋友們。我就是懷念那些簡單的活動,在外面毫無顧忌地瘋跑、尖叫,不用管別人看到。7Missing people and relationships that no longer exist. Missing my siblings before we all moved out, and started our own lives and families. Missing my parents before they got divorced...懷念那些人、那些事,可惜再也回不去了。想念我的兄弟姐妹們,那時我們都還沒搬出去,開始自己的生活,組建自己的家庭。想念我的父母,那時他們還沒有離婚……8Summer break! No school, ice cream, watermelon, sun and friends. And somebody there to make sure you drink enough and use sun-screen, providing food anytime you're hungry and a ride home (thank you, Mama).暑假!不用上學、冰淇淋、西瓜、陽光和朋友們。還有人會照顧你,確保你好好喝了水,塗了防晒,餓的時候,總有吃的給你,會載你回家(媽媽,謝謝你)。9As a kid, I was so curious, excited and enthusiastic about a lot of things. I lost that somewhere and I wish that I could raise that kind of concern again.當我還是個孩子的時候,我對好多事物都充滿好奇,滿懷激情。我把這好奇心不知丟到哪裡去了,真想再體驗一把那樣的感覺。10Hanging onto my dad's leg and making him drag me around. 掛在爸爸的腿上,讓他拖著我打轉。11Waiting for the ice cream truck coming around all day long during summer and making it the most important thing of the whole day. And next day, you do the same! That music or sound, when it enters your street, which you won't forget, even you get older and older. I am sure, I will remember it in 20 or 30 years from now, every time I hear or see an ice cream truck. Seeing all the kids, with a smile on their faces, brings back some good memories. Those were the days!夏天的時候,整天盼著冰淇淋車來,那幾乎是我一天中最重要的事兒了。第二天,還是如此!當冰淇淋車開到街上的時候,那音樂,那動靜,是我一直難以忘卻的。我相信,就算20年、30年後,每當我看到或者聽到冰淇淋卡車,都會想起。看到孩子們掛著微笑的臉,美好的回憶湧上心頭。那就是我懷念的日子啊!12I was really good at math, so I could just sit in the back of the classroom.那時候,我數學特別好,所以可以坐在教室最後排。

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