3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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8月8日晚上6時30分許,十堰竹山一名農婦山中騎機車時,一條劇毒的五步蛇突然從天而降,將其手部咬傷。農婦想到可以為久別的兒子做一道菜,不顧危險,與毒蛇展開激烈較量。雖然腿部又被咬傷,她最終將蛇殺死。農婦對傷口進行緊急處理后通知家人,后被送往醫院救治,目前已脫離生命危險。 五步蛇,也稱尖蝮蛇,是毒蛇。毒蛇咬傷農婦兩次,為啥農婦最終脫離生命危險呢?答案是:她迅速被送往醫院,恰好醫院裡有抗尖蝮蛇的血清,及時注射血清才是關鍵!那麼,在現場我們應該採取哪些急救措施呢?不要浪費時間抓蛇,當然,能給蛇拍個照最好保持靜卧,不加快心率摘除咬傷部位所有衣物、飾品清創:迅速用大量的清水/肥皂水沖洗,配合塗抹1%碘伏溶液若有毒素風險:彈性繃帶加壓纏繞也叫壓力固定術撤離:儘早送醫使用抗毒血清不應該採取哪些措施呢?× 切開排血× 火燒傷口× 負壓抽吸× 冰敷因為沒有任何證據證明這些方法有效! 今天急救科普人找到了壓力固定術推薦的網站,大家可以在公眾號里回復「網址」查看。我在這裡複製並翻譯其中一部分內容:The Pressure Immobilisation Technique (PIT) is recommended for the application to bites and stings in the following creatures,壓力固定術推薦用於以下叮咬傷情況:All Australian venomous snakes,所有的澳大利亞有毒蛇Funnel Web Spiders,漏斗網蜘蛛Blue Ringed Octopus,藍環花枝Cone Shell,錐形貝The PIT is not recommended for the first aid of,壓力固定術不推薦用於以下叮咬傷情況::Other spider bites including redback spider,其他蜘蛛咬傷,包括紅背蜘蛛Jellyfish stings,水母咬傷Fish stings including stonefish bites,魚咬傷,包括石頭魚Stings from scorpions, centipede or beetles,蠍子、蜈蚣、甲蟲咬傷 If the victim is bitten or stung on a limb, apply a broad pressure bandage over the bite site as soon as possible. Elasticated bandages (10-15cm wide) are preferred over crepe bandages, if neither are available, clothing or other material should be used. The bandage should be firm and tight – you should be unable to easily slide a finger between the bandage and the skin.如果受害者被咬傷或蜇在肢體上,應儘快在咬傷部位施加寬壓力繃帶。 彈性繃帶(10-15厘米寬)優於紗布繃帶,如果兩者都不可用,應使用衣服或其他材料。 繃帶應牢固緊固-您應該無法輕鬆地將手指滑入繃帶和皮膚之間。 In order to further restrict lymphatic flow and to assist in immobilisation of the limb, apply a further pressure bandage, commencing at the fingers or toes of the bitten limb and extending upward covering as much of the limb as possible. The bandage should be applied over existing clothing. 為了限制淋巴流動並有助於肢體的固定,應該使用彈力繃帶,從被咬的肢體的手指或腳趾開始,並向上覆蓋儘可能多的肢體。 繃帶可以纏在衣服的外面。 Splint the Limb including joints on either side of the bite, to restrict the limb movement. For the upper limb, use a sling. Keep the victim calm and the limb completely at rest. Call for medical help and wait for them to arrive.夾板固定肢體,夾板要跨越被咬部位上下兩側的關節,以限制肢體運動。 對於上肢,可以懸吊。 讓受害者平靜,肢體完全靜止。 要求醫療幫助,等待他們到達。

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