3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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文藝風格的雙肩包、小巧玲瓏的小手包、百搭的斜挎包……女生的包包種類簡直不要太多!01Supported by shoulders with double handles and lies across the back.有兩個肩帶,背在背後。02baguette [bæ'get]法棍包Relatively long from side to side and small from top to bottom.左右長,上下窄。03barrel滾筒包Cylindrical, resembles a barrel.圓柱形包體,似桶狀。04bucket水桶包Roomy, shaped like a bucket, usually has an open top and shoulder strap.容量大,形似水桶狀。通常敞口,有肩帶。05clutch/envelope手抓包Small but long(rectangular), without a handle, for the evening. If similar to a letter, it's called envelope.很小,長方形,無提手,通常在晚會時攜帶。如果形似信封,也可以稱作信封包。06doctor復古醫生包Flat-bottomed with rounded sides, slightly elongated and two large handles over a collapsible metal frame.平底,兩側圓,包體稍長。頂部有可摺疊金屬封口,最上部有兩個較大的手提柄。07duffel/sea ['dʌfəl]行李袋Large, usually for travel or sports; in the past, used mainly by sailors.容量大,通常旅行或運動時用。在過去,主要是水手用這種包。08Featuring a folding flap closure.明顯的標誌是,包口處有一塊摺疊下來的皮革。09Quite rigid, rectangular shaped, similar to a mony purse.外殼較硬,長方形,和錢包差不多。10Large, shoulder carried, with a main compartment closure.容量大,肩包,有隔層封閉。11messenger/sling bag郵差包/手機包With a long strap to be worn across the body; if smaller, it's a sling bag.有著長長的肩帶,斜著背。要是再小點,也可以叫手機包。12minaudiere [ˌmiːnəʊˈdjɛə]化妝包For the evening, with a hard case and often covered in beads or crystals.晚宴用,外殼較硬,表面多有珠子、水晶等裝飾。13quilted絎縫手袋Features a topstitched pattern similar to a quilt.表皮有絎縫紋路,類似被子的縫格。14saddle馬鞍包Originally a bag hung over a saddle.最初掛在馬鞍上。15Cambridge satchel ['sætʃəl]劍橋包Top closure, top carry handle, flat bottom; similar to vintage school bags.頂部封口,頂部有提手,平底。有點像復古書包。16Large, top closure, carry handle.容量大,頂部封口,有提手。17tote [təʊt]托特包Large, often unfastened bag with parallel handles, thick leather at its handles or bottom.容量大,通常較松垮,有手提帶,提手或底部為厚皮革。18wristlet ['ristlit]手腕袋Clutch shaped with an attached strap.形似手抓包,有一條手拎帶。你知道嗎,有時候通過包包偏好,也可以看出一個人的性格哦,不妨來看看。BackpackBackpack wearers like adventure.喜歡雙肩包的人,愛探險。Comfort and style is your mantra. You want a hands-free lifestyle, without compromising on fashion statement. You believe in healthy living and just like your mind, your backpacks are clutter-free.舒服和時尚,是你的口頭禪。你想要一種解脫雙手的自由感,絕不會向所謂的「時尚宣言」妥協。你推崇健康的生活方式,雙肩包簡潔大方,正如你的思想。ToteTote lovers are opinionated and steadfast.喜歡托特包的人,固執而堅定。Are you someone who is going to voice your opinion, even when it's unpopular? If you're a goal-setter with a strong sense of initiative, we bet you carry a tote bag. You are an organizer who is not afraid to take an initiative and taking a stand for your strong beliefs.喜歡用托特包的你,是不是會大聲表達自己的觀點,哪怕你的意見並不受歡迎呢?如果你目標感明確、富有創造精神,我打賭你一定喜歡托特包。你是一位組織者,你不懼困難,勇於開拓,會堅持自己的信念。Cross-body fans don't need to carry a million products.喜歡斜挎小包的人,沒那麼多東西要帶。Less is more, 'fun'-ctional, and subtle yet bold are some of the adjectives you'd use to define your bag preferences. You aren't weighed down, yet you still make an impression when you're on the move.少即是多,有趣又有用,微妙但出挑,這就是你的包包偏好。你卸重前行,但走在路上仍是一道亮麗的風景。BriefcaseBriefcase wearers are confident and determined.喜歡公文包的人,自信、堅定。Modern and independent, you are a goal-oriented woman with a clear point of view and a strong self image.現代、獨立,你是一個目標導向性很強的女子。思路清晰,自我形象強大。「公文包是給男人用的。」對於如此狹隘的觀點,你一定會哈哈大笑。Shoulder-bagShoulder-bag girlls like to show their status.喜歡肩包的妹子,喜歡顯示自己的身份。Your bag is a status symbol. You care about utility, but also about displaying all the bells and whistles.你的包是身份和品味的象徵。你追求實用,也喜歡展示其他裝飾品。肩包對你來說,是潮和成功的象徵。所以你愛包如命,會不遺餘力地買包包、買包包、買包包。Hard Shell-clutchHard shell-clutch fans love hitting the town.喜歡硬殼手抓包的人,喜歡逛。You live to laugh, socialize, dance, and feel young —preferably all whilst in a little black dress.你生來喜歡大笑、社交、跳舞,年輕而充滿活力。手抓一枚精緻小包的你,很可能同時穿著一條經典永流傳的小黑裙。WalletWallet carriers never expect the worst.喜歡拿錢包的妹子,凡事都很樂觀。As an ultimate idealist, when you leave your house, you assume a wallet is all you need. Your nature is easy going and you love to be surrounded by people with a passion for life.作為終極理想主義者,你認為出門只需帶錢包就夠了。你本性隨和,喜歡被一群充滿生活激情的朋友們包圍著。Bucket-bagBucket-bag lovers prefer consistency.喜歡水桶包的人,追求穩定。Your bag is your precious ornament. You don't enjoy change easily and find familiarity attractive.你的包包是一種珍貴的裝飾物,你不喜歡老是變來變去,你覺得熟悉感很吸引人。Soft ClutchSoft clutch carriers are super feminine.喜歡軟質手抓包的人,充滿了女性魅力。You don't shy away from flaunting your feminine side. The simplest things like flowers bring you joy and act as a reminder of many happy memories. The softness of your clutch is a reflection of your own tender personality.你不會因為展現出女性魅力而感到害羞。簡單的一束花,就能讓你非常開心,想起很多快樂的記憶。包包柔軟的質感也反應出了你性格中溫柔的一面。推薦閱讀

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