3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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杭州某連鎖餐飲店近日推出了一項備受爭議的打折促銷活動,該餐廳根據女性顧客文胸罩杯大小打折,罩杯越大,折扣越大。A罩杯打9.5折,G罩杯可以打到3.5折。有人表示這種營銷手段不僅低俗,且涉及物化、歧視女性,而該餐廳經理則辯解稱,罩杯打折只是打折的一個標準,就像身高、體重一樣。 A Chinese restaurant has come under fire for offering discounts to women depending on their bra size, it's reported.據報道,一家餐廳因按女性罩杯給顧客打折而備受指責。 According to the Qianjiang Evening Post, local people complained to the council after seeing posters advertising discounts for the Trendy Shrimp restaurant at a mall in Hangzhou, the main city of coastal Zhejiang province.據《錢江晚報》稱,「潮蝦」是浙江省杭州市某商場內的一家餐廳,其折扣宣傳海報遭到當地民眾投訴。 The company's adverts showed a line-up of cartoon women in their underwear with the slogan "The whole city is looking for BREASTS". It listed discounts for women depending on their cup size, with greater offers available to women with bigger busts.該餐廳促銷海報上有一排穿著內衣的卡通女性形象,標語寫著「全城追XIONG」。海報依據女性罩杯大小列出折扣,胸部越豐滿的女性,獲得的折扣越多。 商家的動機本是藉此噱頭吸引更多消費者光顧,誰成想反而弄巧成拙,遭到眾人指責。 One representative complaint said the posters were "vulgar advertising" and "discriminatory towards women".一位顧客投訴稱這則海報是「低俗營銷」且「歧視女性」。 而不少網友也認為商家的炒作手段沒有下限: 《錢江晚報》報道,市場監管人士表示,雖然廣告海報內容還沒有到傳播淫穢色情的程度,但與精神文明建設有悖,已讓商家自行撤除。但潮蝦餐廳總經理蘭勝剛卻為他們的營銷策略辯解稱: "Once the promotion started, customer numbers rose by about 20%," he said, adding that "some of the girls we met were very proud - they had nothing to hide".「活動推出以後,客人比平時多了20%左右,我們遇到的一些女孩子挺自豪的,身材好沒有什麼好遮遮掩掩的。」 He reassured readers that customers could claim their discounts from the waitresses rather than dealing with male staff, in order to "avoid embarrassment".蘭勝剛還向讀者保證,為了「避免尷尬」,顧客可以向女服員索取折扣,而不用與男服務員打交道。 This is not the first time that a restaurant in China has offered discounts based on appearance. In January 2015, a restaurant in Henan rewarded diners it deemed "good-looking", a month after an eatery in Chongqing gave discounted food to overweight men and thin women.這不是餐廳第一次根據外表提供折扣優惠了。2015年1月,河南一家餐廳向「顏值高」的顧客提供獎勵。在此之前一個月,重慶一家餐廳給超重的男性顧客和苗條女性顧客的餐點打折。 "We care about fat people and thin people. Bring your fat or thin friends, eat for free," the restaurant's website stated.該餐廳在其官網上聲稱:「我們關愛胖子和瘦子,帶他們來吃飯免單。」 英文來源:BBC翻譯&編輯:董靜審校:yaning

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