3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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中文原文:宗教和巫術不只是解釋事物並幫助人們實現種種目標。它們還涉足人類的情感領域。換言之,它們既滿足認知的(即解釋性)需要,又滿足情感的需要。如超自然信仰和習俗有助於緩解焦慮的情緒。巫法可以祛除人們對結局無計可施時所出現的種種疑慮。同樣,宗教還有助於人們面對死亡並忍受種種人生危機。儘管所有的社會均具應對日常事務之法,但有些方面終歸世事難料。Translation:Religion and witchcraft not only give explanation to things in the world but also help people reach different aims. They also get involved with human emotion stuff. In other words, they gratify both the cognitional and emotional needs. For example, the supernatural belief and customs help relieve anxiety and witchcraft helps get rid of the distress when people are helplessly confronted with the troublesome reality. Also, religion helps people better confront death and tolerate different kinds of crisis in life. Although any society could supply some methods for solving daily events, some unexpected ocasions loom in our life any way.

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