3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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今年魔都的夏天,在黃梅雨季短暫匆匆掠過後強勢降臨,沒有一點點防備,也沒有一絲顧慮,就這樣出現在我們的世界里,帶來免費的燒烤和蒸籠,實在承受不起;從長三角到珠三角, 從7月12日到8月20日,整整40天啊,每天都是像一把火的完美太陽;玩了辣么久的王者榮耀,還是沒能召喚出后羿來幫忙;聽各位上神說,極端高溫天會對人體健康引起各種影響,特別是孩子,容易發生脫水和中暑。中暑分為輕症和重症,後者根據嚴重程度依次是熱痙攣、熱衰竭和熱射病。熱射病有生命危險,病死率70-80%。好吧,還是乖乖來看下怎麼來幫孩子們安然度夏,防止中暑吧!Heat extremes can produce several health effects especially in children, the most common of which is dehydration. Heat extremes can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Let』s take steps to prepare in advance; know what to do to stay safe in the extreme heat this summer.1.盡量呆在室內 高溫天氣要減少室外活動,盡量呆在有空調的室內(看, 這條命都是空調給的一點不錯!)。如果家裡沒有空調,可以看下附近有沒有提供空調的公共場所。另外電風扇也可以幫助降溫。2.合理選擇戶外活動時間如果需要帶著寶寶出門, 避免10到14點這個一天中最熱的時間段外出,可以選擇10點之前或者18點之後。3.合理補水鼓勵孩子規律補水並在他們要求以前就保證充分的供給。有時候口渴的感覺會延遲到將要脫水以前才出現。母乳瓶喂的孩子可以額外多給母乳,但不要額外給水,特別是6個月內的小嬰兒。4.衣著輕便給孩子穿淺色,輕便,寬鬆,單層吸汗的衣服。5.多休息夏天高溫會使大人和小孩比平時容易感到疲乏。6.涼快的活動如果小孩感覺熱,可以噴點水霧,洗澡,或者游泳幫助降溫。7.不要把孩子單獨留在車內夏天在太陽的直射下,車內溫度會很快升高。根據美國舊金山州立大學的研究,當室外溫度26C時,車內的溫度會在20分鐘內上升到43C,之後一小時可以繼續上升到49C以上。所以孩子被單獨留在密閉的車內,哪怕室外溫度不那麼高,發生熱射病及死亡率也是很高的。1.Stay in door. During heat waves, spend as much time as possible indoor with air-conditioning. If your home does not have air-conditioning, find an air-conditioned space in nearby building that does. Electric fans also help.2.Outdoor time choose. Plan a good time to go out if you need to go outdoors. Try to avoid the time between 10am and 2pm, which is generally the hottest hours of the day. You can choose the time before 10am or after 6pm to go outdoors.3.Stay hydrated. Encourage your children to drink water regularly and ensure adequate readily available even before they ask for it. Thirst can be delayed until a person is almost dehydrated. On hot days, infants fed breast milk in a bottle can be given additional breast milk in a bottle, but they should not be given water, especially in the first six months of life.4.Dress lightly. Dress your children in clothing that is light-colored, lightweight, and limited to one layer of absorbent material that will maximize the evaporation of sweat.5.Extra rest time. Heat can often make children and also adults feel tired.6.Cool off. Give water mist or a cool bath to cool down if your child is feeling hot. Swimming is another great way to cool off.7.Never leave children in unattended vehicles. According to the research from San Francisco State University, when the outside temperature is 26C, the inside of a car will reach nearly 43C in 20 minutes. It will be continuing rising to more than 49C in 60 minutes. Children can suffer from heat stroke or die when left in a closed vehicle even when the outside temperature is not that high. 對於需要在戶外活動或運動的孩子,還必須要注意以下三點:1.戶外運動開始以前,應該要讓孩子補給充足的水分,哪怕是他們不覺得口渴。運動中要注意每15分鐘在蔭涼處休息一下並補充運動飲料或水。青少年應該每15-30分鐘飲用約240毫升的水。2.在炎熱的天氣應該縮短戶外運動和操練的時間。在每天清晨或傍晚計劃運動,避開每天最熱的時間段。如果是極端的炎熱天氣,考慮取消或推遲體育活動。3.如果孩子感覺有輕度頭痛、頭暈、耳鳴、眼花、噁心、無力或過熱時,應該馬上到陰涼通風處休息。For exercising children, it should be noted that:1.Before any outdoor activities, children should always drink plenty of fluids even if they are not thirsty. During activities, kids should take water breaks every 15 minutes in the shade. For teens, give at least 240ml of sports drinks or water every 15 to 30 minutes.2.Practices and games played in the heat should be shortened. Avoid heavy activity outdoors during the hottest hours of the day. Schedule activities during the coolest parts of the day (early morning or late afternoon/evening). Consider cancelling or delaying an activity under extreme conditions.Children should promptly move to cooler environments if they feel dizzy, lightheaded,nausea, fatigue or overheated. 如果孩子可能中暑了,我們該怎麼辦呢?下面我們來簡單介紹一下熱痙攣,熱衰竭和熱射病的癥狀和家庭處理。What should I do if I suspect my child has heat stroke?1. 熱痙攣:癥狀:肌肉疼痛痙攣(常見於腿部),體溫正常,出汗,頭痛或頭暈。家庭處理:熱痙攣是最常見的也是最輕症的,也有可能是熱衰竭的早期預警信號, 提示機體需要休息,水份和鹽的攝入。可以先轉移到涼爽的環境休息,給予涼的電解質飲料,一般在補足損失的體液后1-2小時恢復。2. 熱衰竭:癥狀:可以有短時的輕度發熱,37.8-39C,不超過40C。大多數時候沒有發熱。癥狀還有疲乏,頭痛,噁心,嘔吐,頭暈,暈厥,大量出汗和皮膚蒼白。這些癥狀大多是因為出汗導致脫水引起的。家庭處理:輕微的癥狀比如頭暈,可以在家休息補充液體治療。可以先轉移到涼爽的環境休息,讓孩子躺下腳輕度抬高。脫掉衣服(除了內衣)以使身體表面散發熱量。用海綿蘸取涼水擦拭身體,以體感溫度涼爽但不發生寒顫為準。給予涼的電解質飲料,一般在補足損失的體液后2-3小時恢復。熱衰竭有時會進展到熱射病,因此如果癥狀沒有好轉要儘快就醫。如果有比較嚴重的癥狀發生,比如暈厥,應該直接送醫。3.熱射病:癥狀:高於40.5° C的高熱,皮膚髮燙髮干,血壓降低,意識模糊混亂,昏迷或休克。這是有生命危險的急症,如果沒有及時急診治療,死亡率很高。家庭處理:立即打120急救送醫。救護車到達以前,可以先轉移到涼爽的環境休息,讓孩子躺下腳輕度抬高。脫掉衣服(除了內衣)以使身體表面散發熱量。如果孩子神志清醒, 可以放在涼的洗澡水中降溫並讓他頻繁小口吮吸涼的電解質飲料。1. Heat cramps:Symptoms: Painful muscle contractions (most often in leg muscles), normal temperature, sweating, headache, dizziness.Care advices: It is the most common reaction to heat exposure and it is not serious. It can be an early warning sign of heat exhaustion. It means that the body needs rest and more liquids and salt. Move to a cool place and rest. Give cool electrolyte drinks. The symptoms should clear in 1 to 2 hours after lost fluids are replaced.2. Heat exhaustion:Symptoms: Can have a mild fever 37.8 - 39° C for a short time, but not above 40° C. Most of the time, there is no fever. Symptoms include fatigue, headache, nausea, vomit, dizziness, fainting, profuse sweating and pale skin. Most of the symptoms result from dehydration from sweating.Care advices: Mild symptoms such as dizziness can be treated at home with rest and fluid. Move to a cool place and rest. Have him lie down with the feet elevated slightly. Undress the child (except for underwear) so the body surface can give off heat. Sponge the entire body surface constantly with cool water. Make the water as cold as tolerated without causing shivering. Give cool electrolyte drinks. Weakness should clear in 2 to 3 hours after lost fluids are replaced.Heat exhaustion can be progressed to heat stroke. Therefore, children need to see a doctor if symptoms not resolved with home treatment. Kids with severe symptoms such as fainting should be sent to hospital immediately.3. Heat strokeSymptoms: High fever over 40.5° C with hot and dry skin, low blood pressure, confusion, coma or shock. It is a life-threatening emergency. It has a high death rate if not treated promptly.Care advices: Call 120 emergency medical service immediately. Move to a cool place and rest. Have him lie down with the feet elevated slightly. Undress the child. If the child is alert, place in cool bath water and give frequent sips of cool electrolyte drinks.作者:澳大利亞墨爾本大學醫學院兒科博士

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