3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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《論語》是儒家思想,乃至整個中華傳統文化的經典著作,是在國外知名度最廣的古籍之一。自十六世紀以來,眾多國內外學者都相繼推出《論語》的英譯本。國外學者翻譯的版本中流傳較為廣泛的是理雅各和威利版本,國內翻譯或節譯過的學者有辜鴻銘、林語堂、丁往道等。書中與「君子」和「小人」有關的言論出現頻率很高:君子一詞共出現107次,小人24次。因此準確解讀「君子」和「小人」的內在含義,對《論語》的整體翻譯尤為重要。今天,英大就選取幾句講述君子小人的原文和對應的不同英譯本,一窺《論語》英譯本的風采,也從另一個維度加深對這本經典著作的理解。1君子坦蕩蕩,小人長戚戚。含義:君子光明磊落、心胸坦蕩,小人則斤斤計較、患得患失。英譯:The gentleman is calm and at ease; the Small Man is fretful and ill at ease.(威利)The gentleman is open and at ease; the small man is full of worries and anxieties.(丁往道)The superior man is broad-minded and free of worries, while the inferior man is always heavy-hearted and sorrowful.(魯金華)A man of virtue is open-minded and always at ease; a man of meanness is full of distress at all times.(周儀)解析:這裡的君子指心胸坦蕩、思想高尚的人,而小人則是心懷慾念、忐忑不安的人,那麼在翻譯過程中就不能偏離原文中的含義。這四個譯本中,周儀的譯本最為貼近,「a man of virtue」和「a man of meanness」強調的就是君子和小人在道德品質上的差異,最接近原意。威利和丁往道的版本都把「君子」和「小人」譯成了gentleman和small man。gentleman指a man who is polite and well-educated,側重表示人的教養良好,與small man作對比,展現出家庭出身和禮儀教養的不同。雖然不如周儀的版本貼近,但也不失為好的譯文。而魯金華的譯文則是「the superior man」和「the inferior man」,superior和inferior作對比,強調了地位的高低不同,與原文意思出入較大。2子曰:「君子不重,則不威;學則不固。」含義:1)孔子說:「君子,不莊重就沒有威嚴;所學也不牢固。」2)孔子說:「君子,不莊重就沒有威嚴;學習可以使人不閉塞。」英譯:The master said, "If the scholar be not grave, he will not call forth any veneration, and his learning will not be solid."(理雅各)Confucius remarked, "A wise man who is not serious will not inspire respect; what he learns will not remain permanent."(辜鴻銘)"If a gentleman is frivolous, he will lose the respect of his inferiors and lack firm ground upon which to build up his education."(威利)An intelligentle man, said the Master, should not be frivolous, or he would lack solemnity in his behavior and solidity in his learning.(許淵沖)解析:這句話通常有兩種解釋,從英譯文中我們可以看出這四個版本都採用了第一種解釋。君子應該以莊重的姿態來待人和學習,才會贏得別人的尊重和紮實的學識,因此這裡的「君子」偏重於學識抱負。理雅各將其譯作the scholar,與原文最為貼近;而辜鴻銘的a wise man則稍有偏差,回譯成中文,更符合「智者」。威利沿用了一貫的gentleman,這是個聰明的選擇,因為gentleman涉及禮儀和學識兩方面,不算貼近,但也不會偏離太多。而許淵沖老先生的譯文則充分發揮了主觀能動性,將intelligent和gentleman合在一起創造了intelligentle man的表達。這種翻譯方式很妙,不過卻不適合大多數人。因為許老先生的主觀創作會被譯界重視,而我們如果用了,大概不等申辯就會被打上叉號。3子曰:「君子周而不比,小人比而不周。」含義:君子以公正之心對待天下眾人,不徇私護短,沒有預定的成見及私心;小人則結黨營私。英譯:The Master said, "The superior man is catholic and no partisan. The mean man is a partisan and not catholic."(理雅各)Confucius remarked, "A wise man is impartial, not neutral. A fool is neutral but not impartial."(辜鴻銘)Confucius said, "The gentleman unites and does not plot with others; the small man plots and does not unite with others."(丁往道)解析:這句話中的「君子」和「小人」同樣側重思想品質。理雅各用superior man表示君子,避開了與inferior的直接對比,轉而用mean man表示小人,與原文較為貼近。而辜鴻銘的wise man 和fool則偏差較大,這兩個詞更多地是側重於智慧的層面,與道德沒有直接的驗證關係。這裡要注意一下「周」的翻譯,它的原意是「包羅萬象,待世人都一樣,無所偏頗」,理雅各的用詞catholic(全體基督教徒的,廣泛的)和partisan有著極為明顯的宗教色彩,這大概與他本人的傳教士身份有關。而辜鴻銘的impartial(不偏不倚的)和丁往道的unite則中性色彩居多。4子曰:「君子懷德,小人懷土;君子懷刑,小人懷惠。」含義:君子為了道德仁義可以志在四方,而不僅僅局限在故土之上,修養不夠的人卻只顧留戀鄉土而不知推行道義;君子敬畏國家的法律政令,修養不夠的人卻只考慮是否有利可圖。The Master said, "The superior man thinks of virtue; the small man thinks of comfort. The superior man thinks of the sanctions of law; the small man thinks of favors which he may receive."(理雅各)Confucius remarked, "A wise man regards the moral worth of a man; a fool only his position. A wise man expects justice; a fool, only expects favours."(辜鴻銘)Confucius said, "The gentleman bears in mind virtues; the small man his homeland. The gentleman bears in mind the law; the small man favours."(丁往道)解析:這裡的君子和小人在於思想境界的不同,君子心繫天下,而小人思戀故土,計較個人得失。其實,依這層意思理解,如今我們大多數人都是「小人」。所以,這裡的小人並非卑劣之輩,是指普通人。因此,無論是「a fool」還是「small man」,用詞不夠恰當,可譯為「ordinary man」或「common people」。5君子喻於義,小人喻於利。 含義:君子看重的是道義,小人看重的是利益。英譯:A wise man regards the moral worth of a man, a fool ,only his position.(辜鴻銘)A gentleman takes as much trouble to discover what is right as baser men take to discover what will pay.(威利)The mind of the superior man is conversant with righteousness; the mind of the mean man is conversant with gain.(理雅各)解析:此處的君子和小人同樣在於道德品質的高下之分,辜鴻銘的譯本在前面我們已經分析過,不再贅述。值得一提的是威利將這裡的小人譯作「baser men」,baser表示卑劣的,低級的,或指代庶齣子女,用在此處強調了階層的高低貴賤之分,模糊了原意。從以上的例句中我們可以看出,《論語》中的君子和小人基本包含兩種意思:一是是否道德高尚,二是貴族和平民。與君子相比,小人又存在更多的解讀。常見的表達如下:君子:the gentleman; the superior man; a man of virtue/ a virtuous man;a wise man小人:a man of meanness/ mean man;a fool; baser man;the inferior man;small man; common/ ordinary people

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