3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

During Chinese New Year, it is common for urban-dwelling Chinese people to return to their rural hometowns and stay with their relatives。在春節期間,住在城市的人回到農村過年是很常見的。This year, users of Weibo and WeChat have been taking a step further, and reflecting on the picture they present to the world of their modern lives。而今年微博和微信用戶們更進一步,用照片反映出自己回家前和回家后的區別。BeforeVsAfterComingHome回家前VS回家后Thousands of young professionals have been sharing pictures of themselves pulling vegetables, chopping trees, or washing dishes outside - the way their rural relatives still live。成千上萬的年輕人分享了他們拔菜、砍樹、洗盤子的照片——跟他們的農村親戚一樣。On Sina Weibo, hundreds have used the #BeforeVsAfterComingHome hashtag on their posts。 They mainly share 「before」 pictures of them dressed in formal attire, and 「after」 pictures of them in multiple layers of heavy outdoor clothing, mainly undertaking manual labour。在新浪微博上,許多人都用#回家前VS回家后這個標籤來發帖。「回家前」是他們穿著正式服裝的照片,而「回家后」則是他們層層包裹著的戶外服裝,而且主要是在從事體力勞動。Popular news portal Sina News shows how the trend has spread to popular mobile messenger WeChat, sharing further pictures from the platform。新浪新聞向我們展示了這一趨勢是如何蔓延到微信上的,分享了更多的照片。Author Gong Gaofeng posted on Weibo that the trend has been popular because Chinese celebrities have been sharing pictures of themselves in their hometowns。作家龔高峰在微博上發文稱,這一趨勢之所以流行起來,是因為一些名人也分享了自己在家鄉的照片。Thousands have commented praising what they see as humbling pictures of famous actors including Wang Baoqiang, an actor famous for his portrayals of rural Chinese。許多人都留下了評論,對包括王寶強在內的著名明星的照片表示了讚賞。』People look happier』「人們看起來更開心。」Chinese millennials have been discussing how the pictures show the stark differences facing people living in urban and rural China。千禧一代對從這些照片中反映出來的、城市和農村地區人們所面臨的巨大差距展開了討論。Many ridicule themselves for wearing 「ugly」 borrowed clothing from their parents or grandparents, but others speak frankly about the differences between theirs and their elders』 generation。許多人從父母或祖父母那裡借來衣服穿上,嘲笑自己穿著「醜陋」,但是其他人則坦率地道出自己和老一輩之間的不同。Nuan Tiandi comments that when she returns home: 「There is no heating, so my nose is freezing and I have puffy eyes。」網友「Nuan Tiandi」回到家時說道:「家裡沒有暖氣,所以我的鼻子凍得通紅,還有了眼袋。」Others surprise netizens by showing pictures of their parents』 or grandparents』 antiquated kitchen equipment。其他人則上傳了自己父母和祖父母陳舊廚房的照片,這使得網民很驚訝。But despite the stark differences between these pictures, many social media users say that they show people at their happiest。但是儘管這些照片中存在著巨大的差距,但是許多社交媒體用戶都表示說這些照片記錄了人們最快樂的時候。One user comments on how seeing the pictures, he feels a sense of 「relief」。一名用戶在評論如何看待這些照片時,說自己感受到了一種「解脫」。Jiuming Yuelingmao says: 「I feel as though people look happier in these 』after』 pictures。」網友「Jiuming Yuelingmao」說道:「我彷彿覺得『回家后』里的人們更快樂一些。」San Jin says the 「after」 pictures show people being 「their truest selves」。網友「San Jin」則表示說,「回家后」的照片顯示出了人們的「真實自我」。The World Bank predicts that some 70% of Chinese will live in cities by 2030。據世界銀行估計,到2030年時70%人口將居住在城市。

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