3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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From:日報雙語新聞永葆青春是每個女人的夢想,然而錯誤的服飾搭配會暴露你的身材缺陷,讓你更加顯老。造型師亞歷克斯·威爾森揭示了一些簡單而又常見的穿著錯誤。來看看這幾種衣著誤區,你有沒有中招? MISTAKE ONE: SHAPELESS CLOTHING 誤區一:衣著寬鬆無型While a baggy dress or flowing shirt can be tempting, it's usually doing little to flatter your frame. 雖然鬆鬆垮垮的裙子和寬鬆軟塌的襯衫有時候也挺吸引人,但是通常情況下,它們對突顯身材幫助甚微。Instead, women should be focusing on structured garments that show off their figures rather than hiding underneath their clothes. 因此,女士們應該選擇剪裁精緻的衣服來展示身材而不是將其藏在衣服下。'A lot of women want to cover those problem areas such as your arms, hips or tummy but by wearing shapeless clothing it makes you look heavier,' Alex explained. 「許多女性都喜歡遮蓋自己不滿意的身體部位,例如手臂,臀部或者肚子。但是穿寬鬆的衣服會使得她們看起來更壯更胖,」亞歷克斯解釋道。'My advice is to always choose structure over shapeless garments.'「因此我建議女性選擇剪裁精緻有型而非鬆鬆垮垮的衣服。」Alex said all women should have a 'well cut fitted jacket' in their wardrobes that has 'some structure and is a little bit shorter and cinches you in at the waist'. 亞歷克斯還建議所有的女性衣櫥里都應該有一件「剪裁精緻,款式有型、長短正好到腰部的短上衣」。MISTAKE TWO: AN ANKLE-LENGTH HEMLINE 誤區二:裙擺到腳踝Many women choose to don maxi length pieces in order to hide certain areas of their body. 許多女性都會選擇長至腳踝的裙子來遮蓋身體的某些部位。But this is often doing more harm than good. 但是這常常弊大於利。'As you get older, you tend to want to hide the saggy knees or you feel a bit more comfortable with a hem down to your ankles,' Alex said. 「隨著年齡的增長,許多女性喜歡遮住皮膚鬆弛的膝部,或者會覺得裙擺蓋住腳踝會更舒服。」亞歷克斯稱。'This length makes you look a lot frumpier and wider. A good alternative is the midi skirt - it's right on trend at the moment and it stops at the middle of the calf. It's a lot more flattering.' 「這麼長的裙子會讓你看起來更傻裡傻氣,也更胖。中長裙是一個不錯的選擇,它不僅迎合了當下的潮流而且長度也剛好到小腿中部,看起來更好看。」MISTAKE THREE: TOO MUCH BLACK 誤區三:偏愛黑色While most women love to reach for their beloved black jacket or skinny jeans - it's not always an appropriate choice. 大部分女性喜歡穿黑色上衣或黑色緊身牛仔褲,但這不一定是個合適的選擇。'It's our usual go-to and the reason is that it trims your figure and it's appropriate for almost every occasion,' Alex said. 「這是我們日常的外出裝扮,因為它很好地修飾了身形並且幾乎在所有的場合都不會出錯,」亞歷克斯說。'But when women are getting older their skin tends to get paler so black can create a harsh contrast which emphasises fine lines and dark shadows under the eye.' 「但是隨著女性慢慢變老,她們的皮膚也會變得越來越蒼白,和黑衣服形成鮮明的對比,大大突顯她們眼周的細紋和黑眼圈。」Alex says this can be fixed with a statement necklace to 'bring a bit more light back into the face'. 在這種情況下,亞歷克斯建議可以戴一條誇張的項鏈來「為臉部帶來些許光澤」。MISTAKE FOUR: THE WRONG FABRIC 誤區四:選錯面料'As women get older they tend to opt for comfort and will choose something like a Jersey fabric,' Alex said. 「隨著年齡越來越大,女性會更喜歡舒適,傾向於選擇像汗布這樣的面料。」亞歷克斯說。'But this fabric isn't the best choice because it tends to cling to those problem areas.'「但是該面料並不是最好的選擇,因為它可能會緊貼著那些肥胖的身體部位。」Instead, Alex advises women to choose clothing in a Ponte fabric or a Merino wool or a Jersey fabric garment that is 'draped or ruched' as it 'tends to graze over your curves'. 因此,亞歷克斯建議女性選擇雙面螺紋針織面料、美利奴羊毛料亦或是有褶飾的針織面料,因為這種面料不會緊貼在身上,暴露身材缺陷。耗時12年、耗資2億英鎊,英國人只為證明38年前自己錯了…梅姨用中文向全球華人拜年!這口音是跟四川師傅學的嗎?為求得一隻熊貓的撫養權,英美荷法等國家連尊嚴都不要了……美帝:「讓我死!別送我去醫院!」腐國:「啊我要死了!到我了嗎!」這個英國老頭在長城撿了22年垃圾,不僅閃婚了個媳婦,還上BBC被英女王授予勳章!十四年終於等來《真愛至上》續集!為了「紅鼻頭節」,那些浪漫的、素昧平生的愛,一直都在…這種古怪的小動物比熊貓還珍貴,你還沒親眼見過,很快就要從地球上消失了…當川普女婿脫掉衣服.....原來美國大選不止拼女兒啊!!他連續被40國拒簽,走投無路時遇到簽證官…昨天,威廉王子寫下的一手國小生字體,出賣了整個英國皇室……最英國出品為答謝支持並關注最英國的粉濕們,我們決定在每月的20號,選出近一個月被選為精選留言最多的讀者,送出來自倫敦塔橋的明信片。趕快點擊文末的「寫留言」,讓我們聽見你的聲音。

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