3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在外留學,難免思鄉之情來襲。幸運的是,在你之前已經有很多人經歷過這種痛苦,並留下了寶貴經驗。Be Outdoor person到戶外去Even if you have nowhere to go, make sure you spend at least 20 minutes outside every day. The fresh air and sunshine can give you an instant mood lift. Plus, this is a great chance to explore and see things you won』t while sitting inside- even if you just take a walk around campus.即使你沒地方可去,也要保證每天至少有20分鐘待在戶外。陽光和新鮮的空氣能夠立刻給你帶來好心情。而且,你也會發現很多你待在家裡沒機會發現的東西。Focused Mind集中注意力More than likely your time studying abroad is limited. This means you only have a few weeks or months to enjoy your host country, but the rest of your life to enjoy where you come from (if you』ll be returning after your trip). If you don』t enjoy your time abroad due to being homesick, think about how you』ll feel once you do return home- more than likely pretty upset that you didn』t enjoy your journey to the fullest.海外留學的時間可能是有限的,也就是說你可能只有幾周或幾個月來享受你在留學國家的時光,而剩下的時間則要在你的祖國度過(如果你完成學業之後回國的話)。如果你把在國外的時間都用來思鄉而不是好好享受,那麼想想,一旦回國,你肯定會因為沒有盡情享受國外生活而失望。Little Goals help先定一個小目標Make attainable social goals daily like to talk to one person in your class or to sign up for a club. It』s important to establish a relationship with individuals in your host country to make it feel like your new home. When you have a friend to enjoy your time with, it』s usually more fun!每天制定一個容易達到的社交小目標,例如:與你班上的一個同學交談,或者去一個俱樂部。在外留學與人建立社交關係是非常重要的,這會讓你覺得這個國家就像你的新家一樣。而與朋友共享快樂時光則更是樂上加樂!Technology tactics 科技是把雙刃劍Technology is great for keeping in contact with friends and family back home, but don』t let it be a crutch. Monitor how often you call or Skype home and make sure it』s not impacting your experience abroad.先進的技術使得你與朋友和家人的聯繫變得便捷,然而,不要過度依賴它。注意你打電話或網路聊天的頻率,確保不要影響你在國外的生活體驗。Revive your hobby重拾你的愛好Just because you』re abroad doesn』t mean you can』t continue your workout routine or knitting club. Do a bit of research or ask your school advisor about any information they might have on a group based around your hobby. If there isn』t one- start one!人在國外並不意味著你必須中斷你的健身習慣或其他愛好。自己做一點搜索,或者問問學校的學生顧問,找到你感興趣的社團。如果找不到——那就創建一個吧!總之,你要記住,思鄉是正常的,關鍵是要積極尋找方法去減輕這種情緒,儘可能地享受你在國外的生活。想了解更多捷克留學資訊和捷克文化?請關注我們的微信公眾號:留學捷克

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