3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

「李文星案」還尚未完全水落石出,另一個「李文星」出現了……——智囊導讀7月14日,在天津市靜海區的一個水溝中,東北大學2012級畢業生李文星的遺體被發現。發現李文星屍體的水坑自「李文星案」發生后,大眾的目光都聚焦到了這個帶有鮮明標籤的案件上,「大學生」、「招聘」、「傳銷」這樣的字眼出現在一起案件中,讓人心痛惋惜。李文星8月6日,微博賬號「靜海發布」稱,「李文星誤入傳銷組織經過已查明,5名涉案人員已被刑拘。」Five people have been detained in connection with the death of a university graduate who police say fell victim to scammers on a job-seeking website.5名「李文星死亡案」涉案人員已被刑拘,據警方介紹,該名大學畢業生通過找工作中介網站被誘拐進了傳銷組織。scammer:詐騙犯、騙子One of the five suspects is accused of playing a leading role in the scheme and the other four were detained for suspected unlawful detention, according to police in Tianjin's Jinghai district on Sunday.8月6日,據天津靜海區警方介紹,5名涉案人員中,1名因涉嫌組織領導傳銷被刑事拘留,其他4人因涉嫌非法拘禁被刑事拘留。All confessed that they lured Li Wenxing, a 23-year-old university graduate from Shandong province, into a pyramid scheme the police said.警方稱,5名犯罪分子對誘騙23歲山東籍大學畢業生李文星進入傳銷組織的犯罪事實供認不諱。pyramid scheme:非法傳銷那麼,本來只想通過「BOSS直聘」找一份好工作的李文星,究竟是怎麼一步步陷入傳銷陷阱的呢?李文星生前照片據悉,「蝶貝蕾」傳銷組織成員陳某利用手機和郵箱在「BOSS直聘」網上冒用「北京科藍軟體系統有限公司」之名,發布虛假招聘信息,李文星不幸「上鉤」。According to police, a fraudulent employment advertisement was published on Zhipin, a recruitment website, which lured Li to Jinghai on May 20.據警方介紹,5月20日,一則通過「BOSS直聘」發布的虛假招聘廣告將李文星誘拐到了靜海。fraudulent:欺騙性的,欺詐性的李文星被誘騙到靜海后,傳銷人員經過層層彙報和轉移,將他帶到了位於靜海鎮楊李院村的傳銷人員管理的寢室。經過調查取證以及相關涉案人員交代,李文星在靜海期間已交付了傳銷產品費,正式加入了傳銷組織。Investigators say Li paid the fee to the scammers for the recruitment and was forced to stay in the organization's dormitory. He was only allowed to move around the organization's premises, not outside.調查人員稱,李文星交了傳銷費用,並被強制留在傳銷組織宿舍內,只能在室內活動。據警方介紹,他在進入傳銷組織後期已不需要被控制,可以在傳銷組織內部自由活動。7月14日,李文星屍體被找到,其溺亡原因還在進一步調查中(under investigation)。從5月20日趕赴天津入職,到7月14日屍體被找到,不到2個月的時間,一個年輕的生命就這樣匆匆離開了這個世界。據悉,李文星案的幕後黑手,「蝶貝蕾」傳銷組織規模龐大,等級分化分工明確,涉及全國多個省市,參與傳銷人員多達7千餘人次。其中,在天津靜海及周邊地區發展傳銷人員就多達1600餘人。8月6日,天津靜海區重拳出擊,開展打擊傳銷「凌晨行動」。Early on Sunday morning, 2,000 law enforcement officers were sent out to catch scammers in Jinghai. They reported spotting 301 places in the district, and 63 people, involved in pyramid schemes.8月6日凌晨,靜海派出2000餘名執法人員追查傳銷人員,發現傳銷窩點301個,傳銷人員63名。靜海區政府公布「舉報傳銷獎勵辦法」,發揮群眾力量,決戰20天,全力打擊傳銷活動。The district government issued a statement on Sunday saying that any whistle-blower identifying such activity would be eligible for a reward of 20,000 yuan ($2,970).6日,靜海區政府發布聲明稱,凡舉報非法傳銷組織及其藏匿的傳銷窩點,經查實摧毀的,一次性獎勵舉報人2萬元人民幣。whistle-blower:檢舉者、告密者然而,「李文星案」還尚未完全水落石出,另一個「李文星」出現了……今天凌晨5時許,天津市公安局西青分局官方微博「平安西青」發布通報,25歲山東籍男子張超在靜海誤入傳銷組織,7月14日其屍體在西青區一條小路上被發現。據平安西青報道,張超7月10日來到天津靜海區,誤入傳銷組織。13日,傳銷人員王某某發現張超有中暑癥狀,給他服用藿香正氣水,但沒有效果,病情未見好轉。當天晚上,王某某、劉某某雇傭祖某某夫婦開車,共同將張超送往天津站,讓他回家。但途中發現他病重,就將他丟棄在案發地——西青區張家窩鎮靈泉北里南側附近的小路上。7月15日,公安機關以涉嫌過失致人死亡罪將犯罪嫌疑人祖某某、劉某某、王某某依法刑事拘留。目前,張超死亡原因的病理正在檢測中,案件仍在進一步偵辦。什麼是傳銷組織?「傳銷組織」的英文可以表達為pyramid scheme,或pyramid selling。我們知道pyramid是金字塔的意思,傳銷就是一種逐上而下、次第發展許多下線的銷售模式。The main characteristic of a pyramid scheme is that participants only make money by recruiting more members.傳銷的主要特點是,參與者唯一盈利方式就是拉更多的人進入傳銷運作。1998年4月21日,宣布不再允許任何形式的傳銷經營活動。然而,今天的悲劇為何還會發生?網上曾經流傳一個視頻,女子當街跪求母親加入傳銷組織:為何一個大學畢業的知識分子也能落入傳銷組織的魔掌呢?我們來看一個英文動漫視頻,流量黨可以直接看視頻下的科普↓↓↓智囊君給你解釋一下:一般的公司,通過將產品賣給消費者,從而獲得利潤。但傳銷組織卻是把商品賣給傳銷人員(distributors),並且商品通常要麼是售價過高(overpriced)的,要麼是賣不出去的(difficult to sell)。In order to qualify to become a distributor, you have to buy a minimum amount of product from the company. This could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars.為了成為一名合格的傳銷員,組織會要求你從公司買最低限額的商品。這可能會花個千把塊錢、甚至數萬。但買來商品之後,你很快就會發現,商品很難再賣給其他人。因此,為了挽回(recoup)已經投入的錢,你唯一的辦法就是拉其他人進入傳銷組織,讓他/她買商品。You will likely be pushed by the distributor who recruited you to convince others to buy in and become the distributors.將你拉入伙的傳銷員會逼迫你去說服他人入伙,成為新的傳銷員。因此,入伙的傳銷員為了挽回損失,通常會從自己的親人朋友下手。這種不斷強調招募新人(emphasis on recruiting)的經營模式,就是傳銷。那些站在金字塔頂的人,為了不斷獲利便開始用錯誤(false)和誤導性(misleading)的語言來說服其他人加入。他們不斷承諾高回報、說公司是如何如何實力雄厚。還向你保證,你加入的是一個正規公司(a legitimate business),在某行業享有盛譽。They will make grand claims about products, that they're the best in the industry backed by extensive research and awards, and that they have the ability to do amazing things like help you lose weight quickly or cure illnesses.他們還會吹牛號稱自己的產品是行業最優,有大量的研究支持,得過各種獎項。這些產品都有奇效,如幫你迅速減肥或治癒疾病。為了讓你心甘情願花錢,他們首先會贏得你的信任。The person recruiting you into a pyramid scheme is likely to be someone you know, a member of your family or a friend.那個發展你進入傳銷組織的人通常是你的熟人,比如親戚或朋友。The person recruiting you may not even know that they have gotten involved in a pyramid scheme and may be sincere in their attempt to recruit you. 發展你的那個人可能還不知道自己是在搞傳銷,可能還特別真誠地在勸你入伙。如果你搞了一陣傳銷,可能還會從上面獲得一些獎金,激勵你繼續努力,走上人生巔峰。New distributors think about these small royalty payments as profits but forget to consider their much larger investment in unsellable inventory and other expenses including the enormous amount of time and energy that they have already invested.新入伙的傳銷員會覺得獲得的這些小利而覺得賺到了,但是他們往往忘了自己投資的要多得多,比如那些賣不出去的存貨,還有大量已經投入的時間和精力。傳銷組織總是會是讓人夢想著能像這個金字塔頂端的人一樣賺大錢,但他們最終都只淪為金字塔底層的炮灰。Failing distributors' money is lost and transferred to those individuals at the top of the pyramid who likely came into the scheme in its earliest years.這些炮灰傳銷員們的錢最終都轉移到了那些金字塔頂端的少數人手中,這些人通常是最早加入傳銷組織的人。這就是傳銷組織管用的「洗腦」手段,《真相》節目就曾經播放記者卧底傳銷團伙的視頻。「指鹿為馬」的場景令人目瞪口呆↓↓↓教你辨別虛假招聘最後,鑒於許多在校大學生都在找暑假兼職,還有不少學子進入「秋招模式」,雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)提醒小夥伴們,一定要警惕騙局,保護自身信息和財產安全。以下是求職時需要警惕的方面和注意事項。❶ Requests to submit your financial information. 面試時向你索要銀行卡等信息If an interviewer asks for things like your bank account routing number or credit card information, you should immediately recognize it as a red flag.如果面試者跟你索要銀行賬號或信用卡信息,你就要注意了,這是一個危險信號。☞ 注意:當你被聘用后,公司可能需要你的銀行賬號給你發工資,但當你還在應聘階段時,面試官是沒有理由跟你索要銀行信息的。❷ Requesting payment.要求交錢There is no reason why you should have to fork over any money during the interview process.面試階段是沒有理由交任何費用的。If an employer is asking you to pay an upfront cost for any reason, you should be extremely suspicious.如果聘用者以任何理由要求你提前支付一些費用,那就非常可疑了。You should also be wary of any job-placement firm that requests money. 另外,一些求職中介如果要求你交錢,也是需要警惕的。Most legitimate placement services require employers to pay a fee, but employees should not be asked to pay anything.大多數合法的求職中介都是要求雇傭方交中介費,而不會向求職人員收費。❸ The interviewer wants to meet in a private place.要求在私密場所面試You should always meet an interviewer in a public place and you should be immediately suspicious of an interviewer who wants to meet outside of the company』s office or in a private location.一定要在公共場所接受面試,如果面試官要求在公司外,或私密的場所面試,你就立刻要提高警惕。❹ Receiving emails from a non-company email address.收到從非公司郵箱發來的郵件Hiring managers should send you emails from their business address, not from a personal account like QQ.招聘經理只會用公司郵箱發招聘信息,而不會用QQ之類的私人郵箱。❺ If it seems too good to be true, it most likely isn』t. 如果待遇好得不像真的,那可能真是假的。If an employment offer seems just too perfect to be real, it might not be real at all.如果招聘方提供的待遇太美好,那你有可能是遇上騙子了。Proceed with caution if you come across a position that requires no prior experience, claims you can work from home full-time or offers a salary that seems unusually high.如果一個崗位不要求有工作經驗,允許你全職在家辦公,或者開出一份高得出奇的薪水,那你就得小心了。❻ Check any weblinks are genuine檢查網站鏈接是否真實Check any weblinks are genuine, that the website exists and if the information it contains makes sense.檢查網站鏈接是否真實,如網站是否真實存在,裡面的信息是否講得通。Look for spelling or grammatical errors.注意看看網頁有沒有錯別字或語法錯誤。Check the contact details listed are consistent with the job advert.確認一下網站的聯繫信息和招聘廣告中的是否一致。❼ Protect your personal information保護好個人信息Only share details and key personal information if you are sure an organisation is bonafide and the advertisement is genuine.只有在完全確認聘用單位是值得信賴的、招聘廣告是真實的之後,才可以告知對方你的個人信息。Never send any physical forms of ID (e.g. identity card, passport, driving license) to an organisation - always request to check this in person or send a copy.不要把自己的身份證件原件交給一個單位,如身份證、護照、駕照,對方需要查看這些證件時,必須本人在場,或只提供複印件。請一定要關注備用號

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