3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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我們是最專業,最好玩,最靠譜的觀賞魚玩家平台BreedingTanganyikacichlids坦干依喀湖慈鯛的養殖(二)蝴蝶The Tropheus group.interestingly, some of the most popular cichlids are also one of the mostdifficult to keep:Tropheusspecies. In the aquarium mostTropheusbehave aggressively towards con-specifics and the only way to ease the stresson the lower-placed individuals is to keep them in schools and provide lots ofshelter. Males are territorial and try to occupy a piece of the rockwork inyour tank as their territory. If your tank is large enough you can (and should)have several adult males in the group. In order to keep aggression to aminimum, give each male its own heap of rocks. Depending on the size of youraquarium such heaps should be at least 30 cmapart. Tanks shorter than 150 cmare inadequate for housingTropheus,at least if you like some decoration in the form of rocks in it. Professionalbreeders often keepTropheusin completely bare tanks as the males are then unable to fend a territory sincethere is no structure to mark it. In tanks with lots of rocks (or other form ofshelter) you can keepTropheusand you can leave the brooding females in the tank with the other fish. Thejuveniles will find their way in the small nooks and crannies of the rockworkand maybe once a year you can completely empty the tank, thin the colony andstart all over again.Tropheusare extremely susceptible to stress. Such stress can be related to food orchange in the hierarchy. Tropheus(176頁)。有一個非常有趣的現象,Tropheus是最受歡迎的慈鯛,也是飼養難度最高的慈鯛。在水族箱中很多Tropheus會表現出攻擊性行為,這種行為有時候會針對特定個體,唯一可以緩解弱勢個體所受到的壓力的方法是讓它們處於種群中並提供更多用於躲避的「庇護所」。公魚具有領地意識,它會嘗試在水族箱中佔領一塊岩石作為它的領地。如果你的水族箱足夠大(應該準備足夠大的水族箱用來飼養Tropheus)就可以在一個種群中容納幾條成年公魚。給每條公魚一個屬於自己的石堆,可以把爭鬥程度降至最低。根據水族箱的大小每個石堆之間的距離應該不小於30cm。長度小於150cm的水族箱不足以為Tropheus提供舒適的住所,但至少你應該在其中裝飾一些岩石。專業的飼養者經常會把Tropheus飼養在裸缸中,這樣公魚會因為水族箱中缺少標誌物而放棄建立自己的領地。如果你的水族箱中有許多岩石(或其他形式的庇護所)即使其中有其他魚類,你也可以把Tropheus,甚至是含卵的Tropheus母魚留在水族箱中。而它們的小魚就會出現在水族箱的角落或者岩石堆的縫隙中,你可以每年清理一次水族箱拿出石頭並撈出盤踞在其中的小魚,再把一切回復原狀。Tropheus對於壓力非常敏感。這些壓力可以來自食物或其種群內部等級關係的改變。Therefore the following golden rules: 1. when a groupofTropheusis doing fine,do NOT change its composition by adding a few more individuals; 2. NEVER feedTropheussoft, easily digestible foodsuch asTubifex, beefheart, red mosquito larvae, or adult brine shrimp. The best to give them is agood brand of flake food, i.e. one that does not contain parts from warmblooded animals, but has a high content of shrimp andSpirulina. If you really have tochange yourTropheuscolonythen the solution is to take everything out of the tank, rearrange the rocksand other decoration, and reintroduce all the fish, now with the newindividuals added. The only way you can introduce additional individuals is toadd small juveniles to a colony of adults. If you upset the hierarchy by newly introducedfish you may eventually lose the entire colony, not just the new ones.有鑒於此飼養Tropheus時請參考以下重要的規則:1. 當一群Tropheus的狀態很好非常穩定時,就不要再添加新成員了。如果你一定要改變現有的群落,唯一的辦法就是把水族箱中的岩石和其他裝飾物全部拿出重新布置,然後把新魚和原來的魚一起放回去。如果直接在原有群落中加入新成員,那麼只能選擇增加未成年的個體。如果你不顧及種群內部的平衡而強行引入新魚,那麼就可能會損失掉整個種群而不僅僅是新來的傢伙。2. 不要給Tropheus餵食柔軟的,容易分解需要被快速消化吸收的食物,如絲蚯蚓、牛心、孑孓、或豐年蝦成體。最好購買可信品牌的薄片飼料餵食Tropheus,這些飼料不含溫血動物成份,但含有較多的蝦和螺旋藻。Can you keep other speciestogether with Tropheus? Well, notmany, but the so-called goby cichlids of the genera Eretmodus, Spathodus, and Tanganicodusare compatible companions. All of these species need absolutely clean andoxygen-rich water, lots of shelter, and lots of attention. The Tropheus are certainly not beginner』sfish! Apart from the goby cichlids this groups includes species of Tropheus, Petrochromis, and Simochromis.是否有其他魚類可以和Tropheus混養在一起呢?雖然選擇不多,但還是有的,例如蝦虎類慈鯛中的Eretmodus(80頁) , Spathodus(160頁),和Tanganicodus(161頁)都可以和Tropheus混養。我們提到的這些魚和Tropheus一樣都需要乾淨而富含氧氣的水,並且需要為它們準備許多可作為庇護所的岩石或其他東西,也需要更加耐心的照看。Tropheus不適合初學者飼養!除了我們提到的蝦虎類慈鯛,Petrochromis(144頁)和Simochromis(158頁)也可以和Tropheus一起飼養。PS:Tropheus就是蝴蝶,為避免中文名稱混雜,譯者在正文中統一不使用中文名稱。致敬 教科書級別作品《Back to nature guide to tanganyika cichlids》原著作者:AD KONINGS 邊學邊譯邊分享,工作生活繁忙,速度越來越慢!感謝大家一直以來的支持,更加感謝大家的等待和包容!希望對大家玩魚養魚有用!(本平台只提供原書中部分內容的免費分享,為了文化產業健康有序發展,也為了我們能夠看到更多更高品質的文化作品,請購買正版圖書閱讀全部內容)THE END能看到這裡的一定是 「真愛 」部分內容來自網路翻譯:飛魚編輯:MORE歡迎關注,你不評論,怎能精彩?!動動手指在頁面下方開始評論之旅

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