3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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作者介紹:Christine Athena Horner一位美國乳房外科修復醫生,作家,演講家,和通過整體和替代醫學方法預防乳腺癌的活動家,同時,也是一個乳腺癌領域的專家,並創建製作了多個電視節目來宣傳乳腺健康理念。Christine Athena Horner is an American plastic surgeon, author, professional speaker, and activist for the prevention of breast cancer through holistic and alternative medicine methods. She is regarded as an expert on the subject of breast cancer.譯文:As a doctor, I am a fan of Brevail®, an all-natural nutraceutical, and one of the most effective and safe supplements you can take to help to alleviate your perimenopausal symptoms. As a reconstructive surgeon with a specialty in breast reconstruction, I have seen too many women whose breast cancers may well be the result of HRT, environmental toxins, and other unnatural causes.做為一名乳房外科修復醫生,我有乳房修復的專長,我見過很多的乳腺癌患者是由於激素替代療法(HRT)環境毒素還有其他的非自然的病因。而作為一名醫生,我也是蓓瑞維奧[Brevail]的一個冬粉,這是一個純天然的乳腺護理產品,而且還是減緩更年期癥狀的最有效,最安全的產品之一。Brevail is made from a nutrient compound called lignans, a type of natural plant estrogen (phytoestrogen), which is found in the outer hull of flaxseeds. Flaxseeds contain some 100 times more lignans than any other known edible plant.蓓瑞維奧[Brevail]包含了一種叫做木酚素的自然營養成分,一種植物類雌激素物質。它是從亞麻籽當中所發現的,亞麻籽之中的木酚素含量大約是其他植物的100倍。According to the Framingham Offspring study, American women are ingesting less than one milligram of lignans today.美國斯坦福大學(Stanford University)經過無數的觀察與研究發現保持高木酚素含量飲食習慣的女性更不容易得乳腺病。 When my own mother was diagnosed and then died from breast cancer, I began an intensive search of the medical literature to find what—if anything—could help women to restore hormonal balance and also prevent breast cancer. What I found was a tremendous amount of little-known research proving that women with a high intake of flax lignans can not only restore hormonal balance but also significantly reduce their risk of breast cancer and of any other chronic disease. That』s why when I learned about Brevail, I was ready to embrace this safe and natural alternative to medication. I hope you are, too.當我的母親在被診斷為乳腺癌並且因此喪生之後,我便開始了集中查閱醫學文獻,來找尋一種幫助女性重建雌激素平衡,並且抵禦乳腺癌的方式。最終,我找到了大量的鮮為人知的研究,證明了有較高亞麻木酚素攝取量的女性不但能夠重建雌激素的平衡,顯著降低患乳腺癌和其他乳腺疾病的幾率。這就是為什麼我一聽說蓓瑞維奧[Brevail],我就準備擁抱這項自然又安全的產品作為我的治療手段。我希望你也能夠這樣。 Lignans have many health-promoting and protecting properties, especially balancing female hormones. In a trial of 100 women using Brevail, many women with perimenopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, headaches, and mood swings reported that Brevail improved their symptoms. Additionally, their hormone levels were restored to an optimal balance seen in women who traditionally enjoy extraordinary breast health.木酚素擁有多種提升健康的保護性功能(many health-promoting and protecting properties)尤其是能夠平衡女性體內雌激素的含量。我對100名使用蓓瑞維奧[Brevail]的女性進行了諮詢,其中很多女性有圍絕經期(絕經期之前一段時間)的癥狀,包括hot flashes(熱潮紅)、頭痛、情緒不穩(mood swings),據她們反映,蓓瑞維奧[Brevail]改善了她們的癥狀。此外,她們的雌激素水平也保持了一個最佳的平衡狀態(尤其是有乳腺病歷史的女性)。Other studies show lignans to be very effective at protecting against postmenopausal diseases like heart disease, osteoporosis, and breast cancer.另外有一些調查表明,木酚素對絕經期后的疾病,比如心臟病,骨質疏鬆症等也有很好的治癒效果。Remember that you do have tremendous power to influence your health naturally. Perimenopausal symptoms, as well as most chronic disorders including cancer, stem from imbalances caused by poor choices in foods and lifestyle. Whereas the right foods, lifestyle, and intelligent supplements like Brevail can help you to achieve and maintain extraordinary health.要記住你擁有巨大的能量來自然地提升你的健康水平,無論是各類乳腺疾病還是更年期綜合征,亦或是慢性雌激素失調引發的疾病,比如癌症,你都擁有力量去治癒它們。它們是由不良的食品和生活方式引發的。相反如我們採取正確的生活方式,食用正確的產品,比如蓓瑞維奧[Brevail],那麼這就會幫助你達到和保持一個非凡的健康狀態。

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