3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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隨著電子設備在課堂中普及,PPT變成唾手可得的教學資源了。在平時的教學工作中,似乎用到簡筆畫的場合越來越少了。不對!PPT只是教學工具,不是教學資源啊。有沒有發現,有時候,PPT當中預設的內容,可能並不能應對課堂中動態生成的內容,——比如,今天凌哥上課的時候,遇到了一個單詞camel,但是臨時怎麼來得及上網找圖片再插入到PPT中呢?所以,簡筆畫還是有用武之地的。一說到畫簡筆畫,很多老師就開始愁眉苦臉啦!其實,真的不用太擔憂的,能表意、實用就可以了。看上面的camel, 你知道凌哥是怎麼畫它的簡筆畫的嗎?當然是要邊說英語邊畫的,否則,怎麼好意思說自己是英語老師呢?凌哥是這樣做的:A camel is an animal. It has four legs.(畫四條腿,其實只是四條豎線啦) And look, it has two small mountains. (畫兩個駝峰)好啦,凌哥不繼續畫(其實是不太會畫細節啦),直接考查學生是否理解:What colour is a camel? 學生回答:It's brown.繼續考查Can you draw the camel's head?OK. 大功告成!總結一下英語課堂中運用簡筆畫的要訣:第一、要和語言教學、語言交際、語言交互、語言測試等結合在一起。第二、點到為止,簡潔為美,能表現你最希望表達的部分即可。第三、可以讓學生畫一部分內容,既是語言理解,又是師生合作。嘿嘿,難道你們就沒有發現這三個要訣都是在掩飾教師的繪畫弱項么!借口啊,十足的借口!嚯嚯!嚯嚯!讓凌哥我找個地縫先鑽進去,你們跟上哦!有位奇人用英語寫了一本關於簡筆畫在英語教學中的運用的英文書,名曰《英語教學簡筆畫和卡通畫教程》。木有看錯咯,還有卡通畫呢!部分頁面是醬紫的:複雜的簡筆畫,是簡單形狀的組合。看到了嗎,到第五章的某一頁的時候,已經是Picture 689了。這本書,到底有多少插圖啊?好奇了!目錄,可以讓我們更加清楚該書的一些脈絡:Part 1 SignificanceUnit One Why do we adopt stick figures and cartoons in ELT?1.1 What are stick figures and cartoons?1.2 Significance of the adoption of stick figures and cartoons in ELT1.3 Principles and criteria of designing language teaching with pictures1.4 Various sources and uses of stick figures and cartoonsUnit Two Characteristics of stick figures and cartoons2.1 Simple2.2 Clear-cut2.3 Accurate2.4 Flexible2.5 Direct2.6 Pictographic2.7 Descriptive and representative2.8 Meaningful2.9 FunctionalPart 2 SkillsUnit Three Basic skills of drawing stick figures and cartoons3.1 Preparations for your drawing3.2 Basic lines and figures3.3 Choosing proper lines and figures to draw stick pictures3.4 Detailed descriptions in drawing cartoon picturesUnit Four Diversity of drawing stick figures and cartoons4.1 Humans4.2 Careers4.3 Activities4.4 Animals4.5 Objects4.6 Plants4.7 Vegetables and fruit4.8 Food and drink4.9 Clothing4.10 Vehicles and transportation tools4.11 Buildings and architectures4.12 Locations and places4.13 Countries, cities and places of historical interest4.14 Natural sceneries4.15 Disasters and accidents4.16 Customs4.17 Religions4.18 FestivalsPart 3 ApplicationUnit Five Stick figures and cartoons adopted in teaching language knowledge5.1 Phonetics5.2 Letters5.3 Vocabulary5.4 Sentence patterns5.5 Grammar凌哥感興趣的,是第五章中利用簡筆畫和卡通畫來教學句型和語法。你呢?

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