3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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蕾哈娜近日不僅在影視圈發展得順風順水,公益事業也絲毫沒有落下,前不久她作為國際組織全球教育夥伴聯盟的形象大使和法國總統馬克龍談了談如何發展全球教育事業,如今她又和共享腳踏車ofo結伴共同發起了全球獎學金項目。ofo小黃車,攜手蕾哈娜及其創立的克拉拉•萊昂內爾基金會共同宣布開展為期五年的「一公里計劃」公益合作,為馬拉維的失學女童提供教育援助。針對馬拉維失學率高和交通方面的不便,ofo小黃車還將捐贈腳踏車給獎學金獲得者。Rihanna is on a roll. The iconic singer has been on a cinematic and humanitarian spree lately, this time partnering with a bike-sharing company to provide better access to education for girls across Malawi.With her Clara Lionel Foundation and ofo, a prominent bike-sharing platform based in China, Rihanna announced a five-year partnership called "1 KM Action" that will donate bikes to scholarship recipients. Why bikes? They're expected to help alleviate the challenges of attending school in Malawi, where the drop-out rates are exceedingly high; only 8 percent of students complete secondary school, with girls especially finding themselves at a disadvantage. There are approximately 4.6 million primary-school-age children in Malawi, according to the Foundation, and transportation across long distances is an issue.馬上學:On a roll表示「運氣好」、「發揮超長」、「很順」。例如:The team has been on a roll since midseason.(季中后這支隊伍接連獲勝。)喬治•克魯尼怒斥狗仔偷拍雙胞胎新晉奶爸喬治•克魯尼近日向狗仔隊發出嚴厲警告:離我的孩子們遠點兒!上周五,克魯尼發聲明譴責法國Voici雜誌封面刊登他與妻子阿瑪爾及兩人7周大雙胞胎的照片。克魯尼在聲明中稱,前一周,雜誌攝影師翻牆爬樹,非法拍攝到自己家中嬰兒的照片。自己將充分採取法律手段起訴攝影師、中介及該雜誌,保護孩子的安全。克魯尼一家的照片被該雜誌在封面定為「獨家」招攬讀者,並且是在這對父母不知情的情況下遠距離拍攝的。George Clooney is putting paparazzi on alert: His kids are off limits.The actor last Friday released a statement criticizing French magazine Voici for publishing grainy photos of he and Amal Clooney, the actor's wife, carrying their 7-week-old twins on the cover of a new issue."Over the last week photographers from Voici magazine scaled our fence, climbed our tree and illegally took pictures of our infants inside our home," Clooney said in a statement obtained by CNN. "Make no mistake the photographers, the agency and the magazine will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The safety of our children demands it."The photos Clooney references were touted by the magazine as a "scoop" on the cover, but clearly taken from a distance without the knowledge of the famous parents.馬上學:off limits表示「禁止入內之地區」、「限度之外」,例如:Candy is off-limits until tomorrow. (明天前不準吃糖。)碧昂斯被曝有意收購火箭隊據美國《人物》雜誌網站援引彭博新聞報道,碧昂斯正在考慮投資自己老家的休斯頓火箭隊。但目前還未得到碧昂斯或球隊方面的評論。上月,火箭隊老闆萊斯利•亞歷山大宣布他將出售該隊。今年2月,福布斯對該隊的估值為16.5億美元。不過,這也不是碧昂斯家首次涉足體育圈了。碧昂斯老公JAY-Z在2004年至2013年期間就是布魯克林籃網隊的股東之一。The Carters may be getting back in the NBA business.Beyoncé is 「mulling an investment」 in the Houston Rockets, her hometown』s professional basketball team, according to Bloomberg News.No one from the singer』s camp or the team have yet commented on the possibility.Current Rockets owner Leslie Alexander announced last month that he』s seeking to sell his controlling share in the team, according to Sports Illustrated. Forbes valued the team at $1.65 billion in February.This wouldn』t be Beyoncé』s first foray into the world of sports. Her husband JAY-Z owned a small portion of the Brooklyn Nets from 2004 to 2013.馬上學:初次嘗試,涉足, 一般可用foray into(介入)表示。例如:The novelist's first foray into nonfiction turned out to be a huge success.(這位小說家初次嘗試非小說類作品非常成功。)

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