3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Moonlight has won best picture at the Oscars - but only after an error saw La La Land initially declared the winner.《月光男孩》最終獲得了奧斯卡最佳影片獎,但是卻留下了一臉懵逼、頗為尷尬的《愛樂之城》在一旁。因為,組委會一開始竟然錯把這個獎盃頒給了《愛樂之城》。 The La La Land producers were in the middle of their acceptance speeches when the mistake was discovered.當組委會發現這個錯誤的時候,《愛樂之城》的製作人已經在舞台上發表自己的獲獎感言了。 PriceWaterhouseCooper, the accountancy firm responsible for counting the ballots, apologised for the mix-up.本次投票的審計單位,會計公司PriceWaterhouseCooper事後對這起事件表達了歉意。 La La Land still ended up the biggest winner of the night, taking home six Oscars including a best actress award for Emma Stone.不過,這最後的花絮並不影響《愛樂之城》成為今晚奧斯卡的最大贏家,他們獲得了包括最佳女主角在內的六項奧斯卡大獎(艾瑪·斯通獲得了最佳女主角獎項)。 Moonlight's surprise best picture win took its haul to three, the low-budget film having earlier won the adapted screenplay award and a best supporting actor prize for Mahershala Ali.《月光男孩》在最後驚喜獲得最佳影片獎后,他們在今晚也獲得了三項奧斯卡大獎。這部低成本影片還獲得了最佳改編劇本獎和最佳男配角獎(由馬赫沙拉·阿里獲得)。 Casey Affleck was named best actor for Manchester by the Sea, while Viola Davis was named best supporting actress for Fences.最佳男主角花落影片《海邊的曼徹斯特》的主角卡西·阿弗萊克,而《藩籬》的維奧拉·戴維斯獲得了最佳女配角獎。 Damien Chazelle, La La Land's 32-year-old director, became the youngest film-maker to win the best director Oscar.《愛樂之城》的導演,年僅32歲的導演達米恩·查澤雷獲得了最佳導演獎,從而成為了奧斯卡史上最年輕的最佳導演獎獲得者。Yet this year's ceremony will be remembered for its closing moments, when Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway arrived on stage to announced the best picture winner.不過,在頒獎儀式的最後,作為壓軸頒獎嘉賓的沃倫·比蒂和法耶·敦威在台上宣布最佳影片的那一刻,絕對是若干年後人們對本次頒獎儀式的最深印象。 Beatty had been mistakenly handed the previous winner's envelope, containing a card that said Emma Stone had won best actress for La La Land.工作人員錯把前一項最佳女主角獎項的信封遞給了比蒂。 It was this card that Dunaway read from, mistakenly declaring La La Land to be best picture and creating what Stone later described as "the craziest Oscar moment of all time".毫不知情的敦威於是按照信封內卡片的內容宣布《愛樂之城》獲得了最佳影片獎。《愛樂之城》女主角斯通事後將這一事件稱為「史上最混亂的一刻」。

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