3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在學習與工作中,經常需要我們用英文做一些主題展示,或表達思想,或介紹經驗,或推廣品牌... ... Presentation既像演講,又不同於演講,同在於都需要良好的語言組織能力和表達溝通技巧,異在於,相比於演講的某些渲染效果,Presentation對於信息傳達的精準性和簡潔性要求更高,目的性更強,往往還會藉助PPT這一媒介。因此,不論是在課堂還是工作中,能做好一個英文Presentation的能力都極為重要。 今天就為大家介紹一些做Presentation的注意事項。 Preparation準備篇 要想做好一個presentation,最重要的三件事是什麼? Preparation! Preparation! Preparation! 重要的事說三遍!!! 那麼,我們應該考慮哪些問題呢? 1. Objective 目標 「Why am I making this presentation?」 任何presentation都要有一個目標。一般來說,這些目標可以分為四大類: Inform (通知,介紹) Train (培訓) Persuade (勸說) Sell (銷售) 2. Audience 受眾 "Who am I making this presentation to?" 這個問題看似簡單,其實不易。我們需要考慮到種種情況: How many people? 多少人 Who are they? Business people? Professional people? Political people? Experts or non-experts? 受眾職業、社會地位 Will it be a small, intimate group of 4 colleagues or a large gathering of 400 competitors? 規模 How much do they know already and what will they expect from you? 受眾的了解程度和期許 3. Venue 地點 "Where am I making this presentation?" In a small hotel meeting-room or a large conference hall? 是會議室還是大廳? What facilities and equipment are available? 有哪些設備? What are the seating arrangements? 座位安排是怎樣的? 4. Time and length 時間與時長 "When am I making this presentation and how long will it be?" Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry, or just after lunch, when your audience will be sleepy? 考慮特殊情況,如果在午飯前,觀眾會不會因為餓急著吃飯?如果在午飯後,觀眾會不會睏倦? 5. Method方式 「How should I make this presentation?" Formal or informal? 正式還是非正式? Lots of visual aids or only a few? 使用多少視覺上的媒介(如圖片,視頻,實物等) Will you include some anecdotes and humour for variety? 是否應該加一些引用和小幽默 6. Content 內容 "What should I say?" Brainstorm your ideas. 第一步 頭腦風暴 Be selective. You should include only information that is relevant to your audience and your objective. 第二步 篩選(條件設定要根據以上考慮的5個問題) Create a title for your presentation. The title will help you to focus on the subject. 第三步 擬定標題(這一步可以在頭腦風暴中就完成) Prepare your visual aids, if you have decided to use them. But remember, in general, less is better than more. 第四部 準備視覺輔助工具(求簡不求多) 7. Structure 結構 清晰的結構是一個成功presentation的關鍵。一般來講,一個presentation大概可以分為三部分 BeginningShort introductionwelcome your audience introduce your subject explain the structure of your presentation explain rules for questions MiddleBody of presentationpresent the subject itself EndShort conclusionsummarise your presentation thank your audience invite questions 8. Rehearsal排練 排練在Presentation中發揮著至關重要的作用,主要有以下好處: you will become more familiar with what you want to say. 熟悉內容 you will identify weaknesses in your presentation. 發現缺陷 you will be able to practise difficult pronunciations. 練習難點 you will be able to check the time that your presentation takes and make any necessary modifications. 把握時間 以上就是在做presentation準備階段需要考慮的問題,當然,英語君只舉了有限的例子。相信有了整體的框架之後,大家做Presentation的思路會更加清晰,需要的只是在框架中填補內容。下一期,英語君將為大家帶來做Presentation的更多注意事項。

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