3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

w a ywaitingDirty bit夢裡夢不到的夢follow your heartI love you for you.Drug Lover(毒品愛人)i just wanna kiss u babyNo one and you(無人及你)Deep love you know深愛你懂嗎我能給足你面子 也能扇你嘴巴子.I know that Iove is truly hurt.我跟你是不是再也來不及重新認識了It was raining so hard雨下的好難聽Reality is reality too是現實太現實can you hold my hands and be my guideYou look more beautiful every time I see you.There is so such thing ,until it knock at my heartObviously very like, but not close to.可不可以破百you are special in my heart !(在我心裡你是特別的)Faded memories, painful reality.淡了回憶,痛了現實。For the rest of my life without you餘生沒有你要怎麼辦Take me into your future you[ 把我考慮進你的未來好嗎 ]Time to get close to become welcome.時間把親密變成客氣。選愛人不需要太多標準, 只要這三樣:不騙我,不傷害我,陪著我。Too many stories have no results.擁有太多故事卻都沒有後來Sometimes it lasts in love ,but sometimes it hurts insteadDeep love you know 深愛你懂嗎Always is not a movie played out[常伴不是一場電影演完就散]Always wear your invisible crown.永遠戴著屬於你的隱形王冠。But you're not here with me in my dream你不在我身邊卻在我夢裡I will give you all my love happy。(我將給你我所有的愛和笑容)I would like to meet a warmyou wander我願顛沛流離再遇見溫暖的你wherever you go ,whatever do you.I will be right waiting for yoyDon't torture me, please love only one.不要折磨我,請只愛一個。if_you_shed_tears_when_you_miss_the_sun, you_also_miss_the_stars.Since when I have become afraid to pay從什麼時候起我也變得害怕付出Name hold weighe like kilos名字承載著記憶中的千斤重負 [酷友網原創]Man Always Remember Love Because of Romance Over(男人只因浪漫而牢記愛情)To get used to any one's gradual alienation你要習慣任何人的逐漸疏遠The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn.暴風肆虐后的場景在清晨讓你哭泣You may lead a horse to the water,but you cannot make him drink.凡事不可強求。I am ready to gve up you, but you suddenly smiled at me我準備放棄你了可是你又對我笑Let the light guide your way hold every mrmory.就讓那光芒引導你的前路,銘記於我的曾經。We are just friends, so there's no reason to leave.沒有關係我們只是朋友,所以沒有分開的理由他是女生心中的男神,也只有他知道我喜歡什麼,討厭什麼,生理期是什麼時候。嗯,因為他是最寵我的哥哥Want to cherish but still lost, like sunny but always rain.想要珍惜卻還是失去 喜歡晴天卻總是下雨Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.愛,起於微笑,濃於親吻,逝於淚水Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.永遠不要剝奪別人的希望,也許那是他們唯一If the pain completely how will think constantly of the old time.若能夠痛的徹底又怎會念念不忘舊時光英文簽名

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