3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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夏天到了,蚊蟲出沒。門診經常有寶寶被咬的手背、足背腫成一個小饅頭。媽媽看著好心痛。那麼到底有哪些靠譜的驅蚊產品和方法呢?目前兒童可安全適用的驅蚊成分為兩種大哥——DEET俗稱避蚊胺被植物驅蚊廠家黑了多年,其實是一位經得起考驗的老大哥。根據美國兒科學會(AAP)的建議,兩月齡以上的兒童可以使用含有DEET的產品。濃度10%~30%DEET的驅蚊劑是安全有效的。微囊泡製劑更可減少皮膚吸收,可以選擇的品牌是3M Ultrathon。1)濃度25%——效果持續8小時2)濃度19%——3小時Safe Anophelifuge for Kids1. Anophelifuge containing 10-30% DEEP is safe and effective for kids older than 2 months of age, trecommended by American Academy of Pediatrics .1) 3M Ultrathon, 25%DEEP, 8hr effective time (Please refer to the picture above)2) 3M Ultrathon, 19% DEEP, 3hr effective time (Please refer to the picture above)2二哥——派卡瑞丁Picaridin新一代驅蚊產品,同DEET一樣有效,且對皮膚更少刺激,沒有黏黏糊糊的手感。1)美國有濃度20%的Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent(適用於6月齡以上)2) 濃度7% Cutter Advanced Picaridin Insect Repellent(未標明適用年齡,但是說適用全家,包括孕婦媽媽,效果持續4小時以上)澳洲品牌Aerogard濃度不詳(適用於1歲以上兒童)。2. Picaridin is as effective as DEET against mosquitoes. It is less irritating to skin compare with DEET. It is also nonsticky and nongreasy.In the United States, there are 20% and 7% solution available.1) Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent, USA, 20% picaridin, for kids > 6 month old. (Please refer to the picture above)2). Cutter Advanced Picaridin Insect Repellent, USA, 7%, safe for the whole family to use, including children and pregnant woman; 4hr effective time (Please refer to the picture above)3) Aerogard, Australia, for kids > 12 month old. (Please refer to the picture above)●對於其他一些化學防蚊如檸檬胺(不建議3歲以下適用)、驅蚊酯,由於安全性及有效性未得到充分驗證,暫不推薦。●許多家長熱衷的植物驅蚊產品,如香茅草精油、薰衣草精油,雖然有一定驅蚊效果,但有效時間較短,需要多次塗抹,增加了對皮膚的刺激性,並可能引起過敏,暫不推薦。 Other agents marketed as mosquito repellents●Other chemical insect repellents include IR 3535 are not recommended because the effectiveness and safety are not well established.●Various botanical repellents, such as citronella and lavender oil, are also not recommended. These agents may have limited duration of effectiveness but required frequent application which might irritate the skin even trigger skin allergies. ●驅蚊劑應適用於暴露的皮膚或衣服,但不能用於衣服覆蓋處。●給寶寶塗抹驅蚊劑后應清潔手部,以防止與眼睛,口腔和生殖器接觸。●請勿在切口,傷口,發炎,刺激或濕疹皮膚上使用驅蚊劑。●避免吸入驅蚊噴霧,將其噴洒在封閉的空間或食物附近。●根據外出時間選用不同濃度、時效的驅蚊劑。●回家後用驅蚊劑的區域應用肥皂和水清洗。●如果使用防晒霜和驅蚊劑,應先塗防晒霜,然後塗抹驅蚊劑。Tips for the repellent application●Repellents should be applied to exposed skin or clothing, but not under clothing.●Repellent should be washed from the palms after application to prevent contact with the eyes, mouth, and genitals●Do not use repellents over cuts, wounds, inflamed, irritated, or eczematous skin.●Avoid inhale aerosols, spray them in enclosed spaces or near food, or get them into the eyes●Choose repellent according to concentration and duration of action●The areas applied with repellent should be washed with soap and water once back to home.●If both sunscreen and repellent are being applied, sunscreen should be applied first and repellent should be applied after.二.物理防蚊更安全1.外出小推車最好有紗簾。2.會走路的孩子最好穿寬鬆的扎口長衣褲。3.盡量少在水旁邊或草叢旁邊玩耍,尤其傍晚時分。4.天熱時,家中睡眠可以開空調。5.孩子最好睡在蚊帳里。6.誠意推薦電蚊拍,對天花板和高處的蚊子,手到擒來。Other Protective Measures Against Mosquito Bite ●Baby stroller with screen curtain. (Please refer to the picture above)●Wear shoes, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants when you go outside. (Please refer to the picture above)●Do not play near to standing water and grass, especially at dusk●Use air-conditioning in your room.●Baby mosquito net.●Electric mosquito swatter. (Please refer to the picture above)

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