3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

辭彙篇小夥伴們,本期的辭彙學習小編選取了關於money相關辭彙的意思與用法,以及各類型numbers的讀法,歡迎大家學習與分享。1. order, invoice and paymentorder n.訂單invoice n. 發票 v. 開發票payment n. 付款例句:They cancelled their order for the goods.他們取消了貨物訂單The merchandise does not check with invoice.這批貨與發貨單不符。The seller may invoice the goods at $70 per ton.賣方可以每噸70美元開具該貨的發票。You may defer payment until next week.你可延期至下周支付。科普時間:A typical invoice contains:• Date of the invoice and an invoice reference number.• Name, contact details and tax details of the seller.• Name and contact details of the buyer.• Date that the products were shipped.• Purchase order number (if the buyer has one which they want on the invoice).• Deion of the products.2. money, pay, budget1)與money有關的搭配:borrow money (from a bank)cost (us) money (to cancel the event)earn money (from your job)have enough money (to live comfortably)invest money (in new technology)lend money (to a friend)lose money (by gambling賭博/on a bad investment)make money (from home/ by working hard)owe money (to the person who lent it to you)save money (on a flight by booking early)save up money (for a luxury cruise)spend money (on new office furniture)waste money (on lottery tickets 彩票- usually)win money (on the lottery- if you're lucky)2)與pay的常見用法pay a lot of money for it, €80 for a dress, the bill at a restaurant, income taxpay fora meal, the drinks, my ticket, the taxipay bycardpay withmy cardpay indollars3) budget 預算例句:The project went over budget.The project is on budget數字種類眾多,你是否都能準確讀出呢?3. number的讀法1) Look at how to say numbers. The word 'and' (shown in brackets) is used in British English.348three hundred (and) forty-eight21,000twenty-one thousand21,300twenty-one thousand, three hundred21,348twenty-one thousand, three hundred (and) forty-eight240,000two hundred (and) forty thousand8.5meight point five millionNote these points:• The words 'hundred', 'thousand', etc do NOT have an '-s' when used in numbers like those above. However they do have an '-s' in phrases like 'hundreds of people', 'millions of dollars'.• 0 can be spoken as 'zero', 'nought' or 'oh' depending on dialect and context. The safest thing is just to say 'zero'.• It is often easier to use approximate numbers:390-410 around/about/roughly 400396 nearly/just under 400404 just over 4002) 加,減,乘,除,等於號Look at how to say mathematical operations.8+2 eight plus two8-2 eight minus (take away) two8x2 eight times (multiplied by) two8/2 eight divided by twoTo say the result use 'is' or 'makes' or 'equals'.Eight plus two is/makes/equals ten3)measurementsLook at how to say measurements.10mmten millimetres10cmten centimetres10mten metres10m2ten square metres (area)10m3ten cubic metres (volume)Don't use 'of' with units of measurement:two hundred dollars (Not of dollars)資源來自書籍:《Essential Business Vocabulary Builder》

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