3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

在SAT的考綱中有一類問題考察Frequently Confused Words,被我們稱之為易混詞。所謂易混詞就是長得很像的單詞,使用的時候經常混淆。大家需要注意,在測試易混詞的時候,主要測試的是外國人經常混淆的,而不是人經常混淆的。 推薦閱讀:什麼是SAT易混詞?第一類: 同根詞 詞根相同,但是配上不同的前綴和後綴可能意義就不一樣。這點很像我們漢語中有些詞共用一個漢字的情況,比如風尚還是風範?接納還是接受?等等。在過往的考試中曾經出現過的prosecute和persecute就屬於這一類。 這兩個單詞都來自於詞根sequi表示to follow,即跟隨的意思。而一個是per-前綴,則表示遭到迫害。而pro-放在前面則表示起訴,恐高的意思。 第二類: 同音詞 因為發音相同,但是拼寫不同。所以可能讀起來是沒有問題的,但是反映在紙面上就出問題了。我們漢語也有同音異形字。比如「技藝」和」記憶」就是一個同音詞,但是兩者之間是不能替換的。 屬於這一類的包括their /there / they』re, 還有its/it』s, cite/sight/site等。 第三類: 同源形容詞 這類單詞的特點是他們都來自同一個名詞或動詞,只不過加入了不同的形容詞尾綴,而導致意思有所差別。比如大家經常分不開comprehensible和comprehensive。這兩個單詞都是comprehend的形容詞,但是這兩個形容詞分別來自於他們不同的動詞意思。Comprehensible取動詞理解的意思,所以表示可以理解的;而comprehensive取動詞全部包括的意思,所以包括很多的感覺就是全面的。諸如此類的還有exhaustive/exhausted, witty / witting。 以下是北京新東方韓冰老師為大家帶來的SAT易混詞的總結及對應練習,希望對大家掌握這些單詞有所幫助。 affect / effect / effort A) In an to avoid any bodily harm, Thomas quickly dove under his desk, and covered the back of his neck with his hands and arms. B) Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation can have detrimental on human skin. C) In the United States, a high school student』s cumulative GPA greatly his or her chances of being admitted to a reputable university. complement / compliment / implement A) The stirring beats of her songs her equally haunting voice. B) The media Lady Gaga on her simple yet elegant outfit. C) The farmer spent hours looking through the comprehensive catalogue dedicated to agricultural . comprise / compose A) The report three comprehensible, practical solutions to the issue at hand. B) Jane her work with great care; her goal is to deeply touch and inspire her listeners. desert / dessert A) The chieftain will have many regrets if he relocates his people to the southern . B) The at that place tend to be frozen solid, and it usually takes over half an hour for them to thaw out. elicit / illicit A) With an ice cream sandwich, Billy was able to the secret from his younger sister. B) On January 1st, the city will initiate its extensive program to eradicate all local drug activity. fare / fair / fire A) The campers gravitated toward the and its much-appreciated warmth. B) Collectively, the friends didn』t have enough money to cover their taxi . C) It just doesn』t seem that Renee has a higher monthly salary than does Lauren. hone / home A) She her public speaking skills by talking or performing in front of large groups of people whenever she could. B) Lance considered the city his ; after all, he had been living there for over five years. imitate / intimate A) The scene consisted of a candle, two wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and a single rose all on a small table situated in front of a welcoming fireplace. B) If you want to her painting style, you』ll need to first purchase the same art supplies that she uses. in a sense / in essence A) , cellphones can decrease the quality of our lives. For example, these devices tend to distract us from the things that truly matter: meaningful face-to-face interactions with family and friends. B) It probably seems like I』ve given you a lot of detailed advice, but , I simply want you to be yourself and be respectful. If you follow this last rule, you』re bound to finally succeed. lose / loose A) Immediately upon seeing a worm in his apple, Jaren his appetite. B) Even after 10 minutes of tugging at it aggressively, the nail would not come from the wall. precede / proceed A) The archeologists with great care; they did not want to damage any of the newly-discovered fossilized remains. B) The television network chose to the sports event with a Beyoncé performance; the network wanted the event to begin on a high note.

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