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China is to extend the compulsory education toencompass high schools nationwide by 2020,according to The Guideline for Popularizing HighSchool Education (2017-2020), recently released bythe Ministry of Education.根據教育部日前發布的《高中階段教育普及攻堅計劃(2017—2020年)》,到2020年,將在全國範圍內把高中階段納入到義務教育。It aims to raise the gross enrolment ratio for highschools to above 90% on average nationwide withrates in central and western China substantiallyimproved.此項計劃旨在將全國範圍內的高中平均毛入學率提升至90%以上,中西部入學率顯著增長。Last year, China's overall gross enrollment ratio was 87.5% for high schools, meaning a rise of2.5 percentage points in the next four years, according to the guideline.去年,高中的總體毛入學率為87.5%,根據此項計劃,未來四年高中毛入學率將上升2.5個百分點。Meanwhile, the document said the country is set to achieve a more reasonable structurebetween high school and secondary occupational education.與此同時,文件指出,將在高中和中等職業教育之間建立更加合理的結構。In addition, the schools in central and western areas will enjoy more funds and better facilitiesto significantly improve the quality of education.此外,中西部地區的學校將享有更多的資金和更好的設備以顯著提升其教育質量。High school is a special and important stage for most Chinese students. That's why high schoolhas been considered a key period to improve quality of the nation's human resources.對於大多數學生來說,高中都是一個特殊而又重要的階段。這就是為什麼高中被認為是提高一個國家人才資源質量的關鍵時期。The guideline was in line with China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), which pledges topopularize high school education by the end of this period.這份指導方針和的「十三五」計劃相一致,該計劃曾承諾在五年計劃的後期,實現高中教育的普及。

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