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New reports are suggesting intelligent cameras sold in China are becoming a hacking concern, reports China Central Television.據央視最近報道,在售出的智能攝像頭正在成為黑客攻擊的目標。Reports are suggesting police around the country have cracked a number of cases of intelligent cameras being hacked, with the images being sold as private video clips online.報道稱,各地警方接到了一系列智能攝像頭被黑客入侵的案件,黑客利用這些攝像頭拍攝照片,剪輯成視頻在網上售出。Police in Jingning County, Zhejiang Province, arrested a suspect for selling private video clips and camera cracking software a few weeks ago.幾周前,浙江靜寧縣警方逮捕了一名售賣私人影片和攝像頭破解軟體的嫌犯。Authorities say the suspect has been selling the camera IP cracking software, as well as sexual video clips he recorded through family cameras he hacked in five QQ chatting groups.當局表示稱,該嫌犯一直在售賣攝像頭IP破解軟體,他還通過攻擊5個QQ群,利用被破解的家庭攝像頭拍攝色情影片,剪輯之後售出。Police say they have evidence the suspect may have hacked around 10,000 cameras in Yunnan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang.警方表示,他們有證據顯示該名嫌犯在雲南、江西和浙江等地已經破解了大約1萬個攝像頭。The report on China Central Television says of the 40 different intelligent cameras tested, 32 of them were found to be at-risk of information hacks, according to the security test published by the national quality watchdog in June.央視報道稱,據國家質檢總局6月份發布的安全測試報告顯示,40種被測試的智能攝像頭中,32種有被黑客入侵的風險。Since intelligent cameras operate through Internet, once the ID name and password are leaked, hackers have easy access to the cameras.因為智能攝像頭是通過網路進行操作,因此一旦ID名稱和密碼遭到泄露,黑客就能輕鬆地訪問攝像頭。Police are reminding intelligent camera users to set a complex password and do not turn on the camera in private areas, such as your bedroom or bathroom.警方提醒智能攝像頭用戶設置一個複雜的密碼,不要在諸如卧室和浴室等私人地方打開攝像頭。愛語吧作者:陶祥飛

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