3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

explore experiment express 3e Students Interview Chinese Actor Hu GeIn December 2016, 3e students interviewed Chinese actor Ge Hu. While visiting 3e International School, Ge Hu enjoyed playing the role of teacher and was impressed by the authenticity of the childrens』 interest in filmography and storytelling. The children took advantage of this great opportunity to learn about an actor's career as well as Ge Hu's life and interests. This experience allowed children to explore an exciting career and will be a great memory for all!演員胡歌在3e國際學校當老師的一天2016年12月的一個周末,3e大班的幾名學生參與了對胡歌先生的訪談。面對孩子們天真無邪的提問,這位熒幕上的英雄扮演起老師的角色。對於孩子們來說,他們有機會直觀的了解演員這一職業和日常生活,增長了見識。這是3e學生名人訪談的首次嘗試。廣告

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