3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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英語君導讀: 90后以及85后已經成了社會的中堅力量,我們面對著前所未有的發展機會,但卻感受到前所未有的壓力, 到底出什麼問題了?這樣的壓力該怎麼緩解?一起來看看《赫芬頓郵報》整理出的經驗吧:1. Set the right kind of goals給自己制定合適的目標Shift your plans, goals and resolutions to an intrinsic orientation. Examples of intrinsic motivations include 「I want to be very close to people」, 「I want to feel like my life has meaning」 and 「I want to feel like I』m doing something good for the universe.」 For contrast, some extrinsic motivations are 「I want to make sure that I』m wealthier than other people」 and 「I want to be viewed by others as having influence and power.」計劃、目標和決心盡量取決於你的內心。內在動機的例子有「我想和人親近」、「我想感到自己生命的意義」和「我想感到自己的行為讓世界變美好」。相比之下,外在動機則是「我一定要比別人有錢」或者「我想成為他人眼裡一呼百應、手握重權的人」。One helpful exercise is constructing goals around how, specifically, you want to feel at a given time or add value to your company, relationships or the world.制定目標時,具體圍繞你想在某段時間內獲得怎樣的感受或者是你要怎樣為公司、朋友或這個世界創造更多價值,這麼做應該會幫到你。2. Forfeit perfectionism放棄完美主義Set achievable goals and embrace surprise if you surpass them. Research exposes that 「what really gets the reward circuitry jazzed up isn』t so much the good vibes as it is the extent to which the goodness of the vibes exceed expectations.」制定可以達到的目標,一旦結果超出預期,就接受那份驚喜。研究表明,「真正激活大腦獎賞迴路的,與其說是好的感覺,不如說是這種感覺好出預期的程度。」3. Connect維持人際關係Find people who care about you and can help you manage your stress. Nurture those relationships. It is recommended to regularly ask, 「Are you too busy to catch up with people? Are you investing into friends and family? Or are you just checking in when it』s convenient for you?」找到關心你並能幫你控制壓力的人,維持好這些人際關係。建議定期問自己:「你忙到沒法和人敘舊嗎?你花時間在朋友和家人身上了嗎?還是說你只在自己方便時才表達對他們的關心?With self-awareness and loved ones to hold us accountable, we can balance ambition for a more fulfilling—yet equally rewarding—life.通過自我反省以及和我們愛的人交往,我們會變得富有責任心,可以平衡自身野心,把生活過得既有成就感,又充滿意義。

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