3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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沉默了好久啦....終於碰到一個可以勉強回答的問題啦...其實基因可以控制你是否單身!驚不驚喜,意不意外?1. 你悶騷嗎?你是一個熱愛探索生活的人還是一個悶騷的人呢?這個「性狀」由被稱為發現基因DRD4-7R決定。DRD4-7R中,DRD4是一個蛋白受體,全稱叫Dopamine Receptor D4,也就是傳說中的多巴胺受體。而7R則意為7 repeat,在11號染色體上重複了7次。DRD4-7R, the 7-repeat (7R) variant of DRD4, has been linked to a susceptibility for developing ADHD in several meta-analyses and other psychological traits and disorders. The frequency of the alleles varies greatly between populations, e.g., the 7-repeat version has high incidence in America and low in Asia. "Long" versions of polymorphisms are the alleles with 6 to 10 repeats. 7R appears to react less strongly to dopamine molecules. The 48-base pair VNTR has been the subject of much speculation about its evolution and role in human behaviors cross-culturally. The 7R allele appears to have been selected for about 40,000 years ago. In 1999 Chen and colleagues observed that populations who migrated farther in the past 30,000 to 1,000 years ago had a higher frequency of 7R/long alleles. They also showed that nomadic populations had higher frequencies of 7R alleles than sedentary ones. More recently it was observed that the health status of nomadic Ariaalmen was higher if they had 7R alleles. However, in recently sedentary (non-nomadic) Ariaal those with 7R alleles seemed to have slightly deteriorated health.簡單來說,這個基因在多巴胺的作用下,會讓一個人容易做出冒險性行為。擁有這樣基因的人會成為一個熱衷於體驗新事物的人,嘗試著去談戀愛,自然就不是問題了。2. 你喜歡聊天嗎?和女生在一起的時候,你是喜歡安安靜靜的坐在那裡,還是主動和別人聊天呢?研究發現,這個主要與生成催產素的基因OXT基因有關,OXT,即oxytocin,我們一開始看到這個很可能會以為它的作用僅僅是產生催產素,引發女性宮縮和乳汁分泌,但是我們這麼想就存在兩大誤區。第一,催產素並非女士專利,男性也可以分泌。第二,催產素能做的遠遠多於產生宮縮和乳汁分泌。Oxytocin has peripheral (hormonal) actions, and also has actions in the brain. Its actions are mediated by specific, oxytocin receptors. The oxytocin receptor is a G-protein-coupled receptor that requires magnesium and cholesterol. It belongs to the rhodopsin-type (class I) group of G-protein-coupled receptors.Studies have looked at oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors.催產素的功能有很多,無論是藥用功效還是其他功效。藥用功效包括它能夠減少人體腎上腺酮等激素的分泌,降低血壓,其他功效還能使已婚男士對其他風騷的女性感覺遲鈍,從而保持專一,不會出軌。但是我們今天要說的都不是這個。喬治亞大學的研究發現,OXT基因在社交方面發揮著十分重要的作用。他們發現,OXT基因甲基化水平更高的志願者,對他人表現出不安全型依戀的程度更高,不善於適應社會環境;OXT基因甲基化水平更低的志願者產生催產素的水平較高,表現出更高的安全型依戀,更善於辨識他人面部表情背後的情緒,社交能力更強。(基因上的化學標記甲基團會改變基因的表達)3. 單身不單身,命中注定真正的單身基因,其實是5-HTA1。這種基因擁有兩種不同的類型,G型和C型。攜帶C型基因的脫單能力比攜帶G型的可能性高很多。研究顯示,這個基因與血清素(serotonin)的表達量多少有著關聯,而血清素又和情緒有著一定的關係。Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter. Biochemically derived from tryptophan[9] serotonin is primarily found in the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), blood platelets, and the central nervous system (CNS) of animals, including humans. It is popularly thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness.研究顯示,G型基因的人產生的血清素含量較少,他們比較容易產生悲觀情緒與神經質,難以與人好好的玩耍,而這個特質,恰恰是剪斷紅繩的一把鋒利的剪刀。我感受到了這個世界對我深深的惡意....我大概要單身一輩子了.....祝各位看官早日打破基因的枷鎖,早日脫單奔向幸福美好的生活。passage main resource: 生物谷, wikipedia

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