3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

今天由知名英語教育專家唐老雅老師給我們帶來雅思真題寫作解析,大學生應該如何安排學習和課外活動? 雅思真題:Full time university students should spend a lot of time on their study, but it is also essential for them to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 思路分析:由於這是一個關於學習和課餘生活之間的平衡問題:大學生到底應該全心全意投入到學習和研究中,還是應該多參加一些課外活動和社會實踐?屬於我們比較熟悉的話題,相信每個人都有自己觀點和例子可以闡述論證。這是一個二選一的題,所以選取其中一方立場論述即可:如果是認為大學生應該「full time study」,理由可以是大學四年時間其實很短,不同於高中要求掌握各個科目,大學使得我們能夠選擇感興趣的領域進行深入的研究和學習,這是很難得的一段經歷,而課餘活動或社會實踐不一定都能發揮應有的作用,我們不應該為此分心;專註學習不管是對以後的就業或是升學都有幫助,高超的專業能力從某種程度上來說還是十分重要的,而在現在人們的學歷普遍提高,大學畢業後繼續升學成了越來越多人的選擇,full time study能夠使得我們的專業基礎更紮實。如果是同意除了要花時間學習之外還要多參與課外活動,理由可以是大學生活和高中不同,除了要好好學習之外還要多參加一些課外活動來鍛煉實踐能力,培養社交才能,發展人脈關係,提升綜合素質,為將來步入社會做好準備。另一方面,專業知識固然重要,但如果把所有精力都投入到學習中,效果不一定會很好,可能會事倍功半,適當的課餘活動有利於身心健康。作為大學生應該有把握好學習和課餘活動之間平衡的能力。當然,如果你覺得字數會不夠,可以上述兩個方面都論證,結尾段表明自己的觀點。下面這篇範文是從第二個立場來論述的。 7分範文Different from exhausting high school, college life enjoys a lot of variety. College students, therefore, may face a choice between full study or being involved in all sorts of activities. While a considerable number of people suggest that we be devoted to study, I believe that although study is still of the first priority, it is essential to participate in some extracurricular activities. In the first place, college life requires us to improve the comprehensive quality and prepare for our future career. What full study provides us with is usually only theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills. In this case, to spend spare time on activities including clubs, students』 union, part-time jobs and social practice is extremely necessary for those who plan to improve their practical ability, cultivate social skills and develop personal connections during the college life. After all, career life will be far more complex than school life, where specialized knowledge does not mean everything. Experiencing the difficult conditions and complicated interpersonal relationships in advance are very beneficial to college students. Additionally, for those who wish to lay a solid foundation in professional knowledge and skills, being fully occupied in study is not always the best solution. It is known that 「all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy」. We think it unwise to reject extracurricular activities for full study since that activities can serve as a 「lubricant」 to our academic pursuit. When failing to concentrate on study, we』d better throw ourselves into colorful activities, which enables us to get adjusted into a more positive mood and become more efficient. Sitting all the day and being immersed in books is not only detrimental to our bones, but also harmful to our character development. Activities, thus, can lubricate our tense physical and mental situations. In my view, a college life is not complete without the balance between study and activities. Proper activities can prepare us for a more successful future, ensure our efficiency as well as benefit us both physically and psychologically. As a college student, we are supposed to participate in activities and make reasonable arrangement of our time. (361 words) 【參考譯文】和讓人身心俱疲的高中不同,大學生活豐富多彩。大學生因此也面臨一個選擇,到底是一心撲在學習上還是要參加各種活動。許多人可能會認為我們應該全身心投入學習,而我認為儘管學習仍然是第一要務,參加課外活動也十分必要。首先,大學要求我們提升綜合素質,為將來的職業生涯做準備。而學習通常只能給我們提供理論知識而非實用的技能。在這種情況下,對於那些想在大學期間鍛煉實踐能力、培養社交才能以及發展人脈關係的人而言,花一些業餘時間參加社團、學生會、兼職和社會實踐等活動是十分必要的。畢竟,職場會比求學生涯複雜得多,而專業知識並不能決定一切。對大學生而言,提早體驗棘手的情況和錯綜複雜的人際關係或多或少都是有益的。此外,對於某些下定決心要奠定紮實的專業基礎的學生而言,一頭扎進學習中並非最好的方法。我們都知道「只會用功不玩耍,聰明孩子也變傻」的道理。為了學習而放棄課外活動並不明智,因為這些活動是我們緊張的學習生活中的「潤滑劑」。當我們無法集中注意力在學習上時,最好投身於豐富的活動中,這能使我們調整狀態,更有效率。整天坐著埋頭於書本不僅對我們的脊椎有害,更會讓我們越來越內向。活動能夠調節緊張的身心狀態。在我看來,缺少學習和活動之間的平衡安排的大學生活是不完整的。適當的課餘活動讓我為未來做好準備,提高效率,有益身心健康。作為一名合格的大學生,我們應該能夠在不同的活動中有取捨,合理安排時間。 以上就是我們今天的主要內容,有不懂的小夥伴們歡迎找小英解決問題!精英教育18年來致力於優質英語教學等服務,查看歷史文章還可獲得更多乾貨喲~ 唐老雅博士 教授學院派雅思代表人物精英出國語培高級顧問歐美文學知名學者知名英語教育專家

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