3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Study hard is your only road to success.讀書是你唯一的出路You look like as if you were jumped out from your ID.你長得就跟身份證里蹦出來的一樣Your pursuer must truly loves you.追你的人一定是真心愛你的You must be born at 1:00 a.,m. , because it is the hour of Chou. 你一定是凌晨一點出生的因為那時是丑時You have an unconventional look.你怎麼長得跟鬧著玩似的Even beauty cameras cannot help you.美顏相機在你面前都無能為力Just by a glance I could see you are the type of person who have really good grades.一看你就像成績好的那種This is an era of appearanceand you do not belong to this era.這是一個看臉的時代而你不屬於這個時代Turns out the saying 「people cannot be judged by their appearance」 is in fact true.果然是人不可貌相啊—End—為什麼學了這麼多年英語卻仍開不了口?是不夠努力?還是無法堅持?...如何跟老外流暢交流?也許你更需要系統的學習方法!點原文申請試聽直播學習課了解更多課程詳情!點「閱讀原文」,領取免費直播學習課

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