3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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This is what made our ancestors survival possible. Unfortunately, we inherited this instinct and it activates everytime we try something new.這使我們祖先得以倖存。但不幸的是,我們把這個本能繼承了下來,並且每次嘗試新東西的時候都會激活它。3. Make friends with your fear.與恐懼做朋友There is no magic cure to fear. 世上沒有治癒恐懼的靈藥。Fear will never dissappear, and what sets out the extraordinary from the ordinary is their ability to act despite that awful fear.恐懼永遠不會消失,而「卓越的人」與「普通人」的區別就是他們能頂著巨大的恐懼採取行動。4. As long as you are nice, things usually go well.只要你為人友善,事情通常都很順利90% of people can't reject a kind person. 90%的人都無法拒絕一個友善的人。Emerson once said 「the whole world loves a lover」. 艾默生曾經說:「全世界都會愛上一個懂得愛的人。」Try it. It's so difficult for people to reject you when you're all goody and seem so harmless.試試吧。當你表現出由內而外的友善、並且沒有任何攻擊性的時候,人們很難拒絕你。5. Most people want to connect.其實大部分人是希望和人交流的The truth is that people are more open to connect than you think. 事實是,大家其實比你想的更願意與人交流。There are a lot of people around you who want to connect but are just scared as you are.你身邊有很多人和你一樣渴望與人建立關係,而且也和你一樣害怕。6. You can't please everyone.你沒有辦法取悅所有人The thing is that no matter how sweet, funny, smart, awful or whatever kind of person you are, 90% of the world will ignore you, some of the rest will love you and the rest will hate you. 事實是,不管你多麼貼心、有趣、機智、威嚴或怎樣,世界上90%的人其實是看不見你的。剩下的那10%當中,有一部分會喜愛你,而剩下的人則會討厭你。So, You』re free to be weird. 所以,你有權保持特立獨行。As the saying goes- those who matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.正如俗語所說:那些對你來說重要的人,不會介意;那些介意的人,對你來說不重要。7. There is no universal confidence.沒有人在所有地方都自信True confidence comes from practicing and mastering an act. 真正的自信源自練習與熟練。Social skill is just a skill like any other and all I have to do to become a pro is practice.社交技巧就和其他所有技巧一樣,如果你想成為達人,你需要做的只有「練習,練習,再練習」。

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