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Zi 字媒體

【軟體簡介】: DiskCountersView 顯示系統中的每個磁碟機的系統計數器,包括讀取/寫入操作總數和讀取/寫入位元組總數。它還顯示一般磁碟機資訊,如磁碟機名稱、磁碟分割編號、磁碟分割位置等等… DiskCountersView displays the system counters of each disk drive in your system, including the total number of read/write operations and the total number of read/write bytes. It also displays general drive information, like disk name, partition number, partition location, and so on.   【軟體名稱】:DiskCountersView 1.20-硬碟讀寫次數查看器 【軟體大小】:88 KB(解壓後) 【軟體格式】:RAR 【作業系統】:Windows XP / XP 64 bit / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 2003 / 2008 【官方網站】:https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/disk_counters_view.html 【語言種類】:正體中文(本正體中文語系檔已獲官方採用) 【正體中文編譯】:丹楓 MEGA 免空載點:(解壓密碼:zhtwnet.com) 下載連結→ [按此下載]

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