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Zi 字媒體

使用 Tweak-SSD 優化工具 對固態硬碟 SSD 進行有效的優化 Tweak-SSD 優化工具 是為廣大固態硬碟使用者量身訂做的一款SSD固態硬碟優化工具,透過這款優化工具能夠幫使用者對固態硬碟進行有效的優化、提升固態硬碟的讀取速度、減少讀寫存取,從而提高SSD的效能並延長其使用壽命。SSD固態硬碟速度雖然快,但是用久了速度就會慢下來,有了這款優化工具,優化一下讓其發揮最大效率。(丹楓)(軟體下載) 【軟體名稱】:Tweak-SSD 2.0.41 – SSD固態硬碟優化工具 【軟體大小】:13.3 MB 【作業系統】:Windows All 【官方網站】:http://www.totalidea.com/products/tweak-ssd/index.php 【語言種類】:英文 Tweak, customize and optimize Windows with Tweak-7, Tweak-8, Tweak-10, 8StartButton, StartBar8. It aims to help you get the most out of your SSD drive by applying several tweaks designed to increase its capabilities and boost its speed. With respect to HDDs, solid state drives already bring a plus in computing performance, booting time and power draw, but it is intended for enhancing their features even more. Improve the performance of your SSD and increase its lifetime by applying several tweaks to reduce the read and write access and optimize its features 任何軟體在執行操作上都有一定的風險,使用前請三思並請自行承擔風險。 官方下載連結: 最新版→ [2.0.41]

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