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利用 Comodo Internet Security: Custom Uninstaller 將 Comodo 所有產品完全卸載 Comodo Internet Security: Custom Uninstaller 將完全卸載 Comodo Internet Security、Comodo Firewall 或 Comodo Antivirus 等 Comodo 相關產品於標準卸載方法失敗時。其專門針對上面列出的 Comodo 產品。執行此應用程式時,它將在卸載過程中建立系統還原點。您還需要重新啟動電腦兩次才能使所有變更生效。在卸載過程中,Comodo Internet Security: Custom Uninstaller 將刪除所有相關的應用程式捷徑、服務、驅動程式、任何連結、元件以及任何排定的工作。它還深入掃描系統登錄並刪除任何 Comodo 產品登錄區、安裝檔案以及引用安全中心的任何項目,以確保已刪除所支援的產品。(丹楓)(軟體下載) 【軟體名稱】:Comodo Internet Security: Custom Uninstaller – 完全卸載 Comodo 相關產品 【軟體大小】:1.47 MB(x86);1.60 MB(x64) 【作業系統】:Windows All 【官方網站】:https://antivirus.comodo.com/ 【語言種類】:英文 Comodo Internet Security: Custom Uninstaller will uninstall Comodo Internet Security, Comodo Firewall or Comodo Antivirus when standard methods fail. It is a simple-to-use method that is geared specifically for the Comodo products listed above. When you run the app, it will create a system restore point as part of the uninstallation process. You will also be required to restart your machine twice for all the changes to take effect. During the uninstallation process, Comodo Internet Security: Custom Uninstaller will remove all related app shortcuts, service, drivers, any links, components as well as any scheduled tasks. It also deep scans the registry and removes any Comodo product registry hives, installation files, and any entries that reference the Security Center to ensure that all evidence of the supported products has been removed. 任何軟體在執行操作上都有一定的風險,使用前請三思並請自行承擔風險。 官方下載連結: 最新版→ [x86] [x64]

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