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Zi 字媒體

軟體卸載工具 – UninstallView 是用來管理本機電腦或者遠端電腦中已安裝的程式清單,並可以直接進行卸載。UninstallView 會掃描本機系統上安裝程式的所有資訊,並顯示已安裝的程式清單。可用來替代系統原生的卸載工具,還可以直接移至相關的登錄項目。支援命令列以及靜默卸載軟體(如果安裝程式支援的話)。(丹楓)(軟體下載) 【軟體名稱】:UninstallView 1.24 免安裝中文版 – 卸載已安裝在電腦上的程式 【軟體大小】:86 KB(x86 英文版);105 KB(x64 英文版);3 KB(正體中文語系檔) 【作業系統】:Windows All 【官方網站】:http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/uninstall_view.html 【語言種類】:正體中文(本正體中文語系檔已獲官方採用) 【正體中文編譯】:丹楓 UninstallView first takes the official uninstall information in the Registry provided by the software itself and then tries to complete any missing information from other places. It’s possible that some of the unofficial information collected by UninstallView will be inaccurate. UninstallView is a tool for Windows that collects information about all programs installed on your system and displays the details of the installed programs in one table. You can use it to get installed programs information for your local system, for remote computer on your network, and for external hard-drive plugged to your computer. It also allows you to easily uninstall a software on your local computer and remote computer (Including quiet uninstall if the installer supports it). 任何軟體在執行操作上都有一定的風險,使用前請三思並請自行承擔風險。 官方下載連結: 最新版→ [x86 英文版][x64 英文版] 最新版→ [正體中文語系檔] <=下載解壓縮後將其複製到上方已下載解壓縮的資料夾內即可變為正體中文版

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