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Zi 字媒體

OneLoupe 是一款呼之即來、揮之即去的桌面螢幕放大鏡,專為那些有視力障礙或視力弱的人所準備,檢查照片、放大細節和其他任何您想仔細查看的內容,可以指定放大的區域。 執行 OneLoupe 之後,它會自動縮小到系統匣,使用時只需點選其系統匣圖示,滑鼠就變成放大視窗,然後滑鼠所到之處細節就被放大,而且非常清晰;按一下滑鼠左鍵/右鍵,放大視窗就消失。除了能設定快速鍵之外也能設定放大倍率,按 1~9 或者上下滾動滑鼠滾輪即可。(丹楓)(軟體下載) 【軟體名稱】:OneLoupe 4.33 免安裝中文版 – 桌面放大鏡 【軟體大小】:53 KB(x86);107 KB(x64) 【作業系統】:Windows All 【官方網站】:https://www.softwareok.com/?Microsoft/OneLoupe 【語言種類】:正體中文(本正體中文語系檔已獲官方採用) 【正體中文編譯】:丹楓 OneLoupe is required to view everything on the screen enlarged. Simple and easy to use, the small Magnifier is always ready when you need it to view all fine details, even the small print in the I-Net to decipher. Get color pixel from your desktop screen is also implemented, and not to forget that it offers the possibility for the quick creation of images from the zoom range, for comfortable work over the clipboard. It is also suitable for people with visual impairments or weak eyes. The control of the zoom window is done through direct input of the keyboard and mouse motions. 任何軟體在執行操作上都有一定的風險,使用前請三思並請自行承擔風險。 官方下載連結: 最新版→ [x86][x64]

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