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Zi 字媒體

Unicode Chars Number 是一款將任何 Unicode 字元轉換為十進位標記的小工具。任何 Unicode 字元只要透過貼上或鍵盤輸入立即顯示結果都將轉換為其十進位標記。其實整體應用程式非常簡單,核心功能是顯示十進位對應的輸入字元。結果可以複製到剪貼簿,但通常由幾個容易記住的數字所組成。有 Unicode 字元轉換需求的人不妨試用看看! 【軟體名稱】:Unicode Chars Number 1.0 – Unicode 字元轉換為十進位 【軟體大小】:446 KB 【作業系統】:Windows All 【官方網站】:http://windowsportableapps.blogspot.tw/ 【語言種類】:英文 Any unicode character is converted to its decimal token by simply pasting or displaying the result immediately through the keyboard input. Working on a computer does have its advantages, but getting the technology is not something that everyone is comfortable with. For example, the code used in programming is rich and makes everything comfortable. In this respect, Unicode Chars Number displays the decimal value of any character as a small converter. 官方下載連結: 最新版→ [1.0]

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