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內建加速度計和陀螺儀的自行車安全帽 (139717) - 癮科技 Cool3c

Specialized Bicycle Components, , Mountain bike, Bicycle, Protective gear in sports, Downhill mountain biking, Cycling, Racing bicycle, Bicycle Helmets, , light, black, light, product, product, personal protective equipment, protective gear in sports, black and white, darkness, glove, sports equipment

自行車大廠 Specialized推出了一款安全帽,因為內建了感應器,可以在騎行者發生意外時自動對外聯絡。名為ANGI的安全帽在後方粘了一個感應器,若感應到強大的震動,就會開啟APP的倒數計時功能,如果沒有在設定的時間內解除就會發送通報給緊急聯絡人。

Bicycle Helmets, Specialized Bicycle Components, , Bicycle, Helmet, Mountain bike, Cycling, Specialized Propero II Helmet in Safety Ion, Specialized Align Helmet, , bicycle helmet, helmet, protective gear in sports, bicycle helmet, hockey protective equipment, sports equipment, protective equipment in gridiron football, bicycles equipment and supplies, football helmet, headgear, bicycle clothing

, Specialized Bicycle Components, Bicycle, Specialized Bicycle Components, Bicycle Helmets, Helmet, Cycling, Specialized S-Works Prevail II, Bells Cycling, Specialized Tarmac, Specialized Bicycle Components, black and white, monochrome, monochrome photography, audio equipment, medical, still life photography, audio

Bicycle Helmets, Motorcycle Helmets, Ski & Snowboard Helmets, Protective gear in sports, Motorcycle, Motorcycle accessories, Car, Product, Product design, Automotive design, bicycle helmet, helmet, bicycle helmet, product, product, bicycles equipment and supplies, motorcycle helmet, bicycle clothing, personal protective equipment, headgear, sports equipment

使用CR 2032電池,正常騎行下可使用半年。不過所使的手機應用程序只支援第一年免費,之後需繳3900日元年費。共四種款式售價15120日元起這裡有賣。


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