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隨時想划就划的折疊獨木舟 #水上運動 (140233) - 癮科技 Cool3c

ONAK, Canoe, , , , , Kayak, , , Nelson Mandelaplein, gent, water transportation, vehicle, boat, watercraft rowing, water, boats and boating equipment and supplies, watercraft, boating, recreation

如果你是一個愛好水上運動的玩家,之前因為像是「童年的紙船」可收納獨木舟而爆紅的ONAK 現在推出了第二代終極版,重量只有15kg,組裝不到15分鐘,拆卸只需5分鐘,還可以收的乾乾淨淨方便攜帶。

Canoe, Product, , Discounts and allowances, Product design, Design, Crowdfunding, Paddling, Pre-order, Kickstarter, Pulley, product, product, personal protective equipment, design, automotive exterior, angle

Canoe, , Product, Project, Origami, , , Comunità professionale, Crowdfunding, , wing, product, line, wing, angle, furniture, triangle, font, table, black and white, triangle


ONAK, Canoe, MyCanoe Standard Folding Canoe, Kayak, Leuven, Mechelen, Business, , Paddling, Avocats IntoLaw Advocaten, Canoe, land vehicle, vehicle, bicycle, road bicycle, transport, tree, bicycle accessory, wheel, cycling, recreation

Boat, Water resources, Water, WATERWAY GAS & WASH COMPANY, DOCK-M by van Dixhoorn mannenmode, Resource, water resources, water, waterway, water resources, boat, reservoir, dock, lake, river, reflection, boating



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