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極致輕巧、頂級性能;日系娛樂旗艦 SHARP AQUOS zero 開箱實測 (140438) - 癮科技 Cool3c

Girl, Design, Design M Group, girl, girl, shoulder, design, long hair

這幾年夏普在台灣推出的手機,除了都有不錯的性價比之外,規格上也是力求創新,像是 AQUOS S2 的異形螢幕就是是全球第一款瀏海螢幕手機,接下來的 AQUOS S3 將螢幕佔比進一步提升,後續還推出了高配版,提升了規格並加入無線充電技術。不過,夏普在台灣一直以來都缺少了一款真正稱得上旗艦機的頂級手機。這邊要開箱的,就是夏普在台灣推出的第一款高階旗艦:SHARP AQUOS zero

台灣所推出的 SHARP AQUOS zero 基本上完全與在日本 SoftBank 推出的版本相同,全機散發出濃濃日系風格。SHARP AQUOS zero 機身重量僅 146g,號稱「6 吋以上全球最輕」。螢幕搭載 DCI-P3 色域的 6.2 吋 WQHD+ 2992 x 1440 曲面 OLED,支援 Dolby Vision 顯示技術與 Dolby Atmos 全景聲。硬體搭載高通 s845 處理器、6GB RAM / 128GB ROM。 3130mAh 的電池導入了「並聯充電」設計,可降低充電溫度、確保安全性。防水防塵也支援到了 IP68。作業系統則是 Android P。相機方面則配備 2260 萬畫素主鏡頭,以及 800 萬畫素前鏡頭。

Smartphone, Mobile Phone Accessories, Product, Product design, Computer hardware, Font, Design, Brand, Mobile Phones, iPhone, hardware, product, mobile phone, gadget, hardware, smartphone, product, communication device, electronic device, material, portable communications device

SHARP AQUOS zero 開箱影片



6 吋以上全球最輕、純日系美型影音娛樂旗艦

如果有買過日系手機水貨的網友應該都知道,日本手機的包裝設計都相當簡約,這點 SHARP AQUOS zero 也是。最外層是純黑的包裝,僅有品牌型號文字。

Business, Industry, , Company, Product design, Fashion, Design, Product, Brand, Behance, electronics accessory, product, electronic device, product, electronics accessory, brand


Necktie, Product, Product design, Design, Brand, necktie, product, product, necktie, brand, hardware, box

▲盒裝內容物包括:手機本體、3.5mm 轉 USB-C 耳機轉接線、說明書、退卡針、充電器、入耳式耳機、傳輸線。

Audio, Product, Electronics, Product design, Communication, Multimedia, Design, Camera, Gadget, Audio signal, electronics accessory, product, electronic device, technology, electronics accessory, gadget, electronics, product, camera accessory, audio equipment, multimedia

SHARP AQUOS zero 號稱「6 吋以上全球最輕的手機」,機身重量僅 146g,拿慣了又大又重的手機,第一次拿到 SHARP AQUOS zero,就被它的輕巧嚇到!

Smartphone, Feature phone, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Mobile Phones, Portable media player, Cellular network, Product, Media player, Electronics, smartphone, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, product, technology, communication device, smartphone, portable communications device, feature phone, electronics

會那麼輕,主要是因為 SHARP AQUOS zero 的機身採用鎂合金骨架搭配芳綸纖維背蓋,都是輕量化的材質,同時兼顧強度,所以可以在確保堅固耐用的前題下,盡可能的讓機身重量減少!

Feature phone, Smartphone, Multimedia, Cellular network, Mobile Phones, Product, Electronics, Product design, Design, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, feature phone, electronic device, communication device, technology, portable communications device, product, smartphone, cellular network

不只輕薄強韌,SHARP AQUOS zero 還支援 IP65 / IP68 防水防塵。

Smartphone, Product design, Product, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, hardware, mobile phone, electronic device, gadget, communication device, hardware, smartphone, technology, portable communications device

SHARP AQUOS zero 的螢幕採用 6.2 吋的曲面 OLED 面板,解析度 WQHD+ 2992 x 1440,支援 DCI-P3 色域,顯示色彩相當飽滿亮麗,純黑的部分也有很棒的表現。表面覆蓋的是 Corning Gorilla 5 3D 曲面玻璃。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product, Product design, Electronics, Font, Design, Brand, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, gadget, mobile phone, product, communication device, feature phone, electronic device, technology, portable communications device, smartphone, hardware

▲SHARP AQUOS zero 內建 800 萬畫素 f2.2 前鏡頭。低調的聽筒同時也是揚聲器。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Cellular network, Text messaging, Product, Product design, Font, Design, Brand, Mobile Phones, feature phone, gadget, mobile phone, communication device, electronic device, technology, feature phone, product, smartphone, cellular network, portable communications device


Font, Product, Brand, Product design, Angle, Screenshot, Design, screenshot, text, product, product, font, screenshot, website, angle, media, software, brand


Smartphone, Feature phone, Cellular network, Product, Product design, Electronics, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, smartphone, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, communication device, technology, product, smartphone, close up, portable communications device, feature phone

除了前面提過的重量,SHARP AQUOS zero 的機身正反面也採用更貼手的弧形線條,加上機身中央凹陷的獨特設計,有利於手指貼合機身,提供了更舒適穩定的持握手感。

Product design, Product, Design, Finger, Brush, Mobile Phones, iPhone, mobile phone, mobile phone, gadget, finger, electronic device, product, communication device, brush


Smartphone, Product design, Product, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, smartphone, mobile phone, electronic device, gadget, communication device, technology, smartphone, portable communications device

▲機身底部配置麥克風、USB-C 與揚聲器。

Smartphone, Product, Product design, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, smartphone, mobile phone, electronic device, gadget, communication device, technology, product, smartphone, portable communications device, telephone, product

雙揚聲器設計,加上 Dolby Atmos 音效,聽覺表現也更立體、更具臨場感!有些手機雖然也標榜支援 Dolby Atmos,但卻只能在連接耳機的時候使用。SHARP AQUOS zero 則沒有這項限制,使用內建的喇叭播放音樂的時候也可以啟用 Dolby Atmos,而且效果相當明顯。

Light, Line, Screenshot, Angle, Sound, Font, light, text, light, screenshot, software, font, multimedia, line, angle, sound, product


另外,SHARP AQUOS zero 的螢幕支援了運用於電影院及家庭劇院所採用的 HDR 影像技術 Dolby Vision,用來看一些串流電影的時候會有更棒的顯示效果。加上 Dolby Atmos,達到視覺與聽覺的雙重享受!

Smartphone, Product, Product design, Font, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, smartphone, yellow, gadget, electronic device, mobile phone, technology, communication device, product, smartphone, portable communications device, telephone

就算不是 HDR 影片,也可以透過虛擬 HDR 來提升影片的動態範圍。

Screenshot, Number, Product design, Line, Product, Design, Font, Brand, screenshot, text, font, product, screenshot, line, area, document, media, number, brand


Apple, , App Store, Invoice, Receipt, iTunes Store, iTunes, iOS, iPhone, Email, apple fatura, text, font, product, line, screenshot, software, area, number, document, angle

內建愛奇藝 App,可以用來收看最新的線上串流劇集,透過 SHARP AQUOS zero 更是爽度提升!

Computer program, Television show, Display advertising, Font, Advertising, Television, Web page, Computer, Multimedia, Video, television program, text, technology, software, media, product, television program, screenshot, multimedia, web page, font



Smartphone, Font, Number, Angle, Screenshot, Text messaging, Multimedia, software, text, technology, software, screenshot, font, product, number, media, multimedia, angle

背面是  SHARP AQUOS zero 外行的一大亮點,採用的芳綸纖維。芳綸纖維雖然摸起來觸感柔軟,但強度號稱是達到鋼絲的五倍!是製作防彈背心的主要材料之一。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Product, Product design, Design, hardware, mobile phone, gadget, communication device, product, portable communications device, electronic device, hardware, smartphone, material, product


Feature phone, Smartphone, Product, Product design, Design, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, communication device, electronic device, portable communications device, feature phone, smartphone, product, hardware, product

▲內建電池容量為 3130mAh,並且採用電池導入了「並聯充電」設計,配備雙控制晶片,可以降低充電溫度、確保安全。

Smartphone, Product, Product design, Electronics, Design, electronics, technology, electronics accessory, electronic device, product, gadget, electronics, hardware, mobile phone, cable, smartphone

▲主相機配備的是 2260 萬畫素感光,光圈與焦距分別為 f1.9 / 22mm。鏡頭下方是指紋辨識器,同時支援 NFC。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Product, Product design, Design, hardware, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, product, hardware, smartphone, communication device, product, material, portable communications device

▲除了指紋辨識和臉部辨識,SHARP AQUOS zero 也可以使用 Smart Lock,在裝置隨身的時候可以保持解鎖狀態,就不用每次看手機都要進行解鎖,相當方便。


SHARP AQUOS zero 內建 Android 9 Pie 作業系統,搭配的 AQUOS Home 操作介面基本上維持原生設計,並在細節與圖標等等設計上有一些優化和改動。

Smartphone, Sharp Aquos, , Sharp Corporation, Sharp Smartphone Dual SIM MPix Android Black, Screenshot, Sony Xperia XZ3, , SoftBank, , screenshot, text, technology, screenshot, software, mobile phone, gadget, font, smartphone, multimedia, media

有別於許多廠商喜歡在手機裡面內建一堆客製化軟體,SHARP AQUOS zero 的內建軟體可以說是能省則省,初始狀態就如同底下截圖,內建 App 相當少,將儲存空間最大程度地提供給消費者自行運用並安裝自己真正需要的 App。少了肥大的 App 扯後腿,也讓整體的操作運行更為輕盈流暢。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Handheld Devices, Desktop Wallpaper, Multimedia, Text messaging, Computer, Product, Mobile app, screenshot, gadget, screenshot, product, technology, multimedia, font, smartphone, mobile phone, feature phone, portable communications device

除了一般的 AQUOS Home 之外,另外也有名為 AQUOS Kantan Home 的簡易介面可以選擇。可以將最常用的 App 功能或是與聯絡人設定在首頁。文字圖標也都有放大設計。

Logo, Font, Smartphone, Line, Computer Icons, Text messaging, screenshot, technology, text, font, screenshot, line, software, graphics, multimedia, computer icon, graphic design

AQUOS 便利功能包括可以自動捲動網頁等頁面的「自動捲動」、刷一下螢幕就能截圖的「Clip Now」,以及拿起手機就會喚醒手機的「自動螢幕點亮」等功能。

Screenshot, Product design, Technology, Product, Design, Font, Brand, Multimedia, software, text, software, screenshot, product, technology, font, multimedia, media, website, brand


2260 萬高畫素搭配 AI 人工智慧場景,讓相機更聰明!

SHARP AQUOS zero 的相機介面設計也很直觀,功能切換在右側,拍攝模式與其他設定在左側。中央有五個多點自動對焦框。

Light, Point, Angle, Desktop Wallpaper, Screenshot, Computer, Product design, Technology, Product, Design, light, light, atmosphere, screenshot, font, line, area, technology, circle, sky, computer wallpaper

SHARP AQUOS zero 內建 AI 場景辨識,可以自動判斷人物 / 犬 / 貓 / 料理 / 花 / 夕景 / 花火 / QR Code / 防手震等多種 AI 自動模式。

Dog, Canidae, Mammal, Floor, Snout, Room, room, mammal, vertebrate, room, floor, dog, dog like mammal, flooring, wood, carnivoran, snout


Smartphone, Feature phone, Sharp Corporation, , Sharp Aquos Crystal, Sharp Aquos, Sharp Smartphone Dual SIM MPix Android Black, Inch, Electronics, Handheld Devices, Sharp Corporation, gadget, mobile phone, electronic device, technology, communication device, feature phone, smartphone, mobile device, portable communications device, cellular network

AI 自動以外,也可以選擇一般自動、手動、背景暈染(也就是景深虛化),或是鮮明、輕揉、逆光、殘影、近拍、單色等拍攝模式。

Sharp AQUOS sense plus SH-M07, Sharp Aquos, , Sharp Corporation, Smartphone, Sharp AQUOS R2, SoftBank, シャープ製のスマートフォン, シャープ AQUOS, Indium gallium zinc oxide, Sharp Aquos, product, advertising, website, graphic design, display advertising, computer wallpaper, graphics, font, brand, online advertising

其中近拍功能可以將對焦距離拉近到約 4cm 左右,鈔票上的細節清晰可見!

Visual arts, Human behavior, Human, Art, Girl, Behavior, iPhone, iPhone, Mobile Phones, iphone, human behavior, art, visual arts, girl

SHARP AQUOS zero 除了拍照和錄影,也可以拍攝最高 240fps 的慢動作影片或是縮時攝影。

Desktop Wallpaper, Product design, Font, Computer, Technology, Line, Product, Design, Brand, Black M, screenshot, black, text, font, screenshot, technology, computer wallpaper, line, multimedia, darkness, number

錄影的部分可以支援到 4K 解析度。

Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Platform, Cloud computing, Screenshot, Project Jupyter, , Virtual machine, Computer network, Android, Data, number of submission dashboard, text, font, line, screenshot, product, area, document, number, paper, angle

SHARP AQUOS zero 的拍照除了有 AI 加持,本身也內建了 ProPix 高畫質引擎,因此無論是日拍或是夜拍,無論是色彩以及細節都有非常不錯的表現。

Fern, Ostrich Fern, Fiddlehead fern, Vascular plant, Vegetation, Non-vascular plant, Leaf, Biome, Terrestrial plant, Embryophyte, vegetation, plant, vegetation, ferns and horsetails, fern, vascular plant, leaf, terrestrial plant, biome, ostrich fern, fiddlehead fern

Maple leaf, Autumn, Leaf, Maple, leaf, leaf, plant, flora, maple leaf, autumn, tree

Bicycle Frames, Road bicycle, Bicycle Wheels, Mountain bike, Racing bicycle, Cycling, Hybrid bicycle, Bicycle, Wheel, Road, road bicycle, land vehicle, bicycle, road bicycle, yellow, vehicle, sports equipment, bicycle accessory, cycling, mountain bike, racing bicycle

, Steel, Angle, Daylighting, architecture, structure, building, architecture, facade, daylighting, steel, angle

Luxury vehicle, Car, Sport utility vehicle, Compact car, City car, Sedan, Motor vehicle, Vehicle, , Street, street, car, land vehicle, vehicle, yellow, street, automotive design, luxury vehicle, road, motor vehicle, automotive exterior

Lighting, Toy, Space, Halloween, , Orange S.A., Halloween, Halloween, lighting, lighting, space, toy, halloween

Statue, Carving, Tree, sculpture, sculpture, statue, stone carving, temple, monument, carving, tree, snout

Pixel 3, Google Pixel 3 XL, , Google Pixel Stand, Google, Smartphone, Battery charger, Inductive charging, Art, Unboxing, temple, temple, art

Metropolitan area, Facade, High-rise building, Mixed-use, Tower, Urban area, Stichting Metropolis M., Tree, Corporation, Headquarters, metropolitan area, metropolitan area, city, urban area, metropolis, skyscraper, tower block, night, building, cityscape, infrastructure

Whiskers, Domestic short-haired cat, Cat, Fur, Fauna, whiskers, cat, small to medium sized cats, mammal, cat like mammal, fauna, whiskers, domestic short haired cat, carnivoran, window, fur

Water, Fence, Steel, Line, Chain-link fencing, Angle, .net, net, blue, structure, net, metal, wire fencing, material, chain link fencing, line, water, steel

Traffic light, Metropolitan area, Urban area, Traffic, Tree, Stichting Metropolis M., Skyscraper, Tower Block, traffic light, traffic light, metropolitan area, signaling device, landmark, building, urban area, city, metropolis, downtown, light fixture


高通驍龍 845 旗艦處理器與 6GB RAM,驅動頂級效能表現

SHARP AQUOS zero 內建高通 s845 處理器與 6GB UFS 記憶體,安兔兔跑分破 27 萬分!

Bobae Dream, Advertising, , YouTube, Computer program, Online advertising, Web page, Bobae Network, Image, World Wide Web, Bobae Dream, text, font, web page, software, screenshot, line, technology, product, computer program, multimedia


Xiaomi Mi 8, Xiaomi, , Honor, Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite, Smartphone, Original ZTE Nubia Z17 Mini 4G Mobile Phone 4/6G Ram 64G ROM 5.2 inch 1920 x 1080p Front 16.0MP Dual Rear 13.0MP Fingerprint ID, Honor 10, , Honor 7C, web page, text, web page, font, line, software, screenshot, product, area, online advertising, media

實際執行《狂野飆車 9:競速傳奇》最高畫質下也完全不 LAG 掉幀!

Smartphone, Feature phone, Mobile Phones, Cellular network, Product, Product design, Design, cobalt blue, blue, gadget, mobile phone, product, electronic device, technology, electric blue, portable communications device, smartphone, communication device



SHARP AQUOS zero 作為一款旗艦機,各方面都有相當高水準的表現。首先在外型方面,一拿在手上就讓人驚豔,不僅輕薄到讓人以為是模型機,因為圓弧機身而讓握感變得相當舒適。芳綸纖維不僅強度高,摸起來也很舒服。即便機身小巧,但依然配備大尺寸的 OLED 螢幕,無論看影片或是玩遊戲的都十足震撼,搭配杜比全景聲音效,更將視覺聽覺體驗望前推進了一步。

性能方面不必多說,高通 s845 搭配 6GB RAM,就是目前的頂級配置,加上輕量化、幾乎沒有多餘 App 的乾淨系統與最新版的 Android 9,使用起來毫無遲滯感,玩遊戲也有一流的體驗。相機方面畫質表現不錯,搭配 AI 功能,不必大師級的技術,也可以拍出如同大師等級的相片。

總體來說,SHARP AQUOS zero 不僅是夏普在台灣的第一款旗艦智慧機,無論是在外型、螢幕、效能、拍照方面都做到了相當頂級的水準,可以說是目前夏普在台灣使用體驗最棒的一款手機。如果你也是日系手機的粉絲,原汁原味日版風格的 SHARP AQUOS zero 更是你不能錯過的選擇!


Product, Shoulder, Pattern, shoulder, shoulder, girl, arm, product, pattern, neck

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