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Nokia 5.1 Plus開箱:高CP值AI雙攝全螢幕美型機 (137699) - 癮科技 Cool3c

Feature phone, Smartphone, Mobile Phones, Product design, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Product, Cobalt blue, Cellular network, , feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, feature phone, electronic device, communication device, portable communications device, technology, product, smartphone, cellular network

加入 HMD Global 的諾基亞,屢屢推出讓人驚豔的新手機。最新在台灣上市的 Nokia 5.1 Plus 也不例外。除了延續高性價比以及 Android One 原生系統的安全性與流暢度, Nokia 5.1 Plus 在設計以及規格方面都有不少亮點。首先外型方面,纖薄的機身用上雙面玻璃,螢幕則是 5.86 吋的 19:9 瀏海全螢幕,同時搭載兼具性能與省電的聯發科高階處理器 Helio P60 搭配 3GB RAM / 32GB ROM。主相機配備 1300 萬 + 500 萬畫素雙鏡頭,支援景深拍攝與「先拍照、後對焦」功能,還可以藉由內建的 AI 人工智慧,進一步優化拍照效果,呈現更好的拍攝品質。


Nokia 5.1 Plus 開箱與外型設計

Nokia 5.1 Plus 的包裝盒可以看到這次強調的高屏佔比大螢幕設計,並且是一款 Android One 手機。

Product design, Brand, Graphic design, Product, Design, Microsoft Azure, Graphics, Text messaging, graphic design, product, product, brand, graphic design

Smartphone, Product design, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Product, Computer, , Brand, Design, Electronics, electronics accessory, gadget, electronic device, product, technology, electronics accessory, product, communication device, smartphone, mobile phone, multimedia


盒裝除了包括 Nokia 5.1 Plus 手機,還有充電器(5V2A)、卡針、傳輸線、說明書,以及耳機麥克風。

Smartphone, AC adapter, Product design, Product, Multimedia, , Electronics, Design, Audio, iPhone, electronics, electronic device, technology, product, gadget, electronics accessory, electronics, product, communication device, battery charger, audio equipment

Product design, Design, Product, Safety, Text messaging, safety mark

Headphones, Product design, Headset, Design, Product, headphones, technology, headphones, audio equipment, electronic device, headset, audio, cable, electronics accessory


Nokia 5.1 Plus 的機身尺寸為 149.51 x 71.98 x 8.096mm,重量大約 160g。纖薄輕巧加上圓潤的機身邊框的圓弧過度,拿在手上的握感相當舒服。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Handheld Devices, Product, Cellular network, , Design, Mobile device management, Mobile app, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, feature phone, communication device, electronic device, portable communications device, technology, product, smartphone, cellular network


Nokia 5.1 Plus 配備一塊 HD+ 解析度的 5.86 吋 19:9 瀏海大螢幕。螢幕佔比達 84% 相較於過去的 Nokia 中階機來得更高,顯示範圍更大。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Cellular network, , Product, Mobile device management, Mobile app, iPhone, Mobile Phones, feature phone, mobile phone, feature phone, gadget, portable communications device, electronic device, communication device, smartphone, product, technology, cellular network


前鏡頭為 800 萬畫素,支援 f/2.2 光圈以及 80.4 度的廣角。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Product, , Cellular network, Design, Microsoft Azure, iPhone, Mobile Phones, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, technology, communication device, portable communications device, product, feature phone, smartphone, cellular network


機身頂部為 3.5mm 耳機孔。

Smartphone, Product design, Product, , Close-up, Design, Finger, Microsoft Azure, iPhone, Mobile Phones, smartphone, mobile phone, product, electronic device, communication device, gadget, finger, smartphone, product



Smartphone, Product design, Nail, Design, Product, brush, brush, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, communication device, finger, nail, pen, smartphone

Smartphone, Product design, Product, , Computer, Design, Pens, iPhone, Mobile Phones, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 32GB (MD296LL/A) (A1428), smartphone, mobile phone, gadget, communication device, electronic device, product, technology, smartphone, portable communications device, computer accessory, product


卡槽採用的是 3 選 2 設計,可支援雙卡雙待或最大 400GB 的 microSD 記憶卡擴充。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Product design, Product, , Cellular network, Design, iPhone, Mobile Phones, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 16GB (MD294LL/A) (A1428), cellular network, blue, gadget, electronic device, mobile phone, product, technology, communication device, cellular network, smartphone, portable communications device


底部為喇叭、USB Type-C 與麥克風。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Product design, Multimedia, Product, Communication, , Cellular network, Close-up, Electronics, smartphone, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, product, communication device, technology, smartphone, cellular network, electronics, portable communications device


Nokia 5.1 Plus 的背面同樣也是光亮的 2.5D 玻璃面板,看起來質感非常好。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Product, , Cellular network, Design, iPhone, Mobile Phones, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 16GB (MD294LL/A) (A1428), feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, communication device, product, feature phone, technology, smartphone, portable communications device, electronics accessory



Smartphone, Electronics Accessory, Product design, Electronics Accessory, Product, , Cobalt blue, Electronics, Blue, Design, smartphone, gadget, product, electronic device, mobile phone, technology, smartphone, electronics, product, communication device, electronics accessory

Smartphone, Feature phone, Product design, Handheld Devices, Mobile Phones, Multimedia, Display device, Product, Cellular network, Electronics, smartphone, gadget, mobile phone, electronic device, product, communication device, technology, smartphone, electronics, portable communications device, cellular network


Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Product, , Cellular network, Design, Microsoft Azure, iPhone, Mobile Phones, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, communication device, electronic device, feature phone, technology, product, portable communications device, smartphone, electronics accessory

Smartphone, Product design, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Product, , Electronics, Design, Close-up, Mobile device management, electronics accessory, gadget, electronic device, technology, product, mobile phone, electronics accessory, communication device, electronics, product, smartphone


Nokia 5.1 Plus 的主相機為雙鏡頭設計,主要用於拍攝的是一顆 1300 萬畫素的 f/2.0 相機,支援 PDAF 相位差自動對焦與 LED 補光燈。另外一顆鏡頭為 500 萬畫素的景深偵測相機。相機的下方則是指紋感應器。

, LG, LG Electronics, , Smartphone, , , , LG G Stylo, , mobile phone, electronic device, gadget, mobile phone, technology, electronics, communication device, product


Nokia 5.1 Plus 功能介紹

Nokia 5.1 Plus 是一款 Android One 手機,採用的是原生的 Android 8.1 Oreo 作業系統,除了介面更簡潔、系統輕巧流暢度佳等優點,還可以確保在未來兩年內都能夠獲得 Android 系統的重大升級,還有 3 年的每月安全性更新,以及照片與影片無限上傳 Google 雲端空間的福利。

Smartphone, Graphics software, Computer Software, Computer program, Feature phone, Mobile Phones, Cellular network, Text messaging, Screenshot, Computer, screenshot, text, technology, screenshot, software, gadget, font, multimedia, smartphone, feature phone, computer program


Nokia 5.1 Plus 支援點兩下螢幕喚醒的功能。「夜燈」功能就是降藍光,可以設定自動開啟以及減少藍光的程度。

Screenshot, Product design, Line, Point, Angle, Computer program, Design, Computer, Product, Font, screenshot, text, font, product, screenshot, line, area, number, diagram, plot, software


Nokia 5.1 Plus 提供許多方便的手勢功能,像是滑動指紋感應器就能查看通知、翻轉拒接來電、拿起手機時靜音、點兩下電源鍵快速開啟相機、拿起手機就能查看時間與通知資訊等。每一個都相當實用方便。

Nokia 6.1, Nokia 6.1 Plus, , Nokia, , Screenshot, Brand, Form factor, Product design, Qualcomm, Nokia 6.1, text, font, product, line, area, screenshot, diagram, angle, number, brand

Product design, Screenshot, Logo, Organization, Product, Brand, Design, Font, Diagram, Computer Icons, screenshot, text, product, font, product, screenshot, line, area, logo, diagram, website



Screenshot, Product design, Line, Point, Angle, Design, Product, Text messaging, screenshot, text, font, product, screenshot, line, area, number, document, paper, angle


Nokia 5.1 Plus 效能測試

Nokia 5.1 Plus 內建聯發科 Helio P60 系列的 MT6771V/WM,是一個 12nm 製程的 8 核心處理器,其擁有 ARM Cortex-A53 CPU 以及 A73 CPU 各四個,GPU 則是 Mali-G72 MP3。內建記憶體 3GB,而且是 LPDDR4X 1800MHz 雙通道。

Screenshot, Web page, Computer program, Line, Computer, Font, Text messaging, World Wide Web, screenshot, green, text, font, software, screenshot, line, product, area, computer program, document


效能表現方面,安兔兔 7.1 可以跑到將近 12 萬分。

Smartphone, , Huawei, , Xiaomi, Honor, Xiaomi Mi A2, Android, Graphics processing unit, Huawei P20 lite, web page, text, font, web page, screenshot, software, line, product, online advertising, computer program, area


PCMark 工作 2.0 獲得 7277 分。

Product design, Screenshot, Web page, Multimedia, Technology, Design, Angle, Font, Product, Diagram, software, text, technology, software, line, screenshot, font, product, area, web page, media


3DMark 的 Sling Shot 得分為 1135 分。Sling Shot Extreme 在 OpenGL ES3.1 部分為 741 分、Vulkan 則是 744 分。

Truth table, Truth, Logical connective, Operator, Logic, Information, Computer programming, Internet, Infinix Hot S3, AND gate, tabla de verdad nombres, text, font, line, area, product, screenshot, angle, black and white, document


電力時測方面,透過 PCMark 工作 2.0 電池使用壽命來檢測,成績為 8 小時 38 分,達到了中上水準的表現。

PCMark, Benchmark, AnTuTu, Computer Software, Software Testing, Smartphone, , Asus ZenFone, , , PCMark, text, line, font, area, product, screenshot, angle, web page, software


Nokia 5.1 Plus 相機功能與實拍

Nokia 5.1 Plus 的拍照功能豐富,功能選項集中在畫面最左側,並提供基本的手動模式,提供更多像機參數讓進階攝影玩家自行設定調整。

Four o'clocks, Annual plant, Marvel-of-peru, Herbaceous plant, Morning glory, Plants, Spring Framework, petal, flower, flora, plant, flowering plant, petal, morning glory family, spring, morning glory, wildflower, annual plant

Desktop Wallpaper, Screenshot, Computer, Close-up, Pink M, Text messaging, petal, pink, petal, flower, magenta, screenshot, computer wallpaper, font, graphics


Nokia 5.1 Plus 支援雙向拍攝模式,可以同時開啟前後鏡頭拍照、錄影,並以分割或子母畫面方式呈現。

Glasses, Photography, Sunglasses, City, Travel, M-tree, Sky plc, Tree, glasses, glasses, sky, vision care, photography, sunglasses, eyewear, cool, tree, travel, city

Photography, Skyscraper, Desktop Wallpaper, Screenshot, City, Computer, Photograph, Tourism, Tree, Sky plc, sky, sky, daytime, cloud, photography, city, screenshot, advertising, tree, skyscraper, computer wallpaper


Nokia 5.1 Plus 將許多功能與 AI 人工智慧結合,例如 AI 動態趣味特效可以辨識人臉,並加入各種有趣的效果或圖案。

sunflower m, sunflower m, Photomontage, Desktop Wallpaper, Computer, Text messaging, Spring Framework, sunflower, yellow, flower, sunflower, computer wallpaper, photomontage, graphics, spring, graphic design, plant, smile


AI 人像光效則是可以模擬不同的光源,並對人臉的明暗進行調整。

Audio, Sunglasses, Glasses, Font, Brand, Screenshot, Text messaging, glasses, eyewear, face, glasses, facial hair, technology, vision care, electronic device, chin, cool, product


AI 智慧美顏演算法運用人工智慧,提供有效但自然的美顏美肌效果。

Glasses, Nose, Sunglasses, Beard, Chin, Moustache, Selfie, Photograph, Screenshot, Image, glasses, face, eyewear, glasses, facial hair, nose, vision care, head, photography, chin, selfie


Nokia 5.1 Plus 可以直接從相機介面一鍵在 YouTube 與 FB 平台上直播。而且還可以同時套用雙向拍攝、動態趣味特效等功能。

Advertising, Graphic design, Brand, Technology, Graphics, Design, design, technology, product, design, advertising, graphic design, brand


景深虛化部分也導入了 AI,拍攝的時候可以預覽景深並調整效果的輕重。

Flower, Desktop Wallpaper, Plant stem, Leaf, Close-up, Computer, Grasses, flower, flora, plant, flower, leaf, organism, plant stem, computer wallpaper, grass family


以下是幾張 Nokia 5.1 Plus 的景深虛化照片樣張,效果相當不錯,邊緣的去背很精準。

Flowering plant, Wildflower, Plant stem, Plants, wildflower, plant, flora, flower, wildflower, flowering plant, plant stem

Crane's-bill, Annual plant, Marvel-of-peru, Shrub, Geraniums, Subshrub, Purple, Violaceae, Family M Invest d.o.o., Four o'clocks, annual plant, flower, flora, plant, purple, flowering plant, annual plant, shrub, geranium, pink family, violet family

Bicycle Pedals, Bicycle Wheels, Bicycle, Bicycle Frames, Bicycle Saddles, Mountain bike, Cycling, Road bicycle, Hybrid bicycle, BMX bike, mountain bike, land vehicle, bicycle, vehicle, mountain bike, road bicycle, bicycle accessory, sports equipment, bicycle wheel, bicycle part, bicycle saddle

Car, Vespa, Street, Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Design, Vehicle, Pound, snapshot, scooter, motor vehicle, snapshot, street, vespa, motorcycle, automotive design, vehicle, car



Product design, Screenshot, Brand, Technology, Design, Product, Image, Photograph, Text messaging, video, text, screenshot, technology, font, website, brand, photo caption, product

不只是提供遠、進兩種聚焦位置,Nokia 5.1 Plus 更允許使用者直接在畫面上點選項要清晰的部分進行重新對焦,虛化的程度也可以事後再重新調整。

Car, Technology, Personal protective equipment, car, car, technology, vehicle, street, personal protective equipment


以下是 Nokia 5.1 Plus 的相機實拍效果,細節畫值的表現還算不錯,色彩的掌握度也頗為精準。

Herb, Leaf, Herbaceous plant, Shrub, Plants, leaf, plant, leaf, herb, shrub

Pink M, Close-up, petal, pink, flower, petal, magenta

Skyscraper, Metropolitan area, Bird's-eye view, High-rise building, Tower, Cityscape, Aerial photography, Urban area, Suburb, Condominium, sky, sky, metropolitan area, cloud, urban area, city, cityscape, skyline, horizon, metropolis, daytime

Architecture, Building, Facade, Metropolitan area, High-rise building, Headquarters, Tower, Daylighting, Symmetry, Corporation, skyscraper, skyscraper, building, metropolitan area, landmark, urban area, daytime, metropolis, tower block, commercial building, architecture

Street, Facade, Pedestrian, Street art, Urban area, Metropolitan area, Art, Flag, Angle, Signage, urban area, urban area, street, wall, street art, building, flag, signage, city, road, metropolitan area

Asphalt, Road surface, Asphalt concrete, Sidewalk, Road, Line, Signage, lane, green, lane, asphalt, road surface, area, line, grass, signage, sidewalk, advertising

American cuisine, Pancake, Taquito, Full breakfast, Breakfast, Food, Frying, full breakfast, dish, cuisine, food, breakfast, full breakfast, meal, fried food, pannekoek, taquito, american food

Street, Pedestrian, Asphalt, Public utility, Road surface, Vehicle, Road, Waste, Signage, Public, street, yellow, street, lane, road, pedestrian, vehicle, signage, asphalt, waste containment, road surface


Nokia 5.1 Plus 實測總結

Nokia 5.1 Plus 的外型是近期諾基亞手機中個人很喜歡的一款。雙面 2.5D 玻璃讓整支手機高級感十足,手感方面也因為機身輕巧圓潤而非常舒適。大螢幕看用起來更爽快,同時更高的螢幕佔比也讓 Nokia 5.1 Plus 的外型更具現代感。

功能方面,雖然是 Android One 的原生系統,但還是有許多其他高階手機都不見得有的實用小功能,讓人感受到諾基亞「科技始終來自人性」的信念,即使是到了 HMD Global 之後也依然保有。相機方面,在簡約的介面下,功能卻非常豐富。導入 AI 之後,無論是動態趣味特效、美顏、背景虛化等,都有不錯的效果。相機介面直接整合直播,還可以套用雙拍、動態趣味特效等效果,對於有直播需求的人來說相當便利。

整體來說,Nokia 5.1 Plus 的外型漂亮有質感、功能有一些小巧思,相機的可玩性也頗高,是相當不錯、適合預算導向用戶考慮的一款中階入門手機。

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