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車架千百款你挑對了嗎?讓老司機 peripower 為你解惑 (137672) - 癮科技 Cool3c

Motor Vehicle Steering Wheels, Car, Driving, Motor vehicle, Steering, City car, Wheel, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Windshield, Car, motor vehicle, technology, car, driving, vehicle, steering part, automotive design, steering wheel, electronics, windshield


Product design, Product, plastic, Brand, Electronics, Multimedia, Design, Gadget, plastic, product, technology, electronic device, product, plastic, multimedia, gadget, brand




peripower PS-T02無線充系列 快取夾臂式雙支架組合包

Headphones, Camera lens, Product design, Communication, Camera, Product, Electronics, Audio, Design, Lens, camera accessory, technology, product, electronic device, cameras & optics, camera accessory, gadget, audio equipment, product, camera lens, audio▲因應愈來愈多支援無線充電手機所設計,將固定與充電功能兩者合併,提供凝膠吸盤與冷氣出風口兩種支架,積木式組合概念也十分容易上手。


Car, Motor vehicle, Windshield, Product design, Audio, Rear-view mirror, Electronics, Design, Product, Vehicle, glass, technology, motor vehicle, glass, windshield, vehicle, electronic device, car, electronics, window, gadget

Smartphone, Car, Windshield, Automotive design, , Cellular network, Design, Glass, iPhone, Mobile Phones, car, mobile phone, technology, gadget, electronic device, car, communication device, vehicle, automotive design, glass, windshield▲PS-T02手機架本身就是Qi無線充電板,支援10W大功率輸出,感應範圍幾乎占了4/5,實際以iPhone X測試相當順手,另外還支援iPhone 8系列以上的快充與Samsung手機的無線閃充。


Product design, Windshield, Design, Product, Personal protective equipment, Electronics, Gadget, Camera, glass, glass, technology, electronic device, windshield, camera accessory, gadget, product, hardware, window, personal protective equipment



Car, Smartphone, Motor vehicle, Automotive navigation system, Windshield, GPS Navigation Systems, Automotive design, Rear-view mirror, , Driving, car, technology, electronic device, motor vehicle, car, gadget, windshield, mobile phone, glass, automotive design, vehicle▲關節搭配萬向球頭,可提供360度角旋轉,無論撥打電話或開啟導航地圖,都可以依使用需求輕鬆調整視角。


Car, Windshield, Motor vehicle, Driving, , Finger, Vehicle, iPhone, Mobile Phones, Apple iPhone 4 - 16 GB Smartphone (MC603LL/A) AT&T A1332 6C2, mobile phone, technology, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, vehicle, car, motor vehicle, windshield, communication device, glass



Product design, Windshield, Gadget, Design, Camera, Product, Glass, Unbreakable, camera accessory, technology, camera accessory, hardware, glass, gadget, windshield, personal protective equipment, window▲凝膠吸盤底座好處為可水洗重覆使用,弱膠特性也不會殘留在儀表板上;另外PS-T02還隨附冷氣出風口支架,若夏天擔心擋到冷氣出風口,就可使用凝膠吸盤,冬天再換用冷氣出風口支架,或依個人視線需求選擇固定方案。


Headphones, Product design, plastic, Product, Communication, Packaging and labeling, Electronics, Audio, Design, Label, headphones, product, technology, electronic device, audio equipment, product, gadget, audio, headphones, communication, plastic▲可彎式鋁管也是很受到駕駛們喜愛的車架,搭配吸盤直接吸在前擋玻璃上就可以使用,鋁管長度可依前擋玻璃位置選擇。

Car, Windshield, Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Technology, Design, Vehicle, Glass, Unbreakable, car, car, motor vehicle, vehicle, glass, automotive design, windshield, window, automotive exterior, technology, grass

Smartphone, Car, Windshield, Product design, , Cellular network, Design, Product, Glass, iPhone, glass, technology, gadget, mobile phone, glass, windshield, window, electronic device, hardware, vehicle, communication device▲先看看業界最長30cm的MT-W10,愈來愈多家庭喜歡開著休旅車出門旅遊,通常休旅車前擋玻璃位置會較深,如果支架長度太短,操作時必須起身,距離太遠也看不清楚資訊,MT-W10鋁管部份長達30cm,操作輕鬆便利。

Rear-view mirror, Car, Window, Car door, Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Product design, Windshield, Wheel, Vehicle, car, car, motor vehicle, vehicle, mode of transport, automotive design, glass, technology, windshield, window, hardware▲不過支架太長也有問題,那就是容易因重心不穩導致晃動。有鑑於此,MT-W10特地在鋁管中間多了固定座設計,底部以3M貼紙牢牢固定住;另外若有其他線材(例如導航器電源線),也可以用來固定線材。

Automotive navigation system, Car, GPS Navigation Systems, Windshield, Product design, Motor vehicle, Family car, Automotive design, Glass, Display device, glass, car, technology, motor vehicle, glass, windshield, electronics, automotive design, electronic device, vehicle, gps navigation device▲另外還有19cm長的MT-W17,與MT-W10最大差別在於長度,有些貨卡車的前擋玻璃幾乎是垂直的,如果鋁管太長車架會整個凸出來,造成使用上不便,這種情形就很適合搭配MT-W17。

Car, Windshield, Display device, Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Multimedia, Electronics, Design, Vehicle, Computer Monitors, car, car, technology, motor vehicle, windshield, glass, automotive design, vehicle, electronics, electronic device, hardware▲30cm款另外還有專為平板電腦設計的MT-W14,採用XL加大夾具板,要放進5~7吋的平板電腦都不是問題。不過要特別提醒,使用時除要考慮整體空間是否足夠,另外也要留意是否會擋住視線。


Product design, Electronics, plastic, Product, Packaging and labeling, Design, Multimedia, Gadget, Camera, gadget, product, electronic device, product, technology, gadget, electronics, packaging and labeling, multimedia, camera accessory, plastic▲接下來任意黏、鷹嘴夾、指環扣這三款汽車支架,最大特點為幾乎各種車型都通用。

Car, Audio, Product design, Photography, Design, Product, Glass, Unbreakable, audio equipment, photography, vehicle, technology, audio equipment, product, glass, audio, car

Smartphone, Car, Product design, Automotive design, Windshield, Motor vehicle, , Cellular network, Design, Electronics, car, car, mobile phone, technology, gadget, electronic device, vehicle, motor vehicle, glass, windshield, automotive design▲首先ORCA III任意黏萬用支架,卵形萬用夾具適用於4~6.5吋手機,萬向球頭關節,可提供360度旋轉視角,搭配PU凝膠吸盤,適用於儀表板或其他不平滑表面,是一款值得推薦的基本款。


Bumper, Car, Motor vehicle, Compact car, Automotive design, Grille, Product design, Design, Product, Vehicle, personal luxury car, car, automotive design, automotive exterior, vehicle, personal luxury car, bumper, motor vehicle, auto part, grille, hood



Car, Smartphone, , Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Windshield, Family car, , Product design, Driving, windshield, technology, car, electronic device, motor vehicle, gadget, mobile phone, vehicle, automotive design, windshield, glass



Product design, Design, Electronics, Product, hardware, technology, electronic device, product, hardware▲不過要特別提醒,由於彈力夾開闔大小有限(最大10cm),因此MT-D03只能供手機橫向使用,提供兩段式仰角調整,裡頭矽膠軟墊與吸震泡棉,都能達到穩定避震的作用。

Smartphone, Product design, , Windshield, Electronics, Design, Product, Audio, Glass, iPhone, audio equipment, technology, gadget, electronic device, mobile phone, communication device, audio equipment, smartphone, glass, electronics, windshield▲最後MT-D06指環扣固定支架也是很有創意的產品,很多人喜歡在手機背後裝指環扣,但缺點為無法搭配普遍車架使用,MT-D06幾乎支援市面上所有指環扣,崁入後緊密不易脫落,同時提供360度旋轉、以及上下仰角操作。


Electronics Accessory, Product design, Electronics Accessory, Product, Electronics, Design, Camera, Gadget, camera accessory, product, technology, product, electronic device, camera accessory, electronics accessory, electronics, hardware, gadget▲數位音樂當道,車上的CD播放器使用機會愈來愈少,那就把CD槽當成手機支架吧!CD插槽手機支架最大好處為,位在車內正中央,完全不會擋到前方視線,也是受到駕駛人喜愛的固定方案。

Car, Electronics, Center console, Automotive design, Multimedia, Angle, Glass, Unbreakable, car, technology, car, automotive design, electronics, hardware, vehicle, center console, automotive exterior, electronic device, product

Motor Vehicle Steering Wheels, Car, Electronics, Motor vehicle, Windshield, Rear-view mirror, Glass, Car door, Vehicle, Automotive design, glass, car, motor vehicle, vehicle, automotive design, technology, glass, automotive exterior, family car, windshield, electronic device▲MT-C03 CD槽式快取手機架最大特點為,幾乎支援所有廠牌CD槽,最大關鍵在於可利用底部的螺母調整,無論CD槽間距寬窄,都可以牢牢固定住。

Mobile Phones, Car, Windshield, Motor vehicle, Family car, Automotive design, , Multimedia, Electronics, , electronics, motor vehicle, car, technology, electronic device, vehicle, electronics, mobile phone, gadget, automotive design, glass▲MT-C03搭配彈性伸縮夾具,只要是5.7吋以下手機都沒問題,另外也可以360度旋轉。

Car, Car door, Sport utility vehicle, Motor vehicle, Vehicle, Automotive design, Center console, Gear stick, Utility vehicle, , center console, car, vehicle, motor vehicle, automotive design, center console, vehicle door, automotive exterior, gear shift, personal luxury car, luxury vehicle

Car, Motor Vehicle Steering Wheels, , Sport utility vehicle, Luxury vehicle, Motor vehicle, Vehicle, , Porsche, , center console, motor vehicle, car, vehicle, center console, technology, automotive design, multimedia, steering wheel, electronics, gear shift



Audio, Product design, plastic, Product, Communication, Brand, Design, Bottle, Gadget, plastic, product, product, technology, electronic device, packaging and labeling, plastic, gadget, audio equipment, carton, brand▲冷氣出風口車架最大優勢為體積小巧、裝起來完全不擋視線,也十分受到廣大車主喜愛,不過安裝前先確認空間是否足夠,若會卡到方向盤後面的雨刷撥桿就不建議。

Car, Car door, Automotive Seats, Motor Vehicle Steering Wheels, Bumper, Seat belt, Motor vehicle, Grille, Vehicle, , vehicle door, motor vehicle, vehicle door, automotive design, car, steering part, vehicle, family car, technology, automotive exterior, finger

Mobile Phones, Car, Mid-size car, Family car, Motor Vehicle Steering Wheels, Motor vehicle, Gear stick, Center console, Automotive design, Wheel, mobile phone, motor vehicle, car, vehicle, technology, automotive design, mobile phone, gadget, family car, electronic device, personal luxury car▲MT-V03特點為不需工具就能安裝,採用倒鉤夾片設計,能確保穩固不易滑落出來。直接旋轉螺帽即可達到緊迫效果,同時也可以當成強化支援力的第三支點,如此才不會造成冷氣出風口葉片損壞或斷掉。

Car, Electronics, Compact car, Car door, Motor vehicle, Automotive design, Driving, Vehicle, Family car, Multimedia, electronics, car, motor vehicle, technology, vehicle, automotive design, electronics, multimedia, vehicle door, automotive exterior, electronic device▲另一款MT-V06與MT-V03最大差異在於體積較小,安裝起來也比較不擋冷氣出風口,搭配的是同步雙向金屬夾臂,同樣以單手就能輕鬆旋轉結構。如果怕卡到方向盤後方撥桿,不妨裝在右邊當成副座專用。


Audio, Product design, Product, Communication, Electronics, Multimedia, Design, Gadget, gadget, technology, product, electronic device, product, gadget, electronics, communication, multimedia, audio equipment, electronics accessory▲若你不喜歡前述介紹的吸盤車架,同時也覺得冷氣出風口車架會擋風,簡單來講,若你懶得在車上又吸又黏又裝的,那麼沙包固定座肯定適合你。

Audio, Product design, Electronics, Design, Product, audio equipment, technology, audio equipment, product, audio, hardware, electronics▲這款萬用沙包固定底座特點為,利用鋼珠重量達到四邊平衡,讓行駛時能保持穩定不滑動狀態,潛水布與側邊止滑條設計都能達到好的止滑效果,適合放在車內儀表板或避光墊表面,同時還可以搭配各種吸盤使用。

Car, Audio, Product design, Windshield, Motor vehicle, Glass, Automotive design, Wheel, Head restraint, Design, car, technology, car, audio equipment, vehicle, automotive design, glass, electronic device, hardware, head restraint, audio

Smartphone, Car, Product design, Windshield, , Electronics, Design, Product, Glass, iPhone, glass, technology, gadget, mobile phone, communication device, electronic device, glass, hardware, windshield, product, vehicle

Car, Window, Rear-view mirror, Automotive design, Motor vehicle, Glass, Windshield, Product design, Design, Technology, car, car, motor vehicle, technology, vehicle, windshield, automotive design, glass, automotive exterior, road, window



Product design, Electronics Accessory, Electronics Accessory, Product, Brand, Design, Font, hardware, product, product, hardware, font, brand, electronics accessory▲車架就像汽車也需要保養,特別是某些採用凝膠吸盤底座的車架,會隨著時間或曝曬失去吸力,這時就很需要搭配吸盤醫生,只要先平貼於支架的吸盤上,就可以加強吸力效果。




Ford, Car, 2013 Ford Focus, Compact car, , Ford Mondeo 2,0 TDCi 132kW Titanium ECOnetic Turnier, Vehicle, Motor Vehicle Steering Wheels, Sedan, Motor vehicle, Ford, motor vehicle, car, vehicle, technology, automotive design, steering wheel, center console, sedan, family car, ford

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