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震撼樂壇|英國女歌手 Duffy 引退10年,今自爆正當紅消失原因:被強暴下藥囚禁! | Gimme Pop! 流行音樂


▲ Duffy 在IG新發的配圖。(instagram: duffy)

首張專輯《Rockferry》成為2008年英國年度暢銷專輯,專輯也獲得多白金認證,在全球共銷售超過六百萬張。2009年 Duffy 獲第51屆葛萊美獎「最佳流行演唱專輯」,同年 Duffy 在全英音樂獎獲得英國突破藝人、最佳英國女藝人和英國最佳專輯三項獎項。

她的大紅單曲《Mercy》、《Well, Well, Well》及《Rain on Your Parade》等,在10年前大受歡迎,當年甚至與 Amy Winehouse、Adele 並列當代最受矚目的英國流行女歌手,卻在2010年之後無故消失樂壇。


她今天突然在IG發文,透露有一名記者去年找到她, 使她決定將在她準備推出第二張大碟期間,遭遇的慘痛經歷公開:「去年夏天,我把一切都告訴他。他的態度很友善,終於開口訴說一切的滋味,真是太美妙了。」



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


You can only imagine the amount of times I thought about writing this. The way I would write it, how I would feel thereafter. Well, not entirely sure why now is the right time, and what it is that feels exciting and liberating for me to talk. I cannot explain it. Many of you wonder what happened to me, where did I disappear to and why. A journalist contacted me, he found a way to reach me and I told him everything this past summer. He was kind and it felt so amazing to finally speak. The truth is, and please trust me I am ok and safe now, I was raped and drugged and held captive over some days. Of course I survived. The recovery took time. There’s no light way to say it. But I can tell you in the last decade, the thousands and thousands of days I committed to wanting to feel the sunshine in my heart again, the sun does now shine. You wonder why I did not choose to use my voice to express my pain? I did not want to show the world the sadness in my eyes. I asked myself, how can I sing from the heart if it is broken? And slowly it unbroke. In the following weeks I will be posting a spoken interview. If you have any questions I would like to answer them, in the spoken interview, if I can. I have a sacred love and sincere appreciation for your kindness over the years. You have been friends. I want to thank you for that x Duffy Please respect this is a gentle move for me to make, for myself, and I do not want any intrusion to my family. Please support me to make this a positive experience.

@ duffy 分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 2月 月 25 日 上午 10:12 張貼


Duffy 將在近日接受媒體訪問,把更多細節公諸於眾。


你的支持 我們最大動力


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