尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

爐鍋咖啡 》 中山捷運站咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

爐鍋咖啡大稻埕分店知名度高漲, 近期又新開幕爐鍋咖啡中山地下街分店.
Luguo Cafe Dadaocheng branch opened a while back. Recently, Luguo Cafe opened another branch located at Eslite Underground Book Street.




延伸閱讀: 台北中山地下書街 》Taipei Zhongshan Underground Book Street


較少人知道 爐鍋咖啡在關渡總店擁有烘豆機, 店家會觀察每批咖啡豆的不同而決定烘焙程度, 甚至有專業恆溫恆濕儲藏室, 本身也是供貨商, 除了提供咖啡豆給其他咖啡店外, 甚至有開店諮詢服務.
A few people know that Luguo Cafe roasts its own coffee bean based on each batch.Since they are also the coffee bean supplier, it has professional temperature and humidity control warehouse.


目前較少人知道中山地下街分店, 平日下午光臨的顧客並無想像中的滿座, 雖然不限時且少數座位有插座, 可惜的是並無提供Wifi.
Since only a few people know about this location, I didn’t wait for the seat. Even though it offers unlimited time and there are a few wall sockets, but it doesn’t offer wifi.


無菜單 No Coffee Menu




English Name: Luguo Coffee Blend
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

老闆親自端上桌木製托盤組合, 咖啡壺裡裝著透澈黑的精品咖啡, 並告知可先倒入聞香杯, 呈中度褐色的咖啡帶有淡果香, 偏向柑橘香接近柚香, 之後得知爐鍋咖啡的特調綜合豆是由5 ~6個產區的混搭而成, 因此香味也是複雜地.
The boss carried the trey, which has transparent coffee pot, nosing glass and coffee cup. After pouring the dark black coffee into the nosing glass, the mixed grapefruit and citric aroma appeared. The mixed aroma might come from mixed 5~6 different types of coffee beans.



倒入兩口杯中後品嚐, 風味並不會過於酸澀或濃郁, 反而是溫醇, 即使咖啡溫度降低, 依舊保持平衡及其原始風味, 個人是蠻喜歡不過酸的咖啡, 也通常要在咖啡店坐很久, 也喜歡不會因為溫度改變而變苦的咖啡. 爐鍋特調綜合咖啡恰好都符合.
The taste isn’t too dry nor dense. The taste is actually right in the neutral level. Even though the coffee temperature decreased, the taste remained the same. I personally like this type of coffee.





Restaurant Name 店名: 爐鍋咖啡 Luguo Cafe
Address: 誠品中山地下街 Eslite Underground Book Street ( MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan MRT station 松江南京捷運站
營業時間: Call to Confirm




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