尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

食徒 》忠孝敦化捷運站火鍋 | 罌粟鮮麻鴨血牛肉麵 | Loyal Chef Beef Noodle

又有一家新開幕的台北東區火鍋店! 且全天供應特殊的罌粟鮮麻鴨血牛肉麵.
There is another hot pot restaurant opened at Taipei Da’an District. It also offers unique spicy beef noodle with poppy sauce all day.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


食徒的經營路線跟馬辣火鍋蒙古紅火鍋不一樣, 採用單點和鍋物套餐的方式, 台北東區的火鍋走精緻路線並不多, 但比較吸引我的卻是店家的招牌罌粟醬.
Its operation method, which is different from Mala hot pot and Mongolian Hot Pot restaurant, only offers single dish or set. The intrigue part of this restaurant is its signature poppy sauce.



延續上家餐廳的裝潢, 舒適的庭院式座位, 室內除了有用布簾遮住的包廂, 詢問後發現若帶酒會有開瓶費, 也有娃娃椅. 每張桌子則是有崁入式火鍋桌, 餐桌上擺放著川味牛油, 調味罐上寫著“小辣(很香)”.
The interior design didn’t change much from last restaurant at the same location. It has outdoor seats, private dining room, and high chairs. Every table has embedded hot pot. There are also butter fat sauce at the table as well.




English Name: Spicy Beef Noodle with Poppy Sauce
Set Price: $240
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

由於不確定辣度, 我特別請店家將罌粟跟牛肉麵分開, 間接也可單獨品嚐傳說中的罌粟醬. 罌粟籽較常出現在我比較陌生的異國料理, 例如印度與伊朗家庭料理, 中國料理似乎也有它的蹤影. 罌粟子跟亞麻仁和葵花籽皆是屬於油脂較高, 因此做出來的調味醬料都會微稠,  單獨品嚐一口深褐色罌粟醬, 那一小口已足夠讓我感受到香醇濃稠的風味, 舌尖感受到麻的感覺比辛辣多, 且不會嗆或膩.
Since I am not sure about the spicy level, I asked to separate the beef noodle and poppy sauce. Poppy related flavoring mostly appear at India, Iran, and Chinese cuisine. Similar with sunflower seeds, the poppy seeds also have higher fat ratio. The brown poppy sauce has thick and dense texture with unique aroma. The tastebuds is expectedly numb and spicy.



整體牛肉美味程度則是中上, 可以再軟嫩一點會更好. 食徒的罌粟鮮麻鴨血牛肉湯雖然比麻膳堂牛肉湯色淺, 牛肉風味仍保持著鮮醇,  鴨血的部份有彈性, 調味也足夠,  湯加入川味牛油與罌粟醬後, 多層次風味更為顯著.
The meat itself is mostly tender but it can be stewed more through. Even though the color of the soup is lighter than Mazendo, the meat aroma and flavor remains above average quality. As for the duck blood, the quality is above average as well.  Adding the butter and poppy sauce, there are more layers of flavors.




English Name: Dried Tofu with beef broth
Set Price: $45
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍

咬一口溫熱的花干, 牛肉湯汁在口中散開, 多汁的程度不在話下, 且不會過於軟嫩.
The warm dried tofu is succulent and full of beef flavor.


延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide




Restaurant Name店名: 食徒  Royal Chef Restaurant
Address: B2 ,No.11, Song-Shun Road, Taipei City (Department Store Food court) 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷19弄17號(MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話:02- 2711- 9508
營業時間:11:30 am ~ 2:30 pm   (2pm 最後點餐) | 5:30 pm ~ 9:30pm


菜單 Menu




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