尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

抹茶館 MACCHA HOUSE 》 台北信義區ATT4FUN | 抹茶下午茶

抹茶館 MACCHA HOUSE除了敦南店外, 2017年也在靠近101世貿捷運站的台北信義區ATT4FUN 5樓開了抹茶館分店, 由於位置較不明顯,較少人知道.
Besides Dunnan branch store, Maccha House opened another location at ATT4FUN 5F. However, since not much people know about this location, it is better to visit here than Duanan store.


翻開菜單時, 發現抹茶館 MACCHA HOUSE 居然有賣日本烏龍麵和拉麵等熱食, 但是我想應該大部分的人來這家抹茶屋都不是來吃熱食, 抹茶系列甜點與飲料才是強項.
When opening the menu, I am surprised to see Japanese Oolong Noodle and Ramen food. However, I believe that most people come here to try out their Matcha desserts and drinks.

*只照菜單裡幾頁而已, 因為太多品項了. I only took a few menu pictures *



English Name: Matcha Tea with Ice Cream and Glutinous Rice Ball (Tangyuan)
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

自從上次在統一時代百貨蔦屋書店點了抹茶拿鐵後, 就再也沒有品嚐過跟抹茶相關的甜點, 端上桌時, 當下反應是我的漂浮抹茶冰淇淋呢?原來是沈入翠綠色的冰抹茶裡, 用湯匙從杯底挖了一小塊冰淇淋, 結構頗為紮實, 並沒有四分五裂散在抹茶中,也間接增加冰抹茶的濃度與甜度, 不會像印象中的抹茶如此地苦.
It has been a while since I ordered Matcha Latte at Wired Tokyo Bookstore. When the drink was served, I was wondering where my ice cream is. Isn’t it supposed to be floating like the menu picture shows? After checking, the ice cream sinked to the bottom of the drink. After scooping small portion of ice cream and realize its texture is dense and perfect. It also thicken the Matcha and its sweetness. It wasn’t bitter.



白玉的Size就像台灣的小湯圓, 裡面並無包餡, 但是放在冰品裡口感會變得更Q彈 , 有點像是九份的芋圓, 雖然一杯只有三顆白玉, 但絕對會讓人想要一吃再吃.
The Glutinous Rice Ball is like Taiwanese small Tangyuan. However, it tastes more smoother while placing into the iced dessert. Even though there are also small rice balls, it is absolutely yummy.



English Name: Traditional Matcha Tea
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這是我朋友點的, 她想要試一下用傳統方式泡抹茶 (文末有影片), 甜點的部分則是服務生會拿來一盤的甜點讓客人選兩項, 雖然我沒有點這款, 但是感覺上DIY泡抹茶似乎很有趣.
My friend ordered this dish. She would like to try out the Traditional Matcha Tea (Video at the end of the article). As for the desserts part, the waitress would carry the tray to you and ask you to choose only two desserts items.



English Name: Chazuke (Tea and Rice)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這也是我朋友點的, 當時並無品嚐.
My friend ordered this. I didn’t try out.


延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide






Restaurant Name店名: 抹茶館 MACCHA HOUSE
Address: 5F, No. 12 , Song Shun Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區松壽路12號5F (ATT4 FUN) (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: 101 MRT station 101世貿捷運站
電話:02 -7743-6800
營業時間: Monday ~ Sun 11 am ~ 10 pm





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