尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

FIELD 小田食光 》中山區下午茶 | 漸層新鮮水果氣泡水

新開幕FIELD 小田食光中山區下午茶餐廳之一, 具有鮮豔顏色的漸層新鮮水果氣泡水更是讓餐廳知名度增加.
Newly-opened FIELD restaurant is one of the Afternoon Tea restaurants at Taipei Zhongshan District. Their absolute beautiful sparkling water is their signature beverage.


*菜單放文末 Menu is at the end of Article *


餐廳有著小清新的文青裝潢, 入口中庭空間設計具有美感, 白色系的餐盤搭配大理石桌面則是最完美的IG圖, 雖然沙發區的座位頗為舒適, 但其實2 人的座位間隔並不大. 入座前先到櫃檯點餐付錢後, 採自助式拿餐具和水.
The restaurant interior design is simple but yet elegant. The ivory white plates pairs with marble table background makes perfect IG picture. You would need to order and pay at the counter prior seating.



原本要點”玫荔花園冷麵”, 後來發現店家保存冷麵的方式跟微風廣場B2的Trine&Zen 崔妮傑恩一樣, 都是放在櫃檯旁的冷藏展示櫃, 當下想吃熱食就先點別的餐點.
I was going to order the thick cold noodle. However, it is pre-make and place at the display showcase. Since I was up for hot food, I order other dish instead.



FIELD 小田食光下午茶組合 – 庫克先生三明治

English Name: Afternoon Tea Set – Croque-monsieur
Price: NTD $350
另附飲料任選 + 手作豆漿優格 (果醬任選)
Choose Any Drink with Handmade Soybean Yogurt with Jam
Set Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍


鮮果氣泡水- 綜合莓果與檸檬

English Name: Sparkling Water- Mixed Fruits and Lemons
Original Price: $150
Set Price: N/A

檸檬通常是配氣泡水最佳搭配, 相較之下, 選擇莓果原因純粹只是因為其他水果太常見, 點了飲料後, 店員才從身後的機器注入氣泡水, 一開始會先喝到強烈的檸檬風味, 但味蕾並沒有受到強大的衝擊, 酸甜的莓果風味是喝到2/3時才比較明顯.
The lemons is always the best pairing with sparkling water. Comparing with other food ingredients, fresh berries seemed to be not usual-seen food ingredient. The staff only make the sparkling water upon order. At first, you would taste the strong acidity from the lemons. The tastebuds can only taste the berries after I drank 1/3.





English Name: Croque-monsieur
Price: NTD $350

庫克先生三明治跟庫克太太三明治皆是法國經典三明治, 唯一的不同就是庫克先生三明治並沒有蛋, 只有簡單的白醬 (Béchamel) ,火腿和起司. 白醬 (Béchamel) 是法國五大醬之一, 跟千層麵的醬是一樣, 其他四種則是白湯醬 (Velouté), 褐色醬汁(Espagnole), 紅色醬汁 (Tomato sauce) 和荷蘭醬 (Hollandaise).
Croque-monsieur, as one of the French Sandwiches, dosent have egg like Crouque-madame. It only has Béchamel sauce, ham and cheese. Béchamel sauce is one of the five sauces – Velouté, Espagnole,Tomato sauce, and


厚實的起士讓我誤認那是麵包外層, 切一小片時, 濃稠的法國白醬與起士融合且牽絲, 搭配鹹香的火腿風味則是讓此款餐點令人無法抗拒. 可惜的是份量不如預期得多, 讓人吃不過癮.
I was mistaken the thick cheese as the appearance of the bread. Cutting down once slice, the the Béchamel and desirable cheese entwined together. The salty ham with meaty aroma makes it impossible to resist. However, the quantity is a bit smaller than expected.



清脆蔬菜搭配濃郁的巴薩米克醋完全迷人. 可惜的是當天並沒有手作豆漿優格, 以三種餅乾做代替, 以巧克力餅乾最為出色.
Various vegetable pairs with balsamic sauce is fresh and crisp. Sadly, they don’t have soybean yogurt that day. They replaced with three different flavors of cookies, which I personally think that chocolate is the best.





延伸閱讀:  2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide





Restaurant Name 店名: 小田食光 FIELD Restaurant
Address: No. 3-3 , 27th Ale, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區中山北路二段27巷3-3號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan MRT station 中山捷運站
Tel: 02-2511-2638
營業時間: Everyday 11:30am ~ 9pm







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